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Topic: 344: Meet, Fight, Jizz.  (Read 8530 times)

positive stress

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344: Meet, Fight, Jizz. #15
paused the episode during ballbusting talk on the word "start". maybe tomorrow I'll unpause, listen to the word "squeezing", and pause again. if I keep going like that, one word a day, the horrors of meetfighters.com can't hurt me

positive stress, February 02, 2021, 07:48:09 pm

I dunno... this sounds like how you get into it. "Ugh... no... oh? wait... not so bad... hmmmm... yeaaah"

Best be traumatised and be done with it to avoid potential boners.
Sydney Opera Mouse, February 02, 2021, 10:30:13 pm
don't worry I've been traumatized since The F Plus Episode 136 This Testes My Limits 2014
Sydney Opera Mouse Boots Raingear Penultimatum


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344: Meet, Fight, Jizz. #16
paused the episode during ballbusting talk on the word "start". maybe tomorrow I'll unpause, listen to the word "squeezing", and pause again. if I keep going like that, one word a day, the horrors of meetfighters.com can't hurt me

positive stress, February 02, 2021, 07:48:09 pm

I dunno... this sounds like how you get into it. "Ugh... no... oh? wait... not so bad... hmmmm... yeaaah"

Best be traumatised and be done with it to avoid potential boners.
Sydney Opera Mouse, February 02, 2021, 10:30:13 pm
don't worry I've been traumatized since The F Plus Episode 136 This Testes My Limits 2014
positive stress, February 02, 2021, 10:50:24 pm
If that’s the only F Plus episode that’s traumatized you, you’re way more resilient than me

A Meat

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344: Meet, Fight, Jizz. #17
Now if there was only A Meat Fighters website...
SHAMBA~1.SBB Lemon KingKalamari Antivehicular Sauce


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344: Meet, Fight, Jizz. #18
Me, in the workshop, listening to the latest episode and holding my scribe.

I had literally just picked it up to prep some engraving when it came up in the episode...
Dr. Buttplug A Meat Antivehicular chai tea latte EYE OF ZA


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344: Meet, Fight, Jizz. #19
I somehow managed to accidently fall asleep during this episode. I woke up about a half hour later and was like wtf am I listening too. Then, oh right.