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June 04, 2024, 10:28:14 pm

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Topic: 251: 凸(◎益◎)凸  (Read 10254 times)


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251: 凸(◎益◎)凸 #15
Only a half hour in, and this episode basically becomes The F Plus' Greatest Hits Tour.


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251: 凸(◎益◎)凸 #16
Hey Ridiculists, I noticed you forgot something. But I can forgive you, since Kumquatxop wasn't in this episode.

[63369] He Dies!!!!!! A Harry Potter Rant
Ughhhh my friend has only read two HP books and thinks he knows everything I told him about the series first he took the sorting quiz and got gryffindor and was fine until I said that I love slytherin and it was my house and everyone is so prejudiced so after he read the first book, he said verbatim what I SAID!!! NOT HIM!!!! UGHHHHHHHH AND HE BOUGHT NINETY DOLLARS OF SLYTHERIN MERCH WHEN ITS MY HOUSE!!!!!! HS IS GRYFFINDOR!!!!!!!

[37224] Why the hate on Slytherin!?
REALLY!? WHY NOT HATE THE HOUSE THAT, OH YOU KNOW, HOUSED PROFESSOR QUIRELL!?!?!? NO. But I mean seriously, just because it's had its fair share of dark wizards, doesn't mean others haven't!!! Peter Pettigrew, Gryffindor. Professor Quirell, Ravenclaw. " Oh their founder hates muggleborns!" No. Just, no. He didn't hate them per se, but when the founders of Hogwarts made the school, muggles didn't like wizards or witches. So of course he would be WARY of muggleborns. The only reason(to me), that there is a basilisk in the school wasn't to eat or kill muggleborns, but to protect the school. It was just used in that manner by Tom Riddle. AND NEED I REMIND YOU THAT MERLIN HIMSELF WAS A SLYTHERIN!? Seriously, stop the hate! Just because we've had more dark wizards than most houses, doesn't mean we are evil. You can't be evil without ALL the traits of each house. With the exception to Hufflepuff. You need the bravery of GRYFFINDOR. The knowledge of a RAVENCLAW. AND the cunningness of a SLYTHERIN. And I suppose the loyallty of Hufflepuff... So peeps, just because SLYTHERIN produced Voldermort(gasp! I've said his name!), the most recent dark lord, remember it produced one of the GREATEST wizards of all time, Merlin himself. Do I also need to remind you that the Sorting Hat nearly put HARRY POTTER in this House? Also what's up with this!? All houses can be friends with OTHER houses. Just not Slytherin. Slytherins are only friends with other Slytherins. This confuses me. Oh wait. I know. BECAUSE ALL "SLIMY SNAKES" ARE EITHER 'TOO GOOD' FOR OTHERS EXCEPT OTHER "SLIMY SNAKES" OR ARE TOO EVIL FOR ALL THE LOYAL, KNOWLEDGEABLE, AND 'NOBLE' STUDENTS!!!! BULLSHIT! THE ONLY REASON THEY'RE KNOWN TO BE EVIL, IS BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE FORM THE OTHER HOUSES WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH THEM!!!(Except for you Malfoy, You are evil, you spoiled little prat.) YEAH RIGHT, 'NOBLE' GRYFFINDORS MY ASS. COME AND TELL ME WHEN A GRYFFINDOR PUTS THEIR PRIDE ASIDE TO BEFRIEND A SLYTHERIN. THEN, AND ONLY THEN, WILL I TRY TO CHANGE MY VIEW. AND NOT TWO PEOPLE FROM THIS WORLD.

[23176] why read something someone stole from you?
what i have to say about harry potter to the person who wrote on here i refuse to read the work someone else stole from me and twisted it around and made a bucket load of money on and cheated me out of money mate. i have never the books or seen one harry potter movie.

its a bit like Miss Fischers Murder Mysteries - I refuse to read them because someone stole my character and made money out of my concept and it pissed me off.

JEALOUS. left out of the special club. pride is hurt to read them now or appreciate it.


