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Topic: Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope  (Read 28223 times)


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope
with Boots Raingear Portaxx Kumquatxop Frank West Lemon
content for this episode was compiled by Slayer of Yaks
edited by Lemon.

Drugs are expensive. Plus they're dangerous and illegal besides, so it should come as no surprise that there are swaths of people who are looking for alternative ways to get their collective swerve on. And with the sometimes predatory nature of internet marketing, it should also come as no surprise that there is a substantial number of people who try to convince themselves that listening to bleeps and boops in their headphones will totally give them the best trip of their lives.

This week, we're looking at i-doser.com, a place on the internet where people can attempt just that. There's a company all too happy to take teenagers' money in exchange for those bleeps and bloops, and a forum full of teenagers who want to write about how high they are. The results are so much fun that the episode ended up over an hour after considerable editing. This week, The F Plus finally finds some jenkem.

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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #1
Roofies are known for increasing the stamina of people at parties, that's why they're called Raise The Roofies

For the record, this is the Lullabye I-Dose. Skip to 7 minutes in and feel yourself drifting off into dreamland! So relaxing!
« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 10:06:42 pm by fruithag »

Slayer of Yaks

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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #2
Fuck man! I love this. I love you guys, I love the joy this brings people. I am elated!

Also, I experienced forum retardation for real today:
by -steinz » Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:11 am
MattMan wrote:...and i could move them with my brain.
Oh my god, and im replying to one of YOUR messages! I feel so important!
Exactly how I felt getting my notification from Lemon. I feel so good I'm going to have to listen to CALM ME to settle down.


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #3
I’m not signing up for i-doser until they offer me the chance to get wasted on Tek.


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #4
I don't think I've ever wanted a bunch of obviously deluded idiots to be right as much as I want this lot to be right. Not because I want to get high from audio, but because I want to learn the sort of bullshit they think they're experiencing.

I reflexively wanted to listen to the gender-change one, not because I wanted to experience what the pitch claimed, but because I wanted to find out what the people making/using it thought a 'gender change audio drug' entailed. Then I got disappointed that we're not even at that level, you have to be in multiple stages of denial to reach believing that. I just wish we were in a slightly more fantastical world; not so these things can be real, but so that idiots could honestly think they were.

A Meat

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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #5
I really wish they had a CAN-D i-dose in their fiction section, because there is nothing I want more than to listen to some beats that trick my brain into feeling a fictional drug that requires you to purchase certain additional items from a company that has a monopoly over that market to fully enjoy that trip. I feel like the i-dose guys could capitalize on that idea really well, because the people who purchase this seem to be complete suckers anyway.

It's not everyday that I get to reference The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, but I'm glad today is one.


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #6
I really wish they had a CAN-D i-dose in their fiction section, because there is nothing I want more than to listen to some beats that trick my brain into feeling a fictional drug that requires you to purchase certain additional items from a company that has a monopoly over that market to fully enjoy that trip. I feel like the i-dose guys could capitalize on that idea really well, because the people who purchase this seem to be complete suckers anyway.

It's not everyday that I get to reference The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, but I'm glad today is one.
A Meat, January 24, 2015, 11:01:35 am

If you get to use your Philip K. then today is a good day.

A Meat

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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #7
After looking a bit at what the hell binaural beats actually are, and due to finding out that they just sound like slightly vibrating tones, I said fuck it and decided to make my own i-dose, or rather an f-dose, made with 100% freshly juiced binaural beats (or whatever a random program I found on the internet thinks they are) cranked up to a level they shouldn't be and organic heirloom STOG:

One dose of PARTY
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes STOG Lemon

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #8
After looking a bit at what the hell binaural beats actually are, and due to finding out that they just sound like slightly vibrating tones, I said fuck it and decided to make my own i-dose, or rather an f-dose, made with 100% freshly juiced binaural beats (or whatever a random program I found on the internet thinks they are) cranked up to a level they shouldn't be and organic heirloom STOG:

One dose of PARTY
A Meat, January 24, 2015, 02:09:23 pm
A: I'm high as fuck
B: stog now reminds me of the man from another place

Cat Planet

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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #9
If anyone cares what those actually sound like... WEED!


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #10
After looking a bit at what the hell binaural beats actually are, and due to finding out that they just sound like slightly vibrating tones, I said fuck it and decided to make my own i-dose, or rather an f-dose, made with 100% freshly juiced binaural beats (or whatever a random program I found on the internet thinks they are) cranked up to a level they shouldn't be and organic heirloom STOG:

One dose of PARTY
A Meat, January 24, 2015, 02:09:23 pm
A: I'm high as fuck
B: stog now reminds me of the man from another place
AgentCoop, January 24, 2015, 02:28:55 pm

chai tea latte A Meat Boots Raingear


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #11
After looking a bit at what the hell binaural beats actually are, and due to finding out that they just sound like slightly vibrating tones, I said fuck it and decided to make my own i-dose, or rather an f-dose, made with 100% freshly juiced binaural beats (or whatever a random program I found on the internet thinks they are) cranked up to a level they shouldn't be and organic heirloom STOG:

One dose of PARTY
A Meat, January 24, 2015, 02:09:23 pm
Great, STOG is now Giygas.


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #12
After looking a bit at what the hell binaural beats actually are, and due to finding out that they just sound like slightly vibrating tones, I said fuck it and decided to make my own i-dose, or rather an f-dose, made with 100% freshly juiced binaural beats (or whatever a random program I found on the internet thinks they are) cranked up to a level they shouldn't be and organic heirloom STOG:

One dose of PARTY
A Meat, January 24, 2015, 02:09:23 pm
I opened this in the dark on my phone because haha a silly sound file.

I'm not happy with you. This is what Hell sounds like.


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #13
One dose of PARTY
A Meat, January 24, 2015, 02:09:23 pm

This has to be the new F Plus theme song.


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #14
If anyone cares what those actually sound like... WEED!
Cat Planet, January 24, 2015, 03:48:06 pm

I was trying to figure out what this noise reminded me of, and I just remembered that it sounds a lot like the beginning of Metronome Arthritis by the band At The Drive-In.

So basically, this is a lot like Omar Rodriguez-Lopez fucking around with an effect pedal for an hour.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop