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Topic: Episode 135: These Are A Few Of My Favorite Kinks  (Read 36172 times)

Lady Frenzy

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He will lick, smell, spit in, plow, gape, suck on and worship all the delicious round ass and butthole that come his way.monster cock Crusader

The worst Lucasarts game.

Garfield, The Deals Warlock John Toast Afraid of Audio Sherman Tank

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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He will lick, smell, spit in, plow, gape, suck on and worship all the delicious round ass and butthole that come his way.monster cock Crusader

The worst Lucasarts game.
Lady Frenzy, May 05, 2014, 07:22:06 pm
Use balloon juice on cum golem


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So F-List has F-Chat, which is like an IRC server.  And F-Chat has 'statuses', where you, as a weird furry, can tell everyone what you're up for right at the moment.

There's a scraper that pulls all these status updates and lists them in a live ticker.

Eden    online    [6:31:21 AM] <TheHolyScrotum> Blessed be, my children. May you be baptized in the sacred scrotal sweat, touched by my blessed bollocks. [6:31:32 AM] <TheHolyScrotum> And may you shun the blasphemous vagina, the ovaries of lies. 

Sword and Fuckery    looking    Behold the field in which my fucks groweth. Lay thine eyes upon it and thou shalt see that it is BARREN.

Zurrec    online    I'm looking for someone to do something of a science rp that will become canon to my character.

It's i dunno kind of a science rp


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I'm assuming that it's an intensely philosophical RP taking place in a historically accurate Los Alamos related to the ethical conundrums surrounding the construction of the first atom bomb. With boners. Historically accurate boners. Because that's my fetish.

Mister Smalls

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Eden    online    [6:31:21 AM] <TheHolyScrotum> Blessed be, my children. May you be baptized in the sacred scrotal sweat, touched by my blessed bollocks. [6:31:32 AM] <TheHolyScrotum> And may you shun the blasphemous vagina, the ovaries of lies. 
Sword and Fuckery    looking    Behold the field in which my fucks groweth. Lay thine eyes upon it and thou shalt see that it is BARREN.
So this here kind of sums up my whole quandary with the F List, and really with some of these fetish communities in general, and that is... these people are joking, right?  Like, these specific people?  Nobody actually typed those sentences with the intent of finding that ridiculous shit arousing, did they?  Like, even within the boundaries of fetish communities, there's no way that this isn't parody, is there?

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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Just so we're all aware, when that one pervo put their "species" as "Golduck" I did let out an audible "AARRGGHH"

... and then Lemon pointed out that "Portaxx would have killed herself by now." Well-played.
Sherman Tank


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My husband keeps forgetting that furries exist, and whenever he's reminded of them, he experiences the horror and repulsion afresh. It's kind of an Oliver Sacks thing, only with me laughing at his shocked "EW!" face.

Tiny Prancer

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Eden    online    [6:31:21 AM] <TheHolyScrotum> Blessed be, my children. May you be baptized in the sacred scrotal sweat, touched by my blessed bollocks. [6:31:32 AM] <TheHolyScrotum> And may you shun the blasphemous vagina, the ovaries of lies. 
Sword and Fuckery    looking    Behold the field in which my fucks groweth. Lay thine eyes upon it and thou shalt see that it is BARREN.
So this here kind of sums up my whole quandary with the F List, and really with some of these fetish communities in general, and that is... these people are joking, right?  Like, these specific people?  Nobody actually typed those sentences with the intent of finding that ridiculous shit arousing, did they?  Like, even within the boundaries of fetish communities, there's no way that this isn't parody, is there?
Mister Smalls, May 07, 2014, 12:44:16 pm

I'm pretty sure they're joking around, but the dude up top, I wouldn't doubt that he's serious about the misogyny.

Cat Planet

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This guy just made me imagine a gay version of the Chick Tracts.


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[6:31:32 AM] <TheHolyScrotum> And may you shun the blasphemous vagina, the ovaries of lies.
Contaminant, May 07, 2014, 07:11:16 am

That's the sort of sentence that makes a psychiatrist look up from his clipboard.
Sherman Tank


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Okay, I found the "fuck-field is barren" joke genuinely funny.

What puzzles me about this site, though, is how goddamn nitpicky these people get about their boners. I mean yeah, everyone has preferences when it comes to sex, but do these people not get that crafting more and more intricate fantasies (the balloony dragon in particular) is just gonna frustrate them in the long run? Like, if you tone it the fuck down and just focus on one fetish for a while, you'll have a much easier time getting your rocks off.

...unless this came from an "it's not taboo anymore" scenario (like the vore episode), so they had to keep making it more and more convoluted to find it hot, in which case eugh.


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montrith One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes FartRomancer.exe Lady Frenzy junior associate faguar Sherman Tank goombapolice TurkeyPopulationGuessingMan eldritchhat Gyro strifeheart Cradicus


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Lemon, May 12, 2014, 01:06:38 pm

Zero bulbs? Man, fuck you ballp.it. I had to turn my monitor so nobody at work would see what I had up in Illustrator.


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There you go, I pity bulbed you.