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Topic: Episode 98 - r/reddit  (Read 4820 times)

Shell Game

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Episode 98 - r/reddit
Mix chai tea latte Secret Gaygent 69 GirlKisser420 The Smoking Dad Wrought Salubrious Rex


  • God's Personal Jester
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Episode 98 - r/reddit #1

Shell Game, July 31, 2020, 03:57:49 pm

something something noooo my reddit goldarinos

Secret Gaygent 69

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Episode 98 - r/reddit #2
I really wasn't expecting a r/unpopular opinions episode to have so many nauseating topics. I probably should have, because reddit, but it wasn't an obviously gross reddit.
Mix Diploskull Shell Game Salubrious Rex


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Episode 98 - r/reddit #3
I really wasn't expecting a r/unpopular opinions episode to have so many nauseating topics. I probably should have, because reddit, but it wasn't an obviously gross reddit.
Secret Gaygent 69, August 01, 2020, 11:24:59 am

When I hear the phrase "r/unpopularopinions," I think "just shit-tons of nasty bigotry with the lamest excuses imaginable to make it postable/upvotable" and that shit makes me sad and tired, so if this episode is mostly gross stuff I'm honestly more likely to listen!


  • God's Personal Jester
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Episode 98 - r/reddit #4
When I hear the phrase "r/unpopularopinions," I think "just shit-tons of nasty bigotry with the lamest excuses imaginable to make it postable/upvotable" and that shit makes me sad and tired, so if this episode is mostly gross stuff I'm honestly more likely to listen!
Antivehicular, August 01, 2020, 05:30:57 pm

That was the other 1/3 of the subreddit I didn't touch. I put in a couple that were more really stupid than actually bigoted but trust me. There was a lot to sift through.
Secret Gaygent 69 Antivehicular Shell Game


  • she/her
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  • ridin' high in my supervan
    • 606
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Episode 98 - r/reddit #5
Thing I actually thought during this episode: "I don't think the cannibalism megaposter is a vore guy, I think he's a Dolcett guy." Thanks for teaching me that wretched distinction, the Internet!

Somehow, though, I still had the most visceral sadness/disgust response at the "adulting isn't hard" guy, because there are some brutally sad choices going on there. Living in a trailer that I'm pretty sure is decrepit given his general attitude towards "unnecessary" maintenance expenses, subsisting on Bitcoin mining and shit-shoveling, living in College Station without being invested in the Texas A&M scene... really, living in College Station at all...

EDIT: Oh, God, now I'm picturing the cannibalism guy looking at animals that eat their own young and thinking "amazing! Hamsters discovered farming!!"
Shell Game Salubrious Rex Mix
« Last Edit: August 02, 2020, 04:21:09 am by Antivehicular »