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Topic: Secrets of the admins of a right-wing memes page  (Read 60530 times)


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If Boots has time, ask Sticks why he was posing as a pita crisp and also what the hell kind of vampirism allows one to mind-control somebody from their insides.

e: I guess putting Sticks in Pewds' brain is probably a good idea (or, at least, if it backfires it'll be hilarious), take him up on that.
Shitcan the power to the building.
Sherman Tank, March 25, 2016, 04:55:03 am
But if we do that we won't be able to play Dota..?
« Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 11:53:52 am by Dog Magma »


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If Boots has time, ask Sticks why he was posing as a pita crisp and also what the hell kind of vampirism allows one to mind-control somebody from their insides.
Quote from

Boots has a little bit of time, but he's waiting outside the bathroom. Doing that would ordinarily necessitate coming in, but there's another option.


He raps on the door with his thumb.


He hears a discontented squeal, but one that sounds like it came from a human larynx.

Go to the buffet and pick up some tapas. This body wants human food.
I am improvising a temporary clothes solution.

Boots raps on the door again.

What is it now?


Shitcan the power to the building.
Quote from

There's a couple ways Boots can do this.
- destructively disable mains (cable-cutting)
- flip mains to 'off'
- strategically disable breakers

The last option carries the most granularity and the least risk of harm, and as a bonus, the switches are well-labeled. The control room is just north of the food court entrance and appears to cover the entire building:

Most of the building functions appear still to be running. But hypothetically, something interesting might happen if Boots were to turn most of them off.

"A BOM" sounds too promising to be turned off, and the last three are completely necessary if Boots is going to attain fame and glory -- but lights dim outside suggesting that Dota-unrelated functions have now seized.

This makes it a little bit easier to penetrate the buffet without being surrounded, but it has some disadvantages. Namely, the people who are seeing Boots look a little different.

Don't worry. You're pretty popular in my demographic.

That's still Sticks. It looks like he replaced the poopy pants, bloody shirt, and poopy shoes with a mix of viking armor and esports gear from the other guy.

Jam a taco in my human mouth and I will eat it until my human stomach stops complaining.
Would getting you into a different body solve this problem?
My ideal carrier is a total anorexic in otherwise good shape with no sex drive. The guy I'm inhabiting now doesn't match any of those characteristics.
Like a model?
No facial hair, that's another thing.
Humans look really shitty with facial hair.
Like a *female* model?
I think of myself more as an "it."
Oh. You probably want to be a dude. That's the default gender.
But I still want humans to think I look sexy. Or at least subconsciously trustworthy.
That's saying "model" again.
Humans of either gender.
What's your marketer brain telling you?

He scratches his chin obliquely with the joint at the back of his thumb. Boots feeds a taco delicately through the space between his lips.

Leff go for comflete --

He swallows with difficulty. He obviously isn't impressed with the taste.

Find Sticks a super hot body to pilot.
chai tea latte, March 25, 2016, 03:57:28 am

Let's go for completely average facial features. Unisex yet attractive. High IQ. Contralto-tenor voice type. Pale skin-tone. Late teens to early twenties... let's go late teens. Someone with the "esports" build.
Some minor eSports professionals are arriving backstage before the press conference. Let's stage a photo shoot.

Although the line providing power to the photography rigs is dead, the Dota machines are still kicking, and that includes two spares whose power cords are easily long enough to drag around the wall down to the little soundstage below. Lined up with their faces all against the dark glass are eSports celebrities invited either to fill the filming room or to give interviews themselves.

Closest to the door is is Jeffrey "Trump" Shih. On the ground, asleep, is Sean "Day9" Plott. Many other recognizable celebrities whose names contain quotes have gathered there -- but a second condition, far to the back, seems to be looking to the outside.

Bring someone down with the authority to let us in.
Someone made a mistake and we can't get into the building.
Only the water route is free...
We're going to be taking photos very soon, and we'll let you in incrementally.
Are you with the hotel?
No, I'm an eSports superstar.
Oh, you're with ESEX!
No, I'm one of the players.
Shouldn't you be playing?
Something happened that's probably going to delay the game.
You can't be fired for letting us in, can you?
I will hold the door.
Don't worry

Boots drags one of the cameras over to the spare Dota rig and pretends they're connected.

