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Topic: Terrible In-jokes, Written with Enthusiasm  (Read 5225 times)

Sherman Tank

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Terrible In-jokes, Written with Enthusiasm
I'm a volunteer at the USS Midway Museum in San Diego. My department is restoring the ship's CIC (Combat Information Center, AKA the room with all the glowing display screens where Edward James Olmos always hung out in Battlestar Galactica). Because I could, I turned one of the displays into a big in-joke for the dozen or so people in San Diego who might actually listen to this podcast besides me.

The Ridiculists are now air traffic controllers on an aircraft carrier. Terrible flight plans, directed with enthusiasm!

Hopefully it will last until the opening of the CIC exhibit a couple months from now. Nobody else who I've explained the in-joke to seem to care.

Anyone else done anything similar?
NutshellGulag Victor Laszlo Frank West goombapolice Ashto Liatai One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Lemon Lady Frenzy chai tea latte Adam Bozarth Blandest eldritchhat xX_sp00ks_Xx Maxine Headroom Gyro Nifty Nif STOG A Meat Achilles' Heelies Boots Raingear Mu. strifeheart John Toast Chupasaurus-Rex SHAMBA~1.SBB
« Last Edit: March 23, 2016, 08:52:26 pm by Sherman Tank »

Emperor Jack Chick

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Terrible In-jokes, Written with Enthusiasm #1
Gyro Nifty Nif SHAMBA~1.SBB

Sherman Tank

  • Licensed Kadir-Buxton Method Practitioner
  • Associate Tag Director, East
  • I'm over 30 years old and I like fried chicken.
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Terrible In-jokes, Written with Enthusiasm #2
It's supposed to be two words (Port Axe), but you try writing backwards clearly with a stubby grease pencil.


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Terrible In-jokes, Written with Enthusiasm #3
Anyone else done anything similar?Sherman Tank, March 23, 2016, 08:48:07 pm


I make video game levels because that's my jam. The venn diagram of the people who would play them and the people who listen to the F+ is probably two circles that are very far away from each other, so I'm going to post some things I've snuck in my WIP that nobody but ballp.it will get.

In addition to wholly owning the views expressed in the last MRA episode, Adam Bozarth can be proud to know his name is associated with a character in a Thief fan mission who I've expressly written to stalk and kill his neighbor's wife then hang himself!

THE KILLING SPEEEEEELL, complete with highschool-grade poetry.

I have also managed to cram in a subtle reference to a line from ShakespeareHemingway's Garfield fanfic but that's not worth posting. As a closer, this is what my dev textures look like:
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Gyro STOG Sherman Tank eldritchhat Mu. Adam Bozarth NutshellGulag Nifty Nif


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Terrible In-jokes, Written with Enthusiasm #4
Anyone else done anything similar?Sherman Tank, March 23, 2016, 08:48:07 pm


I make video game levels because that's my jam. The venn diagram of the people who would play them and the people who listen to the F+ is probably two circles that are very far away from each other, so I'm going to post some things I've snuck in my WIP that nobody but ballp.it will get.

In addition to wholly owning the views expressed in the last MRA episode, Adam Bozarth can be proud to know his name is associated with a character in a Thief fan mission who I've expressly written to stalk and kill his neighbor's wife then hang himself!

THE KILLING SPEEEEEELL, complete with highschool-grade poetry.
Spooks, March 24, 2016, 08:31:21 am

Woah dude woah dude woah

Is this Thief or Thief 2?

I might have to play your missions, I loved those games.


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Terrible In-jokes, Written with Enthusiasm #5
Anyone else done anything similar?Sherman Tank, March 23, 2016, 08:48:07 pm


I make video game levels because that's my jam. The venn diagram of the people who would play them and the people who listen to the F+ is probably two circles that are very far away from each other, so I'm going to post some things I've snuck in my WIP that nobody but ballp.it will get.

In addition to wholly owning the views expressed in the last MRA episode, Adam Bozarth can be proud to know his name is associated with a character in a Thief fan mission who I've expressly written to stalk and kill his neighbor's wife then hang himself!

THE KILLING SPEEEEEELL, complete with highschool-grade poetry.

I have also managed to cram in a subtle reference to a line from ShakespeareHemingway's Garfield fanfic but that's not worth posting. As a closer, this is what my dev textures look like:

Spooks, March 24, 2016, 08:31:21 am

That's dope as shit. Now I want to stream Thief.
Sherman Tank chai tea latte


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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Terrible In-jokes, Written with Enthusiasm #6
Is this Thief or Thief 2?
Dog Magma, March 24, 2016, 09:04:21 am

Technically it's a free, standalone Doom 3 mod that's the old thief's spiritual successor, I didn't wanna sound like I'm totally pluggin' it but to clear up any possible confusion yeah just look up "the dark mod" cause it's free and I like it, and not enough people know about it, and it's great! /plug over


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Terrible In-jokes, Written with Enthusiasm #7
Anyone else done anything similar?
Sherman Tank, March 23, 2016, 08:48:07 pm

All I have is a stupid reference in an article I wrote for my dumb blog here.

