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Topic: 184: Watching You Watching Me Watching Your Watch  (Read 11881 times)

Achilles' Heelies

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I was really hoping this episode would help me understand the basis of this fetish. Nope, I'm still completely baffled. It's just like the flattening fetish, none of it makes any goddamn sense.
ham burger


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The worst part about wearing watches to sex is timing your premature ejaculation.
Lemon Sherman Tank chai tea latte brocretin


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Maybe ... maybe we could best compare this to the eyeglasses fetishists? The thing that's most important is the item and it's specifics in a very technical way (they never actually describe what the watches look like, it's just brand and make, not even colour for the most part) and the item is something totally innocuous that you can see on anyone in during the course of the day, so it's fetishizing a common thing in such a way as to make it esoteric ...

But then you get the people putting watches on their dicks and all I'm left assuming is this is really just a weird web 2.0 art project of some sort, like Roy Orbinson in clingfilm, because all those posts just being one dude makes a hell of a lot more sense than anything else.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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I keep noticing people's watches now, fuck this.


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I feel like the F Plus may have got the wrong idea about Britain. Most of us are only watch-tickling toe-jam freaks on the weekend.
Caroline, August 10, 2015, 06:09:53 am

*and bank holidays.

Digital Walnut

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I'm not any closer to figuring out this fetish after listening to the episode, but I'm going to stay away from second-hand watches from now on.


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Oh hey, a weirdo from Maine. I wonder if he self-diagnoses with Phippsburgers Syndrome?


ham burger

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I can kind of get my head around most clothing-focused fetishes, because there's some role or something you can associate with "boots" or "eyeglasses" or something, it's almost like I can say "okay, I get it, it's like a costume to them or something for role play."

I can't for the life of me figure out what the implication or association that comes with a watch is. My entire theory is collapsing before my eyes.

Puppy Time

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I really don't think that there is an actual reason behind most fetishes, any more than there's a logic behind people enjoying a particular flavor.  There may be people who like a particular aspect of the fetish, but that's not why they have the fetish itself.  The fetish just comes from weird brainmeats.


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I can kind of get my head around most clothing-focused fetishes, because there's some role or something you can associate with "boots" or "eyeglasses" or something, it's almost like I can say "okay, I get it, it's like a costume to them or something for role play."

I can't for the life of me figure out what the implication or association that comes with a watch is. My entire theory is collapsing before my eyes.
hooves n shit, August 14, 2015, 05:45:20 pm

I think you'll find that quite a few people have a Boots fetish around here.
slambam Nikaer Drekin YetAnotherAmber Nifty Nif

Sherman Tank

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I think some of these guys must have seen that Kathy Ireland "I'd be naked without my Bulova" ads and got confused about what was supposed to be sexy about it.