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Topic: Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt?  (Read 17095 times)


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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt?
Jimmyfranks John Toast Bunnybread Lou Fernandez Lemon
content for this episode was compiled by A Meat
edited by Jimmyfranks.
We're all familiar with DeviantArt as the best place on the internet for crudely drawn pictures of Sonic The Hedgehog hit with a shrink ray and then eaten alive by the the girl in Lollipop Chainsaw. But did you know that DevaintArt also has a large archive of written work, such as poetry? And did you know that the great majority of that written work is terrible? Okay, I'm sure that second reveal wasn't much of a surprise, but we do have some in store for you. This week, Finland meets its match.

King Missile - Sensitive Artist
Anthony Carmichael - I'm Rappin (from Look Around You series 2)


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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt? #1
chai tea latte Sherman Tank Shigan

Mister Smalls

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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt? #2
I honestly had to shut this episode off once you got into the rap battles.  The material was too embarrassing.


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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt? #3
I was legitimately surprised that the Finland vs. Ulyses S. Grant battle didn't last an additional 20 minutes and close out the episode.


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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt? #4
I honestly had to shut this episode off once you got into the rap battles.  The material was too embarrassing.
Mister Smalls, December 20, 2014, 05:52:47 pm

I can make it through the adult babies episode with no problem but there's something about nerds writing rap battles that is physically painful to listen to.

EDIT: oh my god that Acier burn
« Last Edit: December 20, 2014, 10:57:23 pm by Bobalay »

Puppy Time

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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt? #5
This episode makes me wonder if there's any inverse rap battles for socially awkward low-self-esteemers (and Lutherans) where the object is to make the other person win by talking them up and putting oneself down.

A Meat

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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt? #6
I'm kind of disappointed you guys didn't give this masterpiece a try:

My remade vorish version:

I want all the Pokemon to ingest
To taste their sweet Pokefuz
Then feel them inside me digest
To eat them is my cause

I will travel across the land
maw open wide
Eating pokemon who stood or ran
to feel them squirming inside

Pokemon! You’re a meal to me
I know you'll fill my belly,
Pokemon! Oh you're my best prey
of the whole hunt today,
Pokemon! a taste so new
My muscles will pull you through,

You’ll reach me and I’ll eat you,
Pokemon! Gotta vore  ‘em all!
Quote from


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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt? #7
I honestly had to shut this episode off once you got into the rap battles.  The material was too embarrassing.
Mister Smalls, December 20, 2014, 05:52:47 pm
All things considered, Epic Rap Battles isn't a high bar to jump. They check all the boxes, and they're simplistic enough that I would have thought you'd be able to at least learn the basics of rap from them, and that's about it. But evidently, that's not true. This is one of the episodes where you can see people fail at the simplest of challenges. They aren't even fitting these words to music, they're just writing them, and they're even worse at it than the SongWritingFever people. Hell, you'd think the one part of it they'd be good at is cramming references to the shit they're basing it on into it, but they can't even manage that.

For people who base their entire lives on being consumers of media, they suck at watching it.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 01:19:48 am by Cleretic »

Plague of Hats

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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt? #8
I'll be honest, for a bit my attention wandered. These people were often bad in a very same-y way. Then that Ulysses Grant vs Amy Grant vs 10 other random things grabbed my attention back.

I think the singing and poetry stuff is best when it's not the whole episode. It gets a little repetitive and I fade out until something truly bugfuck crazy screams for attention.

Nikaer Drekin

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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt? #9
I'll be Portaxx for a second here- They actually weren't spelling out "shamin'" phonetically, Shaymin is actually a Pokemon:

I honestly had to shut this episode off once you got into the rap battles.  The material was too embarrassing.
Mister Smalls, December 20, 2014, 05:52:47 pm

I hereby challenge you to watch this video in its entirety.


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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt? #10
This episode makes me wonder if there's any inverse rap battles for socially awkward low-self-esteemers (and Lutherans) where the object is to make the other person win by talking them up and putting oneself down.
Puppy Time, December 20, 2014, 11:14:05 pm


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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt? #11
Except that rap battle was a) amazing and b) supposed to be a joke.

Seriously, though, those were the most nerdiest attempts at rap battles I have ever seen, and they couldn't even get the format of Epic Rap Battles right. This is why hug boxes and echo chambers will be outlawed in my dystopian internet future!


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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt? #12
Yeah, the episode was kind of slow, but I liked the historical nod where King Herod dies of dickrot.


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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt? #13
All I could think of during the poetry section:


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Episode 159: But, Is It DeviantArt? #14
In honor of the tragically unread Elmo vs. Freddy Krueger rap battle