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Topic: Episode 153: What A Rip Off  (Read 17941 times)


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Episode 153: What A Rip Off #30
The Harry Potter fandom wank was beautiful. I used to haunt Fandom_Wank on Journalfen-- it was like F Plus, only even more pointless.

I think what you're thinking of Ms Scribe, though:
Fanlore Wiki: The MsScribe Story
The Ms.Scribe Story: An Unauthorized Fandom Biography, Table of ContentsWerelockian, November 04, 2014, 12:33:58 pm

Holy moly, I'ma have to put on some cocoa and get comfy for these links.

Edit to add: For perspective, during at least some of this time where people are freaking out and sockpuppeting and stalking and e-mailing death-threats at each other over which fictional character should receive another fictional character's penis, I was hunched down in an above-ground blast bunker hoping a surface-to-surface missile wasn't about to land on my head tipped with something biological or chemical.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 03:23:48 pm by Isfahan »


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Episode 153: What A Rip Off #31
The Harry Potter fandom wank was beautiful. I used to haunt Fandom_Wank on Journalfen-- it was like F Plus, only even more pointless.

I think what you're thinking of Ms Scribe, though:
Fanlore Wiki: The MsScribe Story
The Ms.Scribe Story: An Unauthorized Fandom Biography, Table of ContentsWerelockian, November 04, 2014, 12:33:58 pm

Holy moly, I'ma have to put on some cocoa and get comfy for these links.

Edit to add: For perspective, during at least some of this time where people are freaking out and sockpuppeting and stalking and e-mailing death-threats at each other over which fictional character should receive another fictional character's penis, I was hunched down in an above-ground blast bunker hoping a surface-to-surface missile wasn't about to land on my head tipped with something biological or chemical.
Isfahan, November 09, 2014, 03:12:46 pm

In my own sad and regretful experience, you can do both at the same time.
I read (and sadly wrote) some terrible, terrible fanfiction from within armored bunkers and not-so-armored guard towers in the middle of fucking nowhere corner of Ramallah. Looking back at it, getting shot in the dick would have been less embarrassing of an achievement.


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Episode 153: What A Rip Off #32
Jesus, this Msscribe story is what Martin Scorsese's film Casino would be like if it had been about fanfiction and not casinos.


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Episode 153: What A Rip Off #33
The Harry Potter fandom wank was beautiful. I used to haunt Fandom_Wank on Journalfen-- it was like F Plus, only even more pointless.

I think what you're thinking of Ms Scribe, though:
Fanlore Wiki: The MsScribe Story
The Ms.Scribe Story: An Unauthorized Fandom Biography, Table of Contents
Sherlockian, November 04, 2014, 12:33:58 pm

I wanted to revisit the Msscribe saga, but sadly the journalfen URL is gone. I just wanted to share the Archive.org URL for people to enjoy. All of the chapter links appear to be working, so read away!


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Episode 153: What A Rip Off #34
So Reply All have made an episode about Ripoff Report. https://soundcloud.com/replyall/40-the-flower-child

You should listen to it. I find it fascinating to listen to how delusional but mostly just incredibly, mind-bogglingly naïve the man behind Ripoff Report really is. He doesn't seem to understand that innocent people get hurt on his website. It really is a fascinating episode.