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June 03, 2024, 10:50:29 pm

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Topic: Episode 145: Elon Musk Won't Return My Calls  (Read 8476 times)


  • im baby
  • Ridiculist
  • thiis is bernie bro, to me
  • 1,725
  • 274
The Knuklr is a concept for a videogame controller joystick developed by WikiMan, consisting on a joystick split in "two halves" yet functioning as one whole piece.

I'm just picturing someone working in an "Artisinal Controller Snapping Office", angrily breaking PS4 controllers in half over his knee for $10 an hour.

In the near future, cars can be powered by a CPU processor that can replace the traditional car motors. This would mainly allow the movement of the car, and lead to a more ecologic and efficient car.

"But how would we power the CPU, George?"
"Look, stupid! Computers are powered by the CPU! That's how they work!"
"No, see, computers are made up of several components, including a box you plug into the wall - "

The user can read news coming from numerous newspapers of the country the user is in (for example, if the user is in New York, he will get news from The New York Times among others) classified by category (e.g. National, Politics, Sports, International, etc).

Oh, so like Google News, except terrible. Thanks for the idea!
Yavuz Sherman Tank