Of Being and Feminism
A Rumination on the Nature of the “Male” Feminist

  I was born to be a feminist, as much I was born to be anything else. My being was formed in the crucible of my mother’s womb; I was female, as everyone is, for the first few months of formation; and I have studied Jung, and made the dissociation of my mother’s actual identity (as well as any future partner, male or female) from the elusive anima. So it seems a logical extension of my existence to identify as a feminist, as it, in of itself, is derived from “women.” However, fellow “males” seem to be uncomfortable referring to themselves as feminists, barely know anything about feminism, or actively challenge the progress that it has made.
  Now, in fairness, I am a third-wave/postmodernist feminist, as is made obvious by my reference to Jean Paul Sartre in my title1, so assess my argument within those parameters. I believe that the binary of gender is a construct of society, and as such, I see “man” and “women” as performative distinctions that must be questioned at all times2. So it is pertinent to emphasize that when I speak of “males,” I speak of the general, white males that are the relative image of the people of the United States, which I can be easily categorized with. I plan to address my ideas on three issues that disturb me with regards to the masculine view of feminism: 1. Why men who openly strive for equal rights, and agree with many feminist ideas, are uncomfortable with identifying themselves as feminists; 2. Why men often attempt to ignore feminism, and find it hard to acknowledge the accomplishments of it; 3. Why men purposefully attack feminist progress, and why entire movements pop up in opposition to feminist progress.

Stand Together in Alliance

  Unlike the majority of other topics I tend to spout off on, I am lucky enough to be, at least partially, a “subject” of the LGBTQ+ community. By this, I mean that I am actually bisexual, and can as such say that I’m a real “B.” Kidding aside, this community, and feminism, has been afflicted with similar problems, but varying side-effects from them. Many people considered outside the subject of these groups will refer to themselves, and be referred to, as allies. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, in an ideological movement every member is an ally, but I think the connotation of ally given to a specific category of member does feel ostracizing.
  This isn’t to say that the LGBTQ+ movement should pander to heterosexual people, nor that feminism should pander to males. However, the use of ally can often create the implication of other, and thus make these allies think within the parameters of an other. Even if it is unconsciously done, issues will be seen from the position of ‘how does this relate to heterosexual/male/white people,’ instead of ‘how does this relate to human identity.’ People should be aware of their differences in perception, but that should be secondary to dealing with the problem in reference to humanity as a whole.
  To illustrate this, I’ll give an example of the ‘feminist ally’ persona causing problems with my own beliefs. While assuming that persona, I would simplify the idea of feminism to ‘if a woman is being portrayed negatively, acted against with violence, or doing something traditionally feminine, then it is bad.’ This is a mixture of what is known colloquially as “white knighting,” and codifying masculine traits as positive. The first amounts to just another form of objectifying women, and the second,
arguably worse, is devaluing women’s identities to an even more stringent definition.
  How I fixed my own discrepancies was by redefining my own thought system within feminism. Instead of saying that I am one thing, and they are another thing, and as such I am a good this for helping them; I say that we are all people, and making these changes will have a positive effect on all people. This way, if I am approaching an issue such as the wage gap, I do not ask: ‘how would making this equal benefit me?’ I ask: ‘will making this equal prevent this from happening to any more people in the future?’
  There is also the problem of one going too far in the other direction to avoid the dreaded “ally” status. Instead of reforming their mind to consider these issues in terms of all humanity's betterment, they force themselves into the incredibly loose margins of the “subject.” I speak of the people on Tumblr who create incredibly specific categorizations of sexuality, and so called groups of “egalitarians.” They tend to not only do this, but restrict the standing of others to legitimize their position, as well as devote most of their focus on performing this legitimization.