    So you wrote the whole Harry Potter series and the author stole it from you? I find that hard to believe mate.
    Posted 2 years ago

    no just the basic outline and title and this cunt came along and stole the concept and wrote the novels after that, but still it was my idea and they stole it. it does not matter that they may have written the bulk of it. what cunt comes in takes over your stories and uses you title and makes a shit load of money doing it and does not give a toss who you are suffering?? god i would never do that to someone. that is just so unethical mate.
    Posted 2 years ago

    I could picture it. I love Harry Potter, as much as I make fun of it being full grown now. But J.K. Rowling always came off to me as one of those crooked Martha Stewart types anyway.
    Posted 2 years ago

[33874] Fuck you, scripting programs
So, I was messing around with password-protecting files yesterday evening, just to see if I could figure out how to do it. It was all simple enough; I'd gotten a working script from the net, made it into a script on my computer, and tested it with a few random copied files. It worked.
Before I go on, I should add that I'm an avid writer of Fanfiction - which, for those of you who are unaware, is the noob equivalent of writing a novel. If, for example, one were to ask 'what if Harry Potter hooked up with Draco Malfoy?' and started writing that out, they could post it, and have an entire swathe of fans read your crap.
Currently, I'm working on one major Harry Potter fic, called The Snitch Effect, should anyone be interested. In the beginning of December, I decided to take a month off of writing, to get ahead nice and comfortably, resulting in over 13K words of unposted material. Now, here comes the problem.
I, being the absolute capital-I Idiot I am, decided to dump all of my Fanfiction files, without backing them up, in the file the scripting program made. Everything was working fine, until I decided to add a second script of exactly the same kind with a few minor tweaks, and tried opening the file again.
It was gone. All of my work, an entire month's worth of writing - vanished. Evaporated like water on the surface of the sun.
Fuck you, scripting programs. Fuck your parents, fuck your grandparents, fuck your ancestors, fuck your offspring, and fuck your very soul while you're at it. I hope you all get thrown in a deep dark pit full of old Justin Bieber music and lego bricks once Windows 11 comes out.
-The Baron of Shadows

[27679] donna at 24 mak aha
burst her poopal valvue being porked by oakes and she got rose to help her get them to abuse me ... I told saddie i was worried about the little girl next door that my sister would do anything for a man to point she would allow a grown man to rape a child even in our house , i was so worried I told saddie - this is what she does she gets stupid men to rape little children so she has something on them and then cheats tries into marriage with black mail. she has told me she wanted to break up the family and loves plays sex games against people all the time. she will knock on doors to have sex with men and she is always going to the filipenos for holidays and takes heaps of money over with her and things she buys for the family and makes out she is poor but is not at all and is a completely user yobo whore slut at home and acts like a witch and does yobo abusive things to me since i was a child then gets these nice men to fuss after her knickers while she deliberatealy gave me a vaginal rash while i was a virgin because she was so desperately jealous of her younger sister finding a man that might be better then david. she turned one night and said to me... OH I AM A DIRTY PIG THAT SPITS FOOD ABOUT AND TALKS LIKE A TOAD TART YOBO BUT I ALWAYS THOUGHT IT WOULD BE YOU WITH THE CLASSY GUY AND ITS ME WHEN SHE MARRIED DAVID. AHAHAHAAAA, I THINK YOUR SHIT AND CALLED ME A SPASTIC LITTLE DOG SISTER SHE TREATS LIKE SCUM AND I GET - I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU DOG I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU AT ALL YOU MONGREL DIE DIE DIE DIE LITTLE SISTER CATHERINE DIE... HAHAHAH 1 2 3 WHOSE GONNA WIN ITS ME... AHAHAHAHHAA, WITCHY HARRY POTTER SPELLS, AND THEN ITS AS FAR AS I AM CONCERN YOU AND ME ARE FINISHED AND YOUR JUST JEALOUS OF YOUNG GIRLS GETTING A MAN AND YOU CAN'T YOUR JEALOUS OF ME CUZ I HAVE ALL THESE WHORE LAYS AND DICKS TO SUCK AND NO ONE EVER WANTS YOU CUZ YOUR A UGLY DOG I MAKE MEN HATE YOU DELIBERATELY CUZ I AM SO JEALOUS OF YOU LIKE JOYCE POORTER AND ROSE WHERE IN CO-HOOTS TOGETHER. BULLY SLAG SLUT TEAM ... DOGS WITH THE COOOKIE MONSTER.. COOKIE MONSTER SLUT WHORE WHO MARRYS MAN AFTER MAN AFTER MAN CANT KEEP A PANTS ON FOR ANY MAN. KEEPS MARRYING OLD MEN YOUNG MEN TO GET THEM HERE RIPS RICH MEN OFF AND IS A UGLY DOG THAT WOULD NOT TAKE HER MOTHER TO A DOCTOR AND KILLED HER OWN MOTHER SO JEALOUS. ITS THE NATURAL FILIPINO WAY TO HAVE SEXUAL RAGE JEALOUSY AS THE KEY FACTOR OF ALL THEY DO... SWINGING OF A COCK RATHER THEN WORKING. they live like bling dog ghetto bollywood hen clucking BLING WHORING!

as a bonus for making it to the bottom of this post have this rant: [932] I. HATE. COSPLAY.
Sherman Tank Boots Raingear Lemon Corn Syrup Malten Sorrel Yavuz cube abuser


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251: 凸(◎益◎)凸 #17
HOLY CRAP! WE might have to call an immediate session.

