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Topic: Favorite Running Gags / Callbacks / Meta Jokes?  (Read 74260 times)


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Favorite Running Gags / Callbacks / Meta Jokes?
Pretty self explanatory, I think.

It always makes me smile whenever Kumquat answers a question with "Lobster Hands"


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Unsurprisingly, my heart lies with every time Portaxx responds to a misunderstanding about animals with "AND BIRD KNEES DON'T BEND BACKWARDS!"

Also Slug Voice.

Emperor Jack Chick

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The problem with callbacks is Portaxx STILL won't give me my fucking letters!
zmonbobbo spirographics Sherman Tank Liatai


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"In shitting!" never became a running gag but it should've.

Boots Raingear

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I don't think I have a favorite, but I'm wondering which ones we've used the most. I'm thinking it's probably a tie between Well-Known Food Place and courtesy pee.


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Well-Known Food Place is a great all-purpose joke to use anytime we're reading someone being unnecessarily or coyly vague about something.


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Ooh, there's also the persistent storyline I have going in my head where every time Boots has to shout an all-caps post, the timing is such that his neighbors always hear him, either through the wall or outside as they walk by a window. Their entire familiarity with Boots is based upon overhearing him shout things at his computer monitor.

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Ooh, there's also the persistent storyline I have going in my head where every time Boots has to shout an all-caps post, the timing is such that his neighbors always hear him, either through the wall or outside as they walk by a window. Their entire familiarity with Boots is based upon overhearing him shout things at his computer monitor.
Isfahan, February 21, 2014, 09:40:46 pm

I think you've mentioned this enough times in the podcast that I'm actually sold on it.

Tiny Prancer

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I can't really think of many atm but anytime someone on the podcast mentions clingfilm it warms the cockles of my heart


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The problem with callbacks is Portaxx STILL won't give me my fucking letters!
jack-chick, February 21, 2014, 08:43:56 pm

I'm mostly just glad we finally have a definitive answer on the identities of Catullus and Lesbia. I minored in Classics, this is the kind of thing that's funny to me.

For my part, callbacks to any of the PUA stuff (especially any variation on "points to schlong") always make me giggle like an idiot.

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The problem with callbacks is Portaxx STILL won't give me my fucking letters!
jack-chick, February 21, 2014, 08:43:56 pm



Also as for great recurring jokes:

- I don't know if this counts as a "running gag" or simply "the natural consequences of having Stog in the podcast," but all the "thanks Stog" moments make me smile.
- The Jimmyfranks curse, which will never be broken.

- Not a joke really, but I just wanted to say every time someone says "YAY VICTOR" is the best. Because YAY VICTOR!
Yossarian Sherman Tank Moose Liatai
« Last Edit: February 22, 2014, 03:21:55 am by portaxx »


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Anytime a ridiculist imitates another ridiculists voice.

Also, it's totally an unintentional/uncommented-on recurring thing but I smile every time Boots says or reads "soe-rry" because it's so Canadian.

Lady Frenzy

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No Diggity.
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I wish Annie May would make another appearance. Having him/her and fatvoice in one episode was too good not to repeat


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I'm a sucker for pretty much any callback, but I have a special place in my heart-equivalent torso space for recurrences of Jeremy Fernandez or "...and I like fried chicken!"