I fucking loved the first season, but I'm not really paying attention to what's happening this time around, and keep hoping it'll improve. The driving force of The Hack was really interesting to me, especially when unreliable narrator was hinted at around the periphery, rather than the explicit crazytown this season has been mired in.
Portia Doubleday has a good storyline, but you have to set aside the cartoonish villiany of her CEO, which is difficult because you could replace all his dialogue with "I AM THE ALPHA". BD Wong's character is really interesting. It's the only time I've ever seen a menacing transvestite in a movie where it's a menacing person who is a transvestite, instead of the transvestitism being the menace itself.
But the person doing the biggest disservice to the show right now is the music director. Remember that scene in Mr. Robot where it was a scene from Fight Club? You could have let that stand without putting Where Is My Mind in the background. Also, I cannot hear any dialogue whatsoever if you're going to play a music box version of Green Day's "Basket Case" underneath. And yes, I understand that the scenes between Elliot and Mr. Robot are the product of a diseased mind, I really don't need all the stuff that didn't make it into a Young Gods record to drive the point home.
Anyway, there's still fun to be had and I think I'm like two behind and I know it's picked up a bit with the Craig Robinson plot so hopefully I can jump back into it.