I don't know what that lizard dude was being so cagey about. You guys are welcome to stay down here, but there's a panic going on upstairs. So stay out of the crowd.
We're not going to take all the photos quite yet but we're going to start with some promising candidates.
So, for starters, I'm going to have you all line up by apparent weight...
This is a test of your intelligence.
If you can't get your pictures taken in order by apparent weight then I don't know what you're doing in Dota.
I'm here for the press interview. Not a photo shoot.

He doesn't look like Sticks' type.

You can pass. Go upstairs and stay out of the audience.
Next up... everyone who works out, take one step from the wall.

Sticks takes advantage of his human hands to count to 3 on his fingers, making sure he hasn't missed a characteristic.

That's right! Everyone who masturbates, take one step back. No sex drives allowed.

About two thirds of the original lineup has stepped to the back.

Everyone close your eyes. No judgment.
If you just lied, take one step back.

Everyone's back is to the wall, save for about six people. One's a woman, but she voluntarily steps back upon seeing Sticks' look of excitement. Out of those left, Sticks points to the thinnest two.

OK, come with me. You are the most desirable bachelors in this room! Boots, take my lead.

The studio down the hall is pitch black and a little bit larger than a studio apartment. The floor is unobstructed and from the walls hang two speakers. (on left and right), a mic (at the back) and two cameras (back and front)

Do you even know our names?
I can't see anything.
I will be the judge of whether anyone can see anything.
Don't worry. This is a major promotional opportunity.
I'm not here for a promotional opportunity.
I really just wanted to spectate.
You should have thought about that before taking the eSports entrance.
I only took the VIP tickets because they were cheap.
I'm actually cool with getting famous. Let's do it.
First you have to tell me if you lied on any of the questions.
I'll give you five seconds to opt out with dignity.

Five seconds pass.

You both look kind of thin and have a very generic face type. That gives you a lot of US appeal.
You're pale and have nice smooth throat flesh.
Which is important in portraits.
Yeah! It's going to be easy to light you with a lot of contrast.

Which means we need a tiebreaker...
OK. Both of you want this promotional opportunity, right? We're just about ready to shoot.
Just shoot us both.
You didn't let me finish.
The solution is really simple.
So either I could give the promotional opportunity to this other gentleman, or I could just shoot both of you.
I don't even want it.
Just shoot us both. Or shoot me.
It's funny you say that. There's an old tale which goes like this:

16 One day two women came to King Solomon, 17 and one of them said:

Your Majesty, this woman and I live in the same house. Not long ago my baby was born at home, 18 and three days later her baby was born. Nobody else was there with us.

19 One night while we were all asleep, she rolled over on her baby, and he died. 20 Then while I was still asleep, she got up and took my son out of my bed. She put him in her bed, then she put her dead baby next to me.

21 In the morning when I got up to feed my son, I saw that he was dead. But when I looked at him in the light, I knew he wasn’t my son.

22 “No!” the other woman shouted. “He was your son. My baby is alive!”

“The dead baby is yours,” the first woman yelled. “Mine is alive!”

They argued back and forth in front of Solomon, 23 until finally he said, “Both of you say this live baby is yours. 24 Someone bring me a sword.”

A sword was brought, and Solomon ordered, 25 “Cut the baby in half! That way each of you can have part of him.”

26 “Please don’t kill my son,” the baby’s mother screamed. “Your Majesty, I love him very much, but give him to her. Just don’t kill him.”

The other woman shouted, “Go ahead and cut him in half. Then neither of us will have the baby.”

27 Solomon said, “Don’t kill the baby.” Then he pointed to the first woman, “She is his real mother. Give the baby to her.”

28 Everyone in Israel was amazed when they heard how Solomon had made his decision. They realized that God had given him wisdom to judge fairly.
Quote from

What are your names?
You have literally no idea who we are and you want to run our advertising campaign.
I'm out.
You certainly are! You volunteered to divide the promotional opportunity in half. Hence I'm giving it to this dark-haired kid. His higher-contrast features will reproduce better on film anyway.
Which means you're going back with all the others.
I'm not convinced I missed my big break.

The door slams behind him.

How are you going to even take a picture of me in here?
There's plenty of light. This is how we do all our long-exposures.
You think this is my first photo shoot. You're full of baloney.
You're what, fifteen?
That's a terrible guess.
Whatever. Just relax a second.

In an exaggerated, phlegmatic whuff, a familiar smiling face emerges from Boots' friend the marketer. It peers around the room.

I didn't see what just happened, but I heard it.
You are not videographers and I'm leaving.

Boots, give me your hand.