Ignorance of the World is my Excuse

  Even if those people undermine feminist issues, at least they acknowledge that those problems exist. The majority of men give very little thought to women’s issues, but that is also true of most heterosexuals with LGBTQ+ issues, and of most people (white, more often than not) with the issues of other ethnicities. Apathy is as much a part of humanity as empathy, and one cannot exist without the other. If someone has no inciting incident to emphasize with another group, they’ll vaguely acknowledge their general accomplishments at best, and condemn them at worst.
  There are very few people who would disregard the contributions made by suffragettes, but they will usually do so for problems that have been solved for the
most part. When it comes to more complicated issues, such as the wage gap, they will tend to find ways to justify it or undermine the work against it. People want to believe that their society works and is important, and so it takes a catalyst to show them that that isn’t exactly true.
  A jolt enough to break this spell tends to be through the hardships of those near to them, if not to themselves. However, if that’s the case, all men have met at least one woman, and yet most still aren’t feminists. The main reason for that is most likely because not all women are feminists, nor are they all vocal enough to convince their male friends and family. That isn’t their fault, I mean, who in the world would want to chastise themselves into being an ideologue. No, even with many of my feminist friends, they’re uncomfortable seriously talking about their beliefs. The stereotype of the bra-burning, crazy feminist is insane, and holds no real water if your existence has ever expanded beyond that of popular culture.
  The problem is, media often portrays feminists in an masculated version of women, instead of just average people. No one ever expects one of their friends to be one, as they always imagine that same drilled-in image. In reality, feminist are as varied as people are, with some who are timid and quiet, some who are loud and exuberant, overly nice, aggressive, sexual, athletic, intellectual, traditionally feminine, traditionally masculine, or completely outside of those terms. Hell, there are so many different versions of feminism that you could count Judith Butler, Ayn Rand, and Sarah Palin as feminists (though i’d prefer you not be feminist than be one like Ayn Rand or Sarah Palin).
  Anyhow, if you are not a feminist, and somehow came upon this article, I implore you to really think about the experiences of your female friends. Really think about it, and whether or not they’ve ever discussed with you on being looked down on for their gender, being called a slut or similar, or having a male sexual partner who expected sexual gratification from them. If you are female, I apologize for making you remember such experiences if you have had them (which, sadly enough, you most likely have), but both of you must really consider if you want this to happen to someone else, and if it is worth becoming a feminist to prevent it. Not everyone needs to be a feminist, you’re allowed to have your own mind, but please, don’t associate with the people I’m about to discuss.

Reddit; Need I say More?

  If you have any presence within the internet, I’m sure you’ve discovered certain ‘movements’ such as #Gamergate, #NotAllMen, or the7 #RedPill. If you have, I dearly apologize on the behalf of all men, for which I cannot speak. It is quite clear that these movements have no actual ideological basis, besides just a reactionary view of feminism, with, as is natural of reactionaries, no idea what feminism actually is. However, one good thing that these groups provide, is a horrifyingly real example of how not to perform in modern times.
  Now, for every movement, there is a counter-movement, even if the counter-movement existed before, it restructures itself to counteract the former. I’m sorry for saying ‘movement’ so many times, as now it surely has lost any meaning it once clung to. Anyhow, these groups above show an uninformed counter-movement that has no self-awareness. Not all counter-movements are bad, as postmodernism and feminism are both counter-movements, but unlike things like MRA, postmodernism and feminism ultimately evolved and grew. They splintered, stemming from their original, collective ancestor into their own varied ideologies. Men’s Rights has only splintered thanks to infighting, and has no real variance from ‘women do everything wrong.’
  These sort of movements grow from a mixture of blind pride, stupidity, and a failure in logic. These people saw that there was something wrong with society, but had very little interaction with the people really hurt by these faults, and made the mistake of aiming their anger at them. They would never admit that, not even to themselves, and that tends to make a person an even more egregious zealot. In the essence of these movements, they hate women. Hate is similar to empathy, in that you realize that something else is like you, only, instead of accepting that and acknowledging your shared experiences, you have a crisis of identity that propels you to lump all of your unconscious faults onto them.
  If you are a member of one of these groups, then know that I don’t hate you; instead, like a doting mother, I am more disappointed in you. I have to believe you can be healed, even if you can’t be a feminist. monster cockyse that hate you have for women, and try to understand why you think they ALL have these negative aspects, or could collectively share any aspect besides being human. AND FOR GOD FUCKING SAKES, TALK TO AN ACTUAL WOMEN YOU STUPID PIG


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Terrible In-jokes, Written with Enthusiasm #8
Because I got the host into fplus, doing voices and terrible accents is now a feature of our company game streams whenever possible

Also evidently I have a visit to San Diego to plan

Adam Bozarth

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Terrible In-jokes, Written with Enthusiasm #9

In addition to wholly owning the views expressed in the last MRA episode, Adam Bozarth can be proud to know his name is associated with a character in a Thief fan mission who I've expressly written to stalk and kill his neighbor's wife then hang himself!
Spooks, March 24, 2016, 08:31:21 am

This is awesome. And also prescient because that is how I plan to go.

I have one myself, but it's part of a big project. Kickstarter is involved in many levels.