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Topic: 162: Eee! Pinions!  (Read 11716 times)


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162: Eee! Pinions!
with Boots Raingear Victor Laszlo STOG Frank West and Lemon
content for this episode was compiled by Montrith
edited by Lemon.

"Caveat Emptor" the old adage says, but that adage is in Latin and doesn't mention the drive-thru window, so it might as well not even exist. We're looking at two different sites: ePinions and MeasuredUp, two different places on the internet where consumers can demand their voice be heard. Of course, nobody's actually going to pay any attention, but they can certainly demand it nonetheless. This week, we're all worried about Dimmy.

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162: Eee! Pinions! #1
STOG's graphics card installation instructions are the funniest thing I have ever heard on this podcast.

Geremy Tibbles

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162: Eee! Pinions! #2
"Dupes getting duped" needs to be a tag for this shit.


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162: Eee! Pinions! #3
re: the first reading -


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162: Eee! Pinions! #4
Epinions has been around a long time (since 1999!). When I discovered it long ago, it helped me realized that anything with an e- prefix is a discounted version of something otherwise respectable: E-mail, e-photos, epinions, e-famous, e-friends, etc.

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162: Eee! Pinions! #5
Epinions has been around a long time (since 1999!). When I discovered it long ago, it helped me realized that anything with an e- prefix is a discounted version of something otherwise respectable: E-mail
Down10, January 11, 2015, 02:55:40 am

ahaha oh my god, are you like eighty? this is adorable

e: also STOG is particularly on point this episode. thanks STOG!


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162: Eee! Pinions! #6
I'm really puzzled by the Wal Mart one. To even consider making that complaint you have to feel such an intense personal connection to something that you feel downright betrayed when it doesn't behave in a way that lines up totally with your core beliefs. And this person has allied their heart with... Wal Mart? Really? That's so bizarre to me that I had to pause the podcast and just. Reflect.


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162: Eee! Pinions! #7
"But I'm afraid your kids will be too busy making fun of Bill Nye's unruly hair"

Wait, was the Mr. Wizard guy talking about Bill Nye or did he get that show confused with Beakman's World?


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162: Eee! Pinions! #8
"But I'm afraid your kids will be too busy making fun of Bill Nye's unruly hair"

Wait, was the Mr. Wizard guy talking about Bill Nye or did he get that show confused with Beakman's World?
KingKalamari, January 11, 2015, 02:52:59 pm

That's what I was wondering!


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162: Eee! Pinions! #9
I'm really puzzled by the Wal Mart one. [...]
THE TRUE JUICE, January 11, 2015, 02:00:37 pm

It's even more confusing because her central complaint is that Wal Mart (along with many other companies) stopped advertising during Glenn Beck's programming. So, this isn't even a matter of "you're doing things I don't support". This woman considered (which means she didn't do it, but she considered) boycotting the only store that she ever shops at, specifically because that store doesn't give money to the show she likes.

Like, hey I like that new Jon Oliver show and I want it to get a second season, so get an HBO subscription or we are fucking done you and me.


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162: Eee! Pinions! #10
To be fair that new John Oliver shot is pretty fucking fantastic.

Nikaer Drekin

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162: Eee! Pinions! #11
The Leonardo DiCaprio complainer is so clueless about movie production that it actually sort of becomes adorable. So, as far as I understand, the actors shoot for two months, then the rest of the crew has to stick around and film empty rooms for eight more months?

Anyways, I haven't finished the episode yet, but goddamn, Boots is really on fire!

John Toast

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162: Eee! Pinions! #12
The Leonardo DiCaprio complainer is so clueless about movie production that it actually sort of becomes adorable. So, as far as I understand, the actors shoot for two months, then the rest of the crew has to stick around and film empty rooms for eight more months? Nikaer Drekin, January 11, 2015, 09:42:28 pm
I personally loved the idea that Leonardo Dicaprio's salary was bankrupting the country. You know, because the federal government is just 20 to 40 million away from really figuring this whole budget thing out.


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162: Eee! Pinions! #13
Well, with 20 to 40 million they could have been able to finally hire enough budget monster cockysts to tell them what's wrong and recommend a plan for fixing it. Then, per usual with bureaucracy in general and government bureaucracy in particular, they would ignore the consultant's recommendations and stay the course, thereby wasting the money they used to hire the consultants in the first place.

Not that I speak from experience or anything.


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162: Eee! Pinions! #14
So was wantoldkraftback implying they bought at least ten one gallon tubs of ranch a month?