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251: 凸(◎益◎)凸 #18

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251: 凸(◎益◎)凸 #19
[37224] Why the hate on Slytherin!?
REALLY!? WHY NOT HATE THE HOUSE THAT, OH YOU KNOW, HOUSED PROFESSOR QUIRELL!?!?!? NO. But I mean seriously, just because it's had its fair share of dark wizards, doesn't mean others haven't!!! Peter Pettigrew, Gryffindor. Professor Quirell, Ravenclaw. " Oh their founder hates muggleborns!" No. Just, no. He didn't hate them per se, but when the founders of Hogwarts made the school, muggles didn't like wizards or witches. So of course he would be WARY of muggleborns. The only reason(to me), that there is a basilisk in the school wasn't to eat or kill muggleborns, but to protect the school. It was just used in that manner by Tom Riddle. AND NEED I REMIND YOU THAT MERLIN HIMSELF WAS A SLYTHERIN!? Seriously, stop the hate! Just because we've had more dark wizards than most houses, doesn't mean we are evil. You can't be evil without ALL the traits of each house. With the exception to Hufflepuff. You need the bravery of GRYFFINDOR. The knowledge of a RAVENCLAW. AND the cunningness of a SLYTHERIN. And I suppose the loyallty of Hufflepuff... So peeps, just because SLYTHERIN produced Voldermort(gasp! I've said his name!), the most recent dark lord, remember it produced one of the GREATEST wizards of all time, Merlin himself. Do I also need to remind you that the Sorting Hat nearly put HARRY POTTER in this House? Also what's up with this!? All houses can be friends with OTHER houses. Just not Slytherin. Slytherins are only friends with other Slytherins. This confuses me. Oh wait. I know. BECAUSE ALL "SLIMY SNAKES" ARE EITHER 'TOO GOOD' FOR OTHERS EXCEPT OTHER "SLIMY SNAKES" OR ARE TOO EVIL FOR ALL THE LOYAL, KNOWLEDGEABLE, AND 'NOBLE' STUDENTS!!!! BULLSHIT! THE ONLY REASON THEY'RE KNOWN TO BE EVIL, IS BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE FORM THE OTHER HOUSES WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH THEM!!!(Except for you Malfoy, You are evil, you spoiled little prat.) YEAH RIGHT, 'NOBLE' GRYFFINDORS MY ASS. COME AND TELL ME WHEN A GRYFFINDOR PUTS THEIR PRIDE ASIDE TO BEFRIEND A SLYTHERIN. THEN, AND ONLY THEN, WILL I TRY TO CHANGE MY VIEW. AND NOT TWO PEOPLE FROM THIS WORLD.

RADICAL SANDWICH ANARCHY, May 30, 2017, 03:38:51 am

Well, I wasn't expecting justifications for bigotry in fantasy novel discussion, but now that I think on it I'm not really sure why I wasn't.


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251: 凸(◎益◎)凸 #20
« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 06:20:38 pm by Yavuz Sultan Selim »

Sherman Tank

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251: 凸(◎益◎)凸 #21
I've had to attend some shitty depressing family reunions but I've never ever even guessed that anyone would react to such a thing by making out with a blood relative.


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251: 凸(◎益◎)凸 #22
I've had to attend some shitty depressing family reunions but I've never ever even guessed that anyone would react to such a thing by making out with a blood relative.
Can Sherman Tank Stupid, June 01, 2017, 06:07:55 pm

I usually just brought a book and sat in my parents car reading...

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251: 凸(◎益◎)凸 #23
I've had to attend some shitty depressing family reunions but I've never ever even guessed that anyone would react to such a thing by making out with a blood relative.
Can Sherman Tank Stupid, June 01, 2017, 06:07:55 pm

I usually just brought a book and sat in my parents car reading...
montrith, June 04, 2017, 01:58:21 pm

Well obviously you don't know what love is.


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251: 凸(◎益◎)凸 #24
Committing thread necromancy to thank y'all for introducing me to the Rodeo Song.  I am now addicted to it.
Sherman Tank