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Topic: I saw my first Google Glass wearer in person yesterday.  (Read 16131 times)


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I don't get the appeal of it. Again I haven't used it myself and I don't know much about it, but I'm pretty confused at why Google would think something like this would honestly take off in any significant way. Ostensibly this thing is supposed to be a high-end competitor for things like the iPhone, but given the cost I don't see how it could possibly follow a cell phone production model. It's already difficult for a lot of people to upgrade their iPhones and Galaxies or whatever when a new one comes out every 8 months or so, but even those don't range more than $700 (un-subsidized by contracts of course) and generally include at least relatively significant upgrades over their predecessor. What else can a pair of glasses offer? A bigger lens? Two lenses?
Ike, June 19, 2014, 10:29:40 am

I remember when the iPad came out, this was the complaint against it.  I think Google wants to get an iPad-like niche that no one else makes and can make them a lot of money.

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I don't get the appeal of it. Again I haven't used it myself and I don't know much about it, but I'm pretty confused at why Google would think something like this would honestly take off in any significant way. Ostensibly this thing is supposed to be a high-end competitor for things like the iPhone, but given the cost I don't see how it could possibly follow a cell phone production model. It's already difficult for a lot of people to upgrade their iPhones and Galaxies or whatever when a new one comes out every 8 months or so, but even those don't range more than $700 (un-subsidized by contracts of course) and generally include at least relatively significant upgrades over their predecessor. What else can a pair of glasses offer? A bigger lens? Two lenses?
Ike, June 19, 2014, 10:29:40 am
"look how cyberpunk I'm being. Did you notice? I'm totally cyberpunk."


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Great, now I have to write the post that makes me the Google Glass expert. Okay. God damn it....
Ostensibly this thing is supposed to be a high-end competitor for things like the iPhone, but given the cost I don't see how it could possibly follow a cell phone production model. It's already difficult for a lot of people to upgrade their iPhones and Galaxies or whatever when a new one comes out every 8 months or so, but even those don't range more than $700 (un-subsidized by contracts of course) and generally include at least relatively significant upgrades over their predecessor. What else can a pair of glasses offer? A bigger lens? Two lenses?
Ike, June 19, 2014, 10:29:40 am

It's not a high-end competitor to the iPhone. Android's competitor to the iPhone is the Galaxy S (or in some cases the Nexus 5), but Glass isn't supposed to supplant your cell phone. People with Glass also have phones (as well as, presumably, a couple dozen other expensive gadgets), and the Glass extends out your phone in the same way a pebble watch (which, again, these people must own) would. It's a HUD for the tech you already have. Presumably new models won't roll out as often and also presumably they'll get the price point down the iPhone (~$600) range, where it will still be provenance of assholes.


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Dilbertmontrith, June 19, 2014, 10:31:58 pm

Fuck you, Montrith.


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Dilbertmontrith, June 19, 2014, 10:31:58 pm

Fuck you, Montrith.
Lemon, June 20, 2014, 12:17:02 am

You're welcome!


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Great, now I have to write the post that makes me the Google Glass expert. Okay. God damn it....
Ostensibly this thing is supposed to be a high-end competitor for things like the iPhone, but given the cost I don't see how it could possibly follow a cell phone production model. It's already difficult for a lot of people to upgrade their iPhones and Galaxies or whatever when a new one comes out every 8 months or so, but even those don't range more than $700 (un-subsidized by contracts of course) and generally include at least relatively significant upgrades over their predecessor. What else can a pair of glasses offer? A bigger lens? Two lenses?
Ike, June 19, 2014, 10:29:40 am

It's not a high-end competitor to the iPhone. Android's competitor to the iPhone is the Galaxy S (or in some cases the Nexus 5), but Glass isn't supposed to supplant your cell phone. People with Glass also have phones (as well as, presumably, a couple dozen other expensive gadgets), and the Glass extends out your phone in the same way a pebble watch (which, again, these people must own) would. It's a HUD for the tech you already have. Presumably new models won't roll out as often and also presumably they'll get the price point down the iPhone (~$600) range, where it will still be provenance of assholes.
Lemon, June 19, 2014, 09:30:49 pm

I was under the impression it was a phone unto itself. It seems even more pointless to me at least. I don't get those watches either. But I'm not a tech geek so maybe I'm the goof here.

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What else can a pair of glasses offer? A bigger lens? Two lenses?
Ike, June 19, 2014, 10:29:40 am
This is why everyone thinks they're for wankers - because they are. The only reason they exist is for techies to be like "oooh it's like i'm in a william gibson novel maaaan". They're a solution for a problem that doesn't exist, and a symptom of one that does.


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Goons_TXT @Goons_TXT  ยท  May 27

and there'll always be assholes to reject Google Glass as the next step in human evolution.


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Why the fuck would someone want to wear glasses in the first place. Its super fun not being able to function outside of a 2 foot range without having damage prone pieces of glass balanced on my face. What if I strapped a bunch of distracting shit to it too!


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I have to wonder, are there any Google Glass fetishists yet?


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I have to wonder, are there any Google Glass fetishists yet?
Smoking Crow, June 24, 2014, 10:49:31 pm

They've probably been around since Neuromancer.


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Even as you ask that question you know the answer.


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Lemon, June 27, 2014, 12:24:59 pm

Jesus H Macy. That is up there on the list of most punchable faces.