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Topic: New thefpl.us should launch before the end of the year. [point to schlong]  (Read 23780 times)


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It's been mentioned elsewhere, but it's still worth mentioning more. I know the site has been slow as shit. For reasons beyond my understanding, these problems seem to be a lot more prevolent in Chrome. If you boot up IE11, thefpl.us loads like a dream. Please note I am not encouraging you to do such a thing, just mentioning it as a fallback option for the moment.

The new site is being built in Kirby, a flat-file PHP based CMS. What do those stupid words mean? The important part is that it doesn't have a database. The entire structure is spread out among very, very, very simple text files (written in markdown built in a folder structure like /episodes/151/episode.txt - This gives a lot of advantages, but the major two are speed and security. thefpl.us has been hacked more times than you'd expect, and we've also had a fair share of hit & run assholes trying to sell shit on our comments section. The main reason for thefpl.us' speed problems is that Joomla is a bad piece of software, but pricks are reason #2.

This isn't just gonna be a matter of putting the same site on a more stable skeleton, either. I'm gonna be giving this thing a lot of different expandable features so the site is built around the content and not the other way around. I don't want to get too specific yet as some of this shit may or may not work, but I can say the plan is definitely a better website, in a number of ways.

I'll bring up the down side here though, which is that we may (probably?)  be losing the comments archive in the move. The new site will have a comments feature, but it won't be the same as the exiting comments feature, we'll be starting fresh. (Neither better or worse, really, just different) If it's possible to scrape the comments from the current site we may try that and make the archive accessible, but know that the comments might be gone. If you want to save fanart or screenshots of favorite comments, that might be a great idea now.

Site's currently running on a dev server I'm not ready to show anyone yet. When it gets a bit more mature I'll throw some links in here for an early peek. I'm excited.

Short term, if you're having troubles connecting, something other than Chrome will probably work better.
Blandest chai tea latte STOG strifeheart
« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 11:17:06 am by Lemon »


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That's all fine and dandy, but I was really hoping you could make this new site in WordPress. Can you please redo it in WordPress?

chai tea latte

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That's all fine and dandy, but I was really hoping you could make this new site in WordPress. Can you please redo it in WordPress?
montrith, November 20, 2014, 02:06:01 am

and make it 'pop' more.


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I hope it's going to look like a page from web 1.0. I can't wait for the purple flashing and scrolling comic sans on a black background with glitter on it!

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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more rotating skulls plz


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I'm extremely disappointed there's no guestbook for me to sign. Please fix this immediately.

Frank West

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Please add that hit counter with a sleeping dragon on it. I'm not joking, that's something I want.

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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Please add that hit counter with a sleeping dragon on it. I'm not joking, that's something I want.
Frank West, November 20, 2014, 09:03:30 am

After Frank jolted my memory awake by mentioning the fucking dragon hitcounter, I looked it up and holy shit the site is still active. I mean it last updated in 2012, but all things considered, that's still fucking impressive. Hitcounter dragon outlived Geocities!

Frank West

  • Have you ever astraled and kicked it with satan
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Please add that hit counter with a sleeping dragon on it. I'm not joking, that's something I want.
Frank West, November 20, 2014, 09:03:30 am

After Frank jolted my memory awake by mentioning the fucking dragon hitcounter, I looked it up and holy shit the site is still active. I mean it last updated in 2012, but all things considered, that's still fucking impressive. Hitcounter dragon outlived Geocities!
portaxx, November 20, 2014, 09:09:17 am

I also looked it up before I posted! As best I can tell, the only people still using his hitcounters are people using neopets, which is strangely appropriate.

Zsa Zsa

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If you could make the buttons strafe in
Fit videos around the text
Put a big slider to the right for adjustment
Make it the same size as an a4 piece of paper so I can print it easily
The site has its own screensaver built-in to help save screens of careless individuals
A video game where you are a snake eating f plus logos, initiated if the close box is pressed

A Meat

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There better be a button that makes the site more readable.


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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Genuinely I'm open to the idea of user-created stylesheets being an option.

If people want to flex their CSS skills by making alternate "themes" for the site, that would be fun. And I can add that function. Just use Geo Bootstrap as inspiration.

Victor Laszlo

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There's a typo in your subject heading, Lemon.  I'm pretty sure it should have read:

New thefpl.us should launch before the end of the year. [point to schlong]

[victor] Victor [victor]

Boots Raingear

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Something Awful beat you guys to the best joke.

I don't know why Lemon is wasting time, he read a website fixing spell the other week, just get on that shit.
Quote from
Bobalay Runic Plague of Hats Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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Congratulations on breaking free of the Joomla CMS dungeon. Hope the new one is easier to manage! (And has a podcast archive index page!)