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June 04, 2024, 08:51:59 am

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Topic: 205: Altered Creeps  (Read 23395 times)


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205: Altered Creeps #60
Yeah, I had the misfortune of discovering this site when I was still a kid, actually.

I was a kid who was fascinated by things like ice changing into water, and water into steam, and shapeshifting/transformation interested me as a fantasy element since I was maybe four or so, and I liked cartoons and movies with werewolves and stuff like that and read Animorphs religiously.

So in 2000 or so when my family got an iMac, I went Yahoo searching for stories about stuff like that and ended up here.

The first few stories I ran across were, to my recollection, just generic stories about some guy sitting at his computer and he starts turning into a cat or something, or someone wanders into a cursed forest and turns into a horse, pretty benign stuff.

Then I ran into one of the lemon ones and was like WHY ON EARTH WOULD SOMEONE PUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS ON THE INTERNET, and then I came to realize all the ones marked "xxx" were porn, I was legit horrified by what I found and got off that site as fast as I could.

To make this even better, moments after going offline, my friend decided to prank call my house with an Arnold Schwarzenegger soundboard, proclaiming to be "Officer John Kimble, I'm a cop you idiot, let me speak to your mother" which made me think I was in trouble with the police for being on a adults only website, so I hung up the phone and spend the rest of the day expecting the police to appear.

A couple of years ago I went back to the site out of curiosity and found the "furry balls" story right away. It was so absurd I laughed my ass off.

I hoenstly think this site would have been in a sense "Less" disgusting if it was just porn, because as a kid who was just looking for spoopy stories about people getting turned into animals, I shouldn't have been able to end up on a site with depictions of fetishized zoophilia so easily.
cube abuser Liatai Corn Syrup RoeCocoa Down10


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205: Altered Creeps #61
"I'm going to skip the part where Pinky and The Brain fuck" might be my favorite opening sentence of anything ever.
Digital Walnut, February 23, 2016, 01:01:11 pm

"Hey brain, what are we going to do today?"
"The same thing we always do: TRY TO TAKE OVER YOUR ASS!"
Sherman Tank