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Topic: Episode 179: Use Only Food Grade Ingredients  (Read 20622 times)


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"My mom used to feed this to me as a baby, strangely enough."ApeBoy


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You know, in my language you really can't call anything a salad unless it includes actual vegetables.
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Baldr Sherman Tank


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My liver is threatening to shut down just listening to this episode

A Meat

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You know, in my language you really can't call anything a salad unless it includes actual vegetables.
montrith, June 27, 2015, 05:03:14 am
Marshmallows are vegetables, right?

They're white and gooey and go on my vegetable pizza II.


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You know, in my language you really can't call anything a salad unless it includes actual vegetables.
montrith, June 27, 2015, 05:03:14 am

Your language is horribly inflexible, then!

Thanks to sites like AllRecipies and Tumblr, English words have lost all meaning!


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This was a great episode, especially after all the wikihow episodes. It does seem that whipped cream is the new mayonnaise, which is...on par, I wouldn't say "better."

Also, sorry about my comment on the f plus site. I channelled my inner terrible person on internet.


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This was a great episode, especially after all the wikihow episodes. It does seem that whipped cream is the new mayonnaise, which is...on par, I wouldn't say "better."

Also, sorry about my comment on the f plus site. I channelled my inner terrible person on internet.
MyFaceBeHi, June 27, 2015, 11:14:23 am

Relax, you're fine!

Cat Planet

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I thought that the 3P Salad wasn't that bad. Still, why did they specifically require "FROZEN peas"?

Everything else, though... do these people just have an aversion towards ingredients that don't come frozen or in a can? And the Wiccan diabetes ritual was easily the best part of the episode.

Brb, gonna cook some Olivier salad for my friends, which has mayonnaise but isn't gross.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 12:49:33 pm by Cat Planet »


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Most adorable stinger ever!

The "fudge" in the first recipe reminds me of a wider horrible trend in desserts I discovered recently, which I can only describe as "white trash versions of more complicated and sophisticated food". The example that comes to mind is this abominable so-called truffle dessert which is just cream cheese and Oreos crushed and rolled into a ball, completely disregarding the meaning of the word truffle in the confectionery sense.


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Oh, to do shit like the wiccans do shit.

Achilles' Heelies

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Oh, to do shit like the wiccans do shit.
QueenSyreen, June 27, 2015, 07:22:19 pm
Pretty sure after eating ghost poop,  all they do is shit.


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I thought that the 3P Salad wasn't that bad. Cat Planet, June 27, 2015, 12:46:40 pm

Incorrect. I think you need to go and listen to that one again, but to remind you: the "3P"s were peas, pickles, and peanuts. No. Why would you do that? Don't do that. Don't do that to your mouth, don't do that to ingredients, don't do that to the bowl you are putting food in.

This episode lead to the friend I listened with going to her kitchen and pulling out some pretty old timey cookbooks and going "Oh, now I know how to cook tongue, that sounds like a pretty good meal now".

I think I was killed by the fucking twee wiccan jellybean and peep bullshit, though. I was braced for grossness and cool whip, but not that. Not that at all. Good? job to whoever found that (and the ghost poop, naturally).


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FYI, I'm also compiling a doc on recipes taken only from food producers' own website, such as spam.com. Some poor schmuck there has a job trying to come up with 20 different ways to cook Kraft mac and cheese.


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Little Lemonaide talking about how she doesn't want any ghost poop and just wants raspberries was the cutest thing ever.
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It's about time you did an episode on the Reagan school lunch program.