He raises the little pita to eye level.

OK, open wide. Wait, not yet.
Boots, have you ever heard of hypnotic sculpture?
I don't know what that is.
Keep staring and say "look at your hands."
He can't. He's too busy looking at my eyes.
But OK.
Look at your hands.
Shake his hand before he looks down.
Also shake my hand please..

The kid's head slowly rotates until it faces the ground. Judging by his expression, he's about 60deg into his descent when he starts to be aware that there's something untoward and dangerous about what's happening to him, and reaches around Boots for the door.

Look at your hands.
Come on, give it a rest.
I won't give it a rest until you SLEEEEEEEEP.
The kid sighs, swallows deeply, and turns back up to face Boots' visage.
chai tea latte
« Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 09:45:53 pm by Zekka »


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His knees bend as he tumbles backwards into the seat behind him. The little pita climbs the top of his head from the back, then leaps down his nose into his mouth.

You have to tell him he's not a statue any more.
I'm ghtill a ghtatue.
No you're not.
And leave him feeling good.
You're glad you're not a statue.

His mouth closes. The kid sputters for a second and then his eyes shoot left and right through the darkness, relieved.

Good news. This kid is also into bats!
His Hearthstone handle tells me everything I need to know.
For now call me Firebat. Although I still prefer Sticks, with friends at least.

If Boots has time, ask Sticks why he was posing as a pita crisp and also what the hell kind of vampirism allows one to mind-control somebody from their insides.
Dog Magma, March 25, 2016, 11:50:20 am

I'm glad you're so satisfied. Can I ask you those questions yet?
You can try.
Are you a real pita crisp?
Only by fiat.
I am biologically an instance of diaemus youngi, imbued with unholy powers from beyond the grave. And I got genetically engineered a little bit too at one point.
How old are you?
About a year.
That's way too old to be a pita crisp. Why are you pretending to be a pita crisp?
To get into people's guts. With pretty high ambitions of getting into the rib cage or something, if there's ever an opening.
Is there a reason you want to do that?
Not a particularly deep one. Patriotic duty, I guess.
To what country?
Trump's America. Which, the way things are headed, probably isn't going to be located in the United States -- but that's strictly game 5 subject matter, and we're only just now coming into game 4.
Why does going inside people's guts work so well for you?
It wasn't really my decision.
The original plan was to hide under people's collars and do everything from in there, but then some bright gastroenterologist found out how to breed us into intestinal parasites. So now we have a pretty strong preference for being buried in flesh...
Maddeningly, we also want to look cool. This is probably the worst possible environment to look cool in. And humans are the worst possible species.
Hm. That leaves one other thing.
I'm waiting. You've got me all self-important!
Don't you need eye contact to get into people's heads?
Maybe you do. But in my case it's 90% sonar. And every so often I chomp a nerve to put them in a blood frenzy or influence their development.
This stuff is all a little icky, though. Not like me! I'm cute, nice, and people like me.
But I think now's not a good time for an autobiology lesson.

The door busts open. It's Jeffrey "TrumpSC" Shih.

Frank West chai tea latte
« Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 09:46:34 pm by Zekka »


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chai tea latte
« Last Edit: March 26, 2016, 01:12:41 am by Zekka »


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Sherman Tank

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What happened to the other guy we were playing, the one who's hanging around with Gilligan. He should sneak up to the roof and set off strategically placed explosives to drain the water tanks into the rest of the building, like the end of The Towering Inferno.


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What happened to the other guy we were playing, the one who's hanging around with Gilligan.
Sherman Tank, March 27, 2016, 02:07:51 am

OK, good question! Let's take a quick census of known persons and their locations before continuing.

