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Topic: Question for Finns  (Read 51177 times)


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Question for Finns #90
I can't think of any surname that would use "-laiset", probably because it's a plural. You do occasionally see "-lainen", which is the singular form of "person from place X". Fun fact: Suomalainen (Finnish/Person from Finland) is a perfectly valid, if not that common surname.

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Question for Finns #91
I know quite a few languages have "place person is from" as a somewhat common type of surname. It's just that Americans don't really have ones that are in English.


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Question for Finns #92
Are the discounted Russian cheeses you guys are getting any good?


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Question for Finns #93
Are the discounted Russian cheeses you guys are getting any good?
TacoChillocko, August 25, 2014, 07:17:21 am

Not now that Putin is trying to starve us all by his sanctions.

Seriously though, I wouldn't know since I never by Russian food. Call it a prejudice if you will, but there is a serious lack of trust between me and Russian farming industry.


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Question for Finns #94
Wait, so you're facing sanctions from Russia? Reddit had me believe the Russians were selling you guys food at deep discounts because of Western sanctions.


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Question for Finns #95
We've got some sanctions cause Putin doesn't like it when we don't like his fighter planes flying over our borders. Mostly the whole thing has just caused Russian shoppers to rush into Finnish shops for luxury items, at least as far as I can tell.


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Question for Finns #96



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Question for Finns #97
I'm not even going to click that. I already know the voice acting is terrible beyond anything you could imagine. Let's just say we didn't like dubs much so nobody wanted to spend time or money on them.


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Question for Finns #98
Montrith, do Finns have any resources for DIY saunas?  I can only find plans for one certain style of wood-fired heater, and it's super inefficient.


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Question for Finns #99
What is it about Finland that makes you so good at finding weird shit on the internet?


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Question for Finns #100
What's it like being one of the most metal countries on the planet?


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Question for Finns #101
Montrith, do Finns have any resources for DIY saunas?  I can only find plans for one certain style of wood-fired heater, and it's super inefficient.

As in sauna with specifically a wood stove or just general sauna construction instructions? There are loads actually, as there are many DIY sauna "packages" you can buy to instal your own sauna. Unfortunately, most of the instructions are only in Finnish. If you give me some more info about what you're looking for, I can provide you a translation of some of the stuff I've seen.

What is it about Finland that makes you so good at finding weird shit on the internet?

I suspect that's less of a Finnish trait than just me being very bored, very unemployed and very fascinated with human failure. That and we don't go out much during the winter cause it's cold and dark and depressing. Got to have some way of wasting time.

What's it like being one of the most metal countries on the planet?

Well, imagine a country where parents look at their newborn offspring and hope s/he grows up to be just like Jack Chick.


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Question for Finns #102
I'm more specifically interested in the stoves, small wood or charcoal ones (if such a thing exists). If you can link me to a sauna-build album, I might not even need the translation because carpentry is a universal language. What I would love the translation for, though, is any DIY instructions for building/installing a stove. What I'm running into here in Canada is a total lack of regulations/instructions because all the codes were written for big stoves meant to go into structures that are over 108 square feet. 


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Question for Finns #103
I like to talk about cats, so I'm going to give you an excuse to talk about your cats. That excuse is this: What do your cats names mean? I've actually meant to ask you that for a while now on skype or something but I've never gotten around to it.

Also are they good kitties? With good and fluffy tummies? How fluffy are their tummies? Do they like it when you rub their fluffy tummies? Post pics please.

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Question for Finns #104
How well does Sweden/Finland Hetalia fanfiction represent the relationship between the two countries and their people?