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Topic: F PLUS LIVE! F PLUS LIVE! F PLUS LIVE! F PLUS LIVE!  (Read 75219 times)

Emperor Jack Chick

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....oh god cuddle squid brought "booze" D:
Hey BunnyBread come drink this "booze" with me!
jack-chick, October 07, 2014, 07:00:04 pm

By the end of F + Live the hell mead (aka Smoldering Texas Dick) was totally gone although I can't remember seeing anyone drink from it.
CuddleGHOUL, October 07, 2014, 08:04:45 pm

I'm pretty sure I saw Bunnybread snatch the mead from Jack's hands before Jack could drink any and gulp down a heroic amount of booze. It seemed to have no effect on his hearty constitution.

Then again, my memory of the weekend gets a bit hazy in the evening hours.
Adam Bozarth, October 07, 2014, 08:44:53 pm

Bunnybread was alerted to the location of the booze by me, after I had drank heartily from it as well.  I think Lemon maybe also had some? But yeah it was basically just us 2 as far as I know.


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Regarding Hell's Kitchen, I went scouting for breakfast locations Saturday morning because, so far as I could tell, I was the only F+ soul awake at that ungodly hour of 10AM. I went to Hell's Kitchen, went down the stairs, nice decor, heard live music playing, and then I saw it was about as crowded as the actual, biblical Hell. Several handfuls of people were standing around waiting for tables in the little floor space there was. I shouldered my way through to the hostess counter and asked for a menu. As I perused their selection of sixteen-dollar burgers and fourteen-dollar biscuits and gravy (!) I overheard one of the hostesses tell a party of two that just walked in that it'd be an hour wait for a table. I handed the menu back with a polite smile shortly thereafter and went back up the stairs.

tl; dr: I'm sure it's a great joint, but we had about a dozen people who needed feeding in downtown on the relatively quick and cheap. There's a reason we went to Hen House all three mornings.
Isfahan, October 07, 2014, 09:22:06 pm
Ooh, yeah, late-morning on a Saturday is prime hipster brunch hour. Great food, but not worth that stupid wait (or drop in service quality due to overcrowding).


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Apologies to whoever read "that one where the guy went around fucking all the paintings", I was completely fucking unconscious for that one. I guess i'll catch it in the recording. Anyways, great night. I did check out the actual art for that roller coaster romance and it was everything I hoped for and more. Much more, since I hoped it wouldn't really exist.


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Some other things I fondly remember, in no order whatsoever

  • Adam Bozarth screaming the words to Nothing Compares 2 U like a pubescent Slayer cover band. I spent most of the song curled upon the floor unable to move.
  • Hey these bikes are really fun okay here's a slight incline oh god i hate being on this bike this is the worst
  • Frank West is a video game savant, but he still couldn't get the Snacks 'n Jackson high score.
  • Yeah, Cuddlesquid oversold this mead cause this isn't very oh there it is okay.
  • Hey, how come every time I come back into this room a new person is riding Bunnybread?
  • They're keeping the bar open because we're good drinkers. No, really.
  • John Toast wants me to make him a drink and be creative about it. Okay I can do that!!
  • Okay, now we need to figure out something for Isfahan to win so this shirt can be his prize.
  • Jesus Tapdancing Christ that is a lot of gyro. And did I just order 5 pounds of hummus?
  • Victor Laszlo is Batman, STOG is Robin. Just like the movies should have made it.
  • I haven't heard the recording, but I think bumpgrrl's reading is simply her describing how many clits and vulvas she has?
  • A child on snow skis with his head in the snow. THANKS OBAMA.
  • I kissed a lot of people this weekend

[...] and try to out drink Bunnybread.
LordViscountCrackAddict, October 07, 2014, 09:18:20 pm
Ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha. Yeah, that's... ha ha ha. Ha.


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Apologies to whoever read "that one where the guy went around fucking all the paintings", I was completely fucking unconscious for that one. I guess i'll catch it in the recording. Anyways, great night. I did check out the actual art for that roller coaster romance and it was everything I hoped for and more. Much more, since I hoped it wouldn't really exist.
LowBatteryLife, October 08, 2014, 12:50:11 am

For anyone who might not have seen said art, I highly recommend checking out railrunnermiranda on Deviantart, she is the author and artist behind Twisted (the roller coaster story). And because I know you want it, here's a delightful image of a roller coaster monster naked in a shower. Plus, here's one more in a suggestive pose.

Fatty Bo Batty

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Wait, that crazy person made a book? Now I'm looking forward to hearing the recording even more.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Adam Bozarth screaming the words to Nothing Compares 2 U like a pubescent Slayer cover band. I spent most of the song curled upon the floor unable to move.
Lemon, October 08, 2014, 09:54:13 am

Adam Bozarth

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  • A child on snow skis with his head in the snow. THANKS OBAMA.
Lemon, October 08, 2014, 09:54:13 am


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[...] and try to out drink Bunnybread.
LordViscountCrackAddict, October 07, 2014, 09:18:20 pm
Ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha. Yeah, that's... ha ha ha. Ha.
Lemon, October 08, 2014, 09:54:13 am

Challenge accepted. So long as I don't have to drive or be somewhere the next day I could make a pretty good match out of it.

So when's the next one happening? I have to start training my liver. I'll make a Rocky montage out of it.


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So when's the next one happening? I have to start training my liver. I'll make a Rocky montage out of it.
LordViscountCrackAddict, October 08, 2014, 08:02:19 pm

The gap between F Plus Live 1 and 2 was 1 year, The gap between F Plus Live 2 and 3 was 3 years. I think that means it'll be 6 years until F Plus Live 4, if the sequence holds.

Tiny Prancer

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I'm genuinely uncertain if I'm sad that I didn't go because I missed out on so much fun or if I'm glad I didn't go because I don't like booze and would have felt very left out of the fun since a lot of it involved being drunk, and then have felt weirdly responsible for everyone else as the solitary sober person.

(I probably would have tried a very small sip of the hellbooze out of curiosity, although I suspect it would have made me like alcohol even less.)

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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I'm genuinely uncertain if I'm sad that I didn't go because I missed out on so much fun or if I'm glad I didn't go because I don't like booze and would have felt very left out of the fun since a lot of it involved being drunk, and then have felt weirdly responsible for everyone else as the solitary sober person.

(I probably would have tried a very small sip of the hellbooze out of curiosity, although I suspect it would have made me like alcohol even less.)
Tiny Prancer, October 08, 2014, 10:35:41 pm

Well for what it's worth, a few of the readers and guests don't drink either, myself included. We're in the minority but you wouldn't be completely left out!


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Yeah, what Portaxx said.

sup Teetotaler Cabal


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So, I have a black tin box I've been using as a coin bank for a little while without much purpose. I'm thinking of making it the "just in case there's another F Plus Live" fund, but that would look really boring written across the side. "Malatora Federal Reserve" sounds much better, but if anyone else has any better ideas, I'd love to hear them. Hell, if anyone has any worse ideas, I'd still love to hear them.


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So, I have a black tin box I've been using as a coin bank for a little while without much purpose. I'm thinking of making it the "just in case there's another F Plus Live" fund, but that would look really boring written across the side. "Malatora Federal Reserve" sounds much better, but if anyone else has any better ideas, I'd love to hear them. Hell, if anyone has any worse ideas, I'd still love to hear them.
Navigator, October 09, 2014, 08:09:33 am

Offbeatr.com donation fund?