agent-dean - unknown
Albert-trang Einstein-nguyen - unknown, but probably onstage or in the buffet
Andrew Vuoc - unknown
Anna Grootbeck - unknown
Ashto - unknown, but probably onstage or in the buffet
Austin++ (caster) - somewhere at Trump Condominiums for event
Boots "RijaLeu" Raingear - in the downstairs photo lab with Sticks
Boots' anonymous fan - last seen after game 2 with Boots backstage
Bunnybread - previously at the event, appears to have been exorcised
carmichael - unknown
Cheapskate - unknown, but probably onstage or in the buffet
CoDA - in the green room, knocked out
Daniil "Dendi" Ishutin - unknown, last seen at casting booth with Vince Chaos
Donald Trump - unknown, but likely in the building
esports_MIKE - in the lobby, locked out of the event
Felix "PewDiePie" Kjellberg - apparently performing onstage with the Black Lotuses
Greenthreat - ZergRush MS Preparatory, South Korea
Grieg - making desserts at the Bayou Clu, if you hurryb
Guts - unknown, last seen with Levi explaining room reservationgs
Helden (caster) - Daegu, South Korea
Isaac - ZergRush MS Preparatory, South Korea, probably sucking someone dry
James "Firebat" Kostesich - in the downstairs photo lab under Sticks' thrall
Jane Seung - ZergRush MS Preparatory, South Korea
Janine (caster) - somewhere at the event
Jaroslav "Yaru" Sienkiewicz - in the green room, knocked out
Jeffrey "TrumpSC" Shih - just burst in on Boots and Sticks in the downstairs photo lab
June Matthews - unknown, last seen before we left for Trump Condominiums
Justin "JAB" Black (red-haired pro) - in the pro play area
Kevin Walker - unknown
Kool Keith - practicing autobiological warfare on the second-to-top floor
Lena Boll - most likely at the event, at an unknown location
Levi "DrakkyTheDragon" Gao - last seen in the green room. His request on record is to become a "dracanpire"
Marketer 1 (no glasses) - sucked dry by Sticks in the bathroom, covered in blood and diarrhea
Marketer 2 (glasses) - unconscious in the downstairs photo lab, having just been released by Sticks
Martin (caster) - possibly ZergRush MS Preperatory, South Korea -- but he was previously present at Trump Condominiums, so unlikely
Mike "Vince Chaos" Jeschke - unknown, last seen at the casting booth with Daniil "Dendi" Ishutin
NERRRRD - unknown
Other Korean kids - home after an intense solo mid tournament
Patricia - Last seen at her home near the top secret Bayou Club
Ray Geppon - unknown
Rob the Parrot - in the wires
Sean "Day9" Plott - sleeping beside the water entrance near the photographers' lounge
slowbeef - Previously at the event, hung out with Vince Chaos in green room -- has not been seen since Boots sucked his blood
Sticks - in the downstairs photo lab controlling Firebat
Team KantrIP - unknown, but probably in the play area or buffet
Terrence the Terrapin - in the wires, concerned mostly with things I haven't been telling you
The Exterminator - unknown, associated with second-to-top floor disaster
Vikings - unconscious, piled up in a bathroom stall, some exsanguinated
Whitethreat - Seoul, South Korea
zendolphin - Daegu, South Korea

He should sneak up to the roof and set off strategically placed explosives to drain the water tanks into the rest of the building, like the end of The Towering Inferno.
Sherman Tank, March 27, 2016, 02:07:51 am

We do not control Guts except as a surrogate through Levi Gao. Although he is currently in Levi's presence, Levi is unconscious. Here is what we are permitted to know about Guts at this time:
- he is a TVTroper
- he is surrounded by golf clubs
- he is typing on a keyboard made out of seized golf clubs (as is his habit)

Instead, let's witness June Matthews, our third, who we have not been adequately paying attention to since starting our expedition to Trump Condominiums.

This looks like a disused theatre somewhere deeper in Trump Condominiums.

If you feel persecuted that's alright. You can even cast your persecution in terms of me. But that's not going to make Donald happy.
Maybe I don't want to make Donald happy.
Boots is a valuable autobiological asset both to ESEX Vita and to Trump's campaign.
Let him into your life so he can thank you for that letter you wrote.

She pulls a pita crisp out of her pocket.

You might need this. They're trained not to change your personality too much.

Whoops. June was teetering dangerously on the boundary between player character and NPC, and it looks like she's just slipped over to NPC. No more POV.

What we do know is this: a steady flow of water is draining into the lower chambers of the building. We don't know what started it or whether it was June. We also know Lena is on the premises.

Let's return to Boots, who is hanging with Jeffrey "TrumpSC" Shih in the photography room.

Let's go outside. I now have a pretty good idea who you are.
The Koreans really like you. You should play for them.
Firebat seems kind of creepy... I don't hang out Cloud9ers that often. Maybe this is normal for him.
But I think it's more likely you put him up to this.

The light from the hall barely illuminates Firebat's face. Enough so that Trump can see what Boots already sees. Firebat's just staring at the prone marketer's neck, fangs dripping spit, skin white as a sheet, eyes slightly bulging. He's grinning discernibly.

