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January 04, 2025, 05:46:00 pm

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Topic: Weepy Lesbian Space Rocks  (Read 47399 times)


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Weepy Lesbian Space Rocks #75
I cannot for  the life of me understand how the most recent episode isn't the finale. Every  conceivable plot thread is neatly tied off. There's nowhere for the story to go. I guess I won't complain about getting more episodes in a couple of years,  but I  have no idea what they'll be about.


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Weepy Lesbian Space Rocks #76
I cannot for  the life of me understand how the most recent episode isn't the finale. Every  conceivable plot thread is neatly tied off. There's nowhere for the story to go. I guess I won't complain about getting more episodes in a couple of years,  but I  have no idea what they'll be about.
ClaraTinSoldier, April 18, 2019, 03:00:11 pm

I have only two possible guesses:
Everybody just chills out and has fun for the rest of the series and Steven hangs out with all the Gems that got uncorupted
The Gems' ancient enemy, The Snake People (Or "Sneeple"), show up and become the new villains


  • Professional Cool Guy
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Weepy Lesbian Space Rocks #77
I guess more filler wouldn't  be the worst thing. 

I Liked That Joke

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Weepy Lesbian Space Rocks #78
One thing I've always appreciated about the show is how it takes the time to explore the ramifications of events for every character, so I wouldn't mind another ride on that carousel. also maybe getting into the backstory of the diamonds and the restructuring of a comic empire older than humanity? There's definitely meat on them bones


  • Risen from the tits of hell.
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Weepy Lesbian Space Rocks #79
I really liked the movie. It was cute. I think it also highlighted, for me, ways the series can effectively continue. Exploring the ways the new system really screws with the old one could be fun! Gems who have been left behind, gems who benefited more from subjugating others... I'm anticipating maybe finally meeting gems who are mad at STEVEN and not at his mom. He'd probably be stoked about that.

I also want to see how the characters explore their new roles individually. I want to see them grow into really self-satisfied people with their own lives and relationships. That'd be nice, too. The movie exploring what things defined that growth of identity was really fun imo.

Anyway, here's hoping things stay fun. I know a lot of shows run way too long and burn themselves out. I want to keep enjoying this one tho, so fingers crossed.


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Weepy Lesbian Space Rocks #80
I'm so happy with how the movie turned out. Spinel is probs one of my favorite characters in the show, up there with Amethyst and Peridot for me.


  • Risen from the tits of hell.
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Weepy Lesbian Space Rocks #81
Hey the new teaser video is cute as shit. Steven can drive. I love this grown-up boy.