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Topic: Episode 172: Untidy Whities  (Read 17323 times)

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Episode 172: Untidy Whities #15
This episode has everything. Bad accents, poetry and incredibly specific fantasies.


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Episode 172: Untidy Whities #16
God, the red numbers on the underwear really looked like bloodstains. Did you find anything while researching the doc about wedgieing gone wrong?
BomberJacket, April 08, 2015, 12:48:28 am
Other than the ball damage thread, I don't remember that many posts about people actually injuring themselves. There was a lot about the potential risks of hanging wedgies, though. I'll just quote their sticky about it.
Hey guys,

For a while I've been a bit concerned about the methods used and talked about for hanging wedgies, and one member a little while back confessed to getting stuck with no backup plans, which is a recipe for disaster.

Hanging wedgies, like it or not, are dangerous, especially if you get trapped for whatever reason. They can lead (within minutes for an unlucky few) to suspension trauma, which can then lead to septic shock and death. So it's important to be able to get out quickly and to recognise the signs of trauma, which include pins and needles and numbness in the legs, shortness of breath, lightheadedness and faintness. If you faint while vertical in a hanging wedgie, you could die from lack of oxygen to the brain.

And that's not even mentioning the potential for physical damage to the groin, testicles, and cleft/crack.
Remember the four pillars of hanging wedgies:

- Safety first
- Plan for your plans to fail - never rely on only one or two backup plans, and never isolate yourself so that someone cannot reach you if you need help. A little embarrassment is worth far less than your life and health.
- Listen to your body - be aware of symptoms like numbness, pins and needles, and lightheadedness, that could be early signs of decreased blood flow or suspension trauma
- Limit your time - never more than a few minutes at a time, 10 at the max.

And happy hanging!

There should really be a fifth pillar where you ponder how the fuck your masturbation got so complicated and dangerous...

There were also a couple of reports that sticking IcyHot or eggshells up your ass doesn't really feel that good. Shocking stuff.


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Episode 172: Untidy Whities #17
guh.. i can handle fucking genital bugs but every time grown men start going on about anything humiliation kink it just creeps me out so bad.


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Episode 172: Untidy Whities #18
I remember laying odds at the beginning of this episode that someone would mention that scene in Lolita where Humbert Humbert describes her extracting a wedgie. When this didn't happen I was both rather chagrined and rather confused that no one quoted was familiar with something that so many perverts gravitate toward.


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Episode 172: Untidy Whities #19
To be fair this episode seemed really...young?  I mean, mudkiplover was 24 I guess, but there were a lot of people who were still talking about being in high school and whatnot.  They're not so much the set-in-stone thirty/forty year olds fucking their stuffed animals.  They may just be too young to have really gotten into that sort of weird pervert shit.  (Also, it doesn't seem like there was a whole lot of hetero wedgie stuff going on, it was mostly guys giving other guys wedgies.)

Mudkiplover's stuff did really remind me in tone/style of foreverially delitized and other stuff like that, where there's a weird fixation on specific details and invented logic (FOREVER ICY HOT) and being trapped in a situation forever.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Episode 172: Untidy Whities #20
I remember laying odds at the beginning of this episode that someone would mention that scene in Lolita where Humbert Humbert describes her extracting a wedgie. When this didn't happen I was both rather chagrined and rather confused that no one quoted was familiar with something that so many perverts gravitate toward.
TheCrawlingChaos, April 09, 2015, 12:33:31 am

What the hell is a book


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Episode 172: Untidy Whities #21
I remember laying odds at the beginning of this episode that someone would mention that scene in Lolita where Humbert Humbert describes her extracting a wedgie. When this didn't happen I was both rather chagrined and rather confused that no one quoted was familiar with something that so many perverts gravitate toward.
TheCrawlingChaos, April 09, 2015, 12:33:31 am

What the hell is a book
jack chick, April 09, 2015, 11:27:36 am

God damn kids these days thinking they've invented perversion. Study some of the great old masters of perversion and think about what you've done, god dammit. /wanders off to listen to Hoc Est Preocupae de Buttsex again

Lady Frenzy

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Episode 172: Untidy Whities #22
Fall to the floor   
These balls are sore   
I pain that defies description   
I’m going to need a doctor   
And a medical prescription.   
There are ridges and bumps   
Humps but no lumps   
So why are my balls sore?
montrith Old_Zircon


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Episode 172: Untidy Whities #23
guh.. i can handle fucking genital bugs but every time grown men start going on about anything humiliation kink it just creeps me out so bad.
YetAnotherAmber, April 08, 2015, 11:52:10 pm

For sure.

My favorite kind of episode.


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Episode 172: Untidy Whities #24
Fall to the floor   
These balls are sore   
I pain that defies description   
I’m going to need a doctor   
And a medical prescription.   
There are ridges and bumps   
Humps but no lumps   
So why are my balls sore?
Lady Frenzy, April 10, 2015, 11:16:53 pm



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Episode 172: Untidy Whities #25
Insider info:

On the very last reading on this one, Jimmyfranks is given a Lemon's Dillemma, and he opts for a story that devolves into a furry getting a wedgie from another furry in a hotel restroom.

That was actually a retake. Originally Jimmyfranks chose the Final Fantasy piece and I listened to it while skimming the piece he didn't pick, then at one point informed him that he should back up and choose again.

It's the only time the Dillemma has ended that way, but I was just reminded of that, listing to this ep and hearing Boots go "Eh, I bet the other one was better."
GirlKisser420 Liatai


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Episode 172: Untidy Whities #26
God damn it.