We thought this would be good for PR, actually.
You're playing up the bat angle way too far.
It was his idea, sort of.

Boots grits his teeth a little to avoid showing emotion after that lie.

There's nothing stopping you from coming outside, right?
I don't want to leave him alone until the pics are developed.
Then we'll talk in here.
What's the marketing message of this supposed to be?
We just thought it looked kind of cool...
Don't distract him. He's concentrating.
Am I allowed to say anything at all?
Nothing that will distract him.
Fine. Be like that. I already have a plan to meet you again very shortly.
I'm not stupid.

Surreptitiously install that Rick and Morty DOTA voice pack.

That's literally the only thing I know about DOTA.
Sherman Tank, March 16, 2016, 06:37:46 pm

Sticks rips his new host out of this crazed state and forces him to make eye contact with Boots.

This guy gets me really hungry. We're fine so long as he doesn't get control.
Do you watch a lot of TV?
I read the internet mostly.
So then you have no idea what Rick and Morty is.
That's a show, right? Why do you care?
I'm getting a sense of how this kid works. He's an obsessive fan. Let me try to get the full story from him.

He goes slightly crosseyed, and then a faint psychic vibration informs Boots that the original Firebat has -- somewhat -- returned.

I'm not a statue.
Did you watch Rick and Morty?
Summarize it.
I'm hungry.

He nonchalantly bites the marketer's neck, shakes back and forth for a while, and turns back around.

It's a parody of Back to the Future, by Adult Swim. The main characters are time travelers who like to visit alternate universes. Morty is Rick's grandson. Rick is a mad scientist who participates in time travel experiments. You can read all about it on TVTropes.

He stares greedily at the throat, which is gently oozing. The changing strength of the vibration suggests that Firebat's level of presence is increasing.

Let's play some Hearthstone.
I'm a Dota player. What would it take to get you interested in Dota?
You could... hm...

Firebat's signal reaches a critical peak, then, suddenly, drops.

Feed me blood.

He hurriedly grabs the marketer's neck from the backside, shakes it haphazardly as he lifts it to his face, then loosens his grip and sucks gently.

Would that really work as a motivator?

Firebat signal increases. Without dropping the marketer he turns back to Boots and responds.

I'm sorry, my impulse control isn't treating me correctly today. This has never happened to me before. I don't even know why I'm here -- maybe I haven't slept well? I need to get something to eat. Something that tastes good. Either that or watch some Rick and Morty.
I can get you some Rick and Morty.
There has to be a way.
I have no idea.

His eyes are confused but Sticks has apparently commandeered the lower half of his face to present an eager grin.

Let's head upstairs and see what your instincts have to say.

He turns and nibbles the marketer one more time before following.

Power has mostly been restored. The crowd has been sorted into its seats except for a few stragglers on the edges hunting between the aisles for red sauce. A couple human bodies lying in the aisles suggest an alternate source of red sauce was found.

None of the rest of his team is onstage yet. The air shimmers and the crowd is gone, but the bodies remain. Some serving staff can still be seen far to the back of the auditorium, near the entrance. Maybe an inch of water runs along the floor, in the front section.

Last chance to come clean.
I'm clean as a whistle.
I don't know exactly what it is you're hiding. I have a really strong guess that only gets reinforced every time you open your mouth. I'm telling you, it really isn't the most damaging thing that could happen.
Everyone wants to have a "secret sauce," which for a lot of players is Adderall. (I hear until he quit recently, that was Firebat's.) Your "secret sauce" has shown up on camera loads of times. In your case it's an all-liquid diet -- you know what liquid -- and by failing to disconfirm it you've confirmed it for anyone with eyes and a brain. I watched your replays.
I'm going to try to be in the video room when they film you. I'm also good at Dota so maybe I can get them to put me on. If so, whatever you say, I'm going to make it as graceful as I can, so you should embrace it. The truth. The one rule for our conversation is you can't lie. Deal?

Firebat is drooling on the floor again, this time staring in Trump's direction. Boots speaks over Trump's head, hoping to reach whichever agent currently has more control of the body. Although this doesn't seem typical of Sticks, or of Firebat -- no one with this kind of eating problem could weigh less than five hundred pounds without purging.

You have to promise me you're not going to bite anyone during the show. I'm going to have you play game 4.
I'm leaving.

He doesn't leave, but he withdraws to the separate subsection offstage where the curtain is hung.

