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Topic: Kevin Smith - He's still got it!  (Read 7241 times)

Nikaer Drekin

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Kevin Smith - He's still got it! #15
So I feel obligated to inform you all that an OFFICIAL TRAILER for Yoga Hosers has been released, at long last!! I don't know how you get greenscreen effects to look that bad in the year 2016, but there you have it.

Fatty Bo Batty

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Kevin Smith - He's still got it! #16
So I feel obligated to inform you all that an OFFICIAL TRAILER for Yoga Hosers has been released, at long last!! I don't know how you get greenscreen effects to look that bad in the year 2016, but there you have it.

Nikaer Drekin, May 11, 2016, 01:56:13 pm

Fuck you, fuck this movie, and fuck everything forever.


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Kevin Smith - He's still got it! #17
I think the hungry hungry hippos episode said it best "...he's an unfunny fat asshole" That is why he subjects people to his progressively more and more shitty movies.
Sherman Tank


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Kevin Smith - He's still got it! #18
It looks like a sub-par sketch show's spoof film trailer

Kevin Smith is working on too many irony layers for me