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Topic: Movie hype! AKA "movie trailers have affected my purchasing decisions!"  (Read 11281 times)


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So we've got plenty of threads to discuss movies we've seen in the past, but none to discuss upcoming releases. Feel free to correct that oversight here.

I saw a clip for Hardcore Harry about a year ago, back when they were hinting at making a full-length 1st person movie. It looked pretty cool at the time, but I didn't think they were going to go all the way with that idea. The latest trailer looks slightly cheesy yet pretty awesome, so I think I'd like to see what the final result amounts to.


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Ninety minutes of motion sickness, can't wait.


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As someone who got motionsick during the opening of the first hunger games movie, I'm curious how long I would make it through this movie. Or anyone else in the theater, for that matter. Oddly enough the trailer hasn't done any harm yet, which is odd.

Nikaer Drekin

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I don't feel like making an anti-hype thread so this just goes here.

There's a movie coming out where Kevin Spacey's mind gets put in a cat body.

There is a joke about cutting off Cat Kevin Spacey's cat balls.

Why? Because FUCK YOU
« Last Edit: June 17, 2016, 12:51:05 am by Nikaer Drekin »


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Guillermo del Toro is making a romance movie about a lady and a fish guy and its going to be the greatest thing ever. I just thought you should all know.
lazzer grardaion? Lawnchair M.D.

Lawnchair M.D.

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Guillermo del Toro is making a romance movie about a lady and a fish guy and its going to be the greatest thing ever. I just thought you should all know.
Runic, September 10, 2017, 12:25:47 am

I want to see this so bad but it doesn't have a release date where I live. GDT makes gold and this looks extra gold.


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Actually started crying while watching this. He has some of the same tics as me. He's the protagonist, the main character, he's not a joke, he's a hero. And he has the same tics as me.

As an adult sufferer of Tourettes, I have spent many years being ostracized, bullied, dismissed, and misunderstood. Up til now my media representation has been as the butt of a joke at best. I am so tired of hearing South Park and What About Bob references, and those tools were used to belittle and marginalize me growing up. Even now when introducing my condition I say “tic disorder” and not “tourettes” because of a history of being mocked and treated aggressively for my diagnosis. Seeing this means the world to me. Seeing this means the world to future kids like me. Knowing that maybe the conversation surrounding this condition can change is so amazing. Christ, hearing a major actor with the same tics as me... god, that means everything. I will be seeing this movie. I hope you will, too.
Dr. Buttplug


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So, I really don't want to get my hopes up too high or anything, but the trailer for the new Dune movie looks like it could actually be good?

And I'm not sure if it's deliberate, but I think the Pink Floyd cover might be a reference to the never produced Jodorowsky adaptation, which is the deepest of deep cuts?
sambair Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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So, I really don't want to get my hopes up too high or anything, but the trailer for the new Dune movie looks like it could actually be good?

And I'm not sure if it's deliberate, but I think the Pink Floyd cover might be a reference to the never produced Jodorowsky adaptation, which is the deepest of deep cuts?
KingKalamari, September 10, 2020, 10:24:35 pm

Might have to risk going to a theater for this one. Also I still have 1.5 Frank Herbert Dune books left to read, which I should really get back to.

chai tea latte

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i am very fucking stoked for ⊃∪∩⪽ , think i too might have to expose myself to covid at the indie theatre to watch it on the big screen
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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So, I really don't want to get my hopes up too high or anything, but the trailer for the new Dune movie looks like it could actually be good?

And I'm not sure if it's deliberate, but I think the Pink Floyd cover might be a reference to the never produced Jodorowsky adaptation, which is the deepest of deep cuts?
KingKalamari, September 10, 2020, 10:24:35 pm

I'm pumped about it, tbh even if it's not Good good it'll probably be fun to watch. I'm pretty sure the pink floyd is a reference to Jodorowsky's version.

Theaters around here have a thing where you can rent a theater for up to 12 people, i hope that's still happening in December.

Mr. Hunky Academia

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The thing with this Dune is that it’s most likely going to be a very competent movie. Villanueve is one of the best directors currently active in Hollywood. The question is if it’s going to be sufficiently “Dune” for the hardcore Herbert fans. I will watch it and probably enjoy it but the problem is that from what we’ve seen from the production design it doesn’t really confirm to the more imaginative visions me and others have inherited from the books.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte

Mr. Hunky Academia

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Also they are cowards for not calling it the jihad
sambair Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte


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I haven't been on ballpit for a minute, but I wanted to say that as soon as I saw the new Spider-Man Trailer, my brain is so broken by the F Plus all I could think of is the phrase "epic multiverse battles".