There's a side of me that doesn't think it can promise that.
I've always had bad impulse control, just never about stuff like this.
I'm getting hungry again...
Focus on Rick and Morty.

Set down before Dota, his hands begin to type autonomously. It's just character select at first, until he brings up a steam panel, then a microtransactions list. He flips through the couriers, then the items, then some hero bios, and finally finds a page whose header he scrolls past too quickly to read, but whose contents looks like a list of media properties.

There onscreen, Morty!
Wait -- errp! Morty!

His hand closes the page before he finishes ogling the image. A window pops up asking him to buy something. Firebat signal lost.

Boots, this is Sticks. I need a valid debit card number since Firebat doesn't remember the last four digits of his. I think you will want to handle this before the game.

Firebat signal returns.

I'm feeling distressed... I need to eat something. I haven't eaten all day... or some caffeine. Maybe some stimulants...

He starts to suck his own thumb. It's not just resting on his lower teeth: it's nestled between two giant canines protruding from the top of his mouth. He shoots Trump a nasty, hungry look.

Boots Raingear.
You took your time showing up. As for me? I just had an interview.
You have one too. We were looking for you all over. You probably still have time to do it, if you hurry.
Who is this asshole?
Your replacement.
He's not famous. Unless he's famous for being a thumbsucker.
Apparently, with certain people, he is.

PewDiePie looks a little too peeved to be sarcastic. After some moments of inner conflict he settles on earnestly stating the opposite of his intentions, which is the lowest form of sarcasm.

The video room is east of stage. Have fun.

The soles of his shoes look wet. He smells like salt.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 02:01:08 am by Zekka »


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Sherman Tank

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Kill PewDiePie again.


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Guys, this "Secrets of the admins of a right-wing memes page" topic is totally stale. Let's forget about it and move on. I spent two weeks working on content for a great new update but it's all shit and no one has any reason to look at it because I'm a shit human being. And like all shit human beings I play and enjoy Dota.

I didn't want to admit it but I started this thread because I had an addiction that couldn't be satisfied -- a deep, hidden longing to fuck Slark^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H play Dota 2 with my internet friends, and the only possible outlet was to produce elaborate Dota fanfiction set in the universe of "Liberal Crime Squad," featuring inane mods.

That isn't enough for me any more. I've failed you and I've failed myself. Therefore I propose we start the F-Plus Dota League.

The only rule of the F-Plus Dota League is that we make every decision based on the picks at http://slarkshotpicks.reptoid.me. And we write down all the things that site tells us, including cryptic, insane things. We take screenshots too. (Those are important) Also, I have some friends from another forum who may want to play with us. And they may have higher availability than I do.

Who's game?
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 02:00:28 am by Zekka »


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Before we forget about the past ten wonderful pages, I still kinda wanna nuke Trump. Can we please nuke Trump?

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We have forgotten less than you think we have.

(Maybe we haven't forgotten anything at all. There could be stuff you haven't explored yet. The self-loathing and most of the "I take it back this is worthless" were ironic and meant to serve a storytelling goal. We will see most of the previous characters and events again.)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 02:57:00 am by Zekka »


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Who's game?

Zekka, April 12, 2016, 01:58:45 am

I hope you enjoy taking a ride down the fucking toilet because I'd love to play Dota 2 with you guys (and I'm trash at it).

e: Is this for competitive-level play? If so, I'm not so sure. I really do suck shit.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 03:03:27 pm by Gyro »


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I've been told the picker website has suffered major outages and is unreliable.

Those are all blatant lies. No such outages have occurred. ESEX hires only the finest sysadmins to configure their servers.

Who's game?

Zekka, April 12, 2016, 01:58:45 am

I hope you enjoy taking a ride down the fucking toilet because I'd love to play Dota 2 with you guys (and I'm trash at it).

e: Is this for competitive-level play? If so, I'm not so sure. I really do suck shit.
Gyro, April 12, 2016, 02:02:17 pm

You're going to be eSports as hell by the time you finish participating. Don't worry -- DOTASPORT promises its finest celebrity coaches. (At least the ones with time out of their busy schedules.)

Frank West

  • Have you ever astraled and kicked it with satan
  • Ridiculist
  • Marky Mk 2
    • 1,326
    • 165
Sometimes the conversations on the site also loop themselves, the longer I leave the page open, the more likely they are to replay, eventually multiple times.

(However, I'm still writing down the challenges in a desperate attempt to scry the inside of your brain.)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 05:06:23 pm by Frank West »