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February 05, 2025, 01:01:40 pm

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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2308963 times)

A Meat

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why is "go fuck yourself" an insult? sure I'll do that, but not now
Salubrious Rex Lemon


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coming back from the best halloween orgy you've ever been to, all your holes filled to the brim with i-won't-say-what, you find out that the world is still the same, the people in the chatroom still talk about the same old boring bullshit, the racists are still killing themselves in the middle east. you're still going to die in 50 years. i guess your happiness doesn't matter that much. you decide tomorrow you're gonna finally choose a direction and start walking away from your house and not stop until you get to the sea. you forget the thought in the morning and keep doing what you were always doing.


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If Cheerios is an abbreviation like mofos, is it Cheeriothers or Cheeriuckers?
Great Joe

chai tea latte

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honeynut cheerioids left seething at protein-optimizing brancels
Great Joe


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young people internet is just a house of carrds
Salubrious Rex Great Joe thelizzerd

Dr. Buttplug

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The Cheese Tax song and the opening number from Jerma's Rat Movie are melding inside my brain intoa new musical experience I could never express.

A Meat

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Naming a dog "console" so I can give it commands
Lemon chai tea latte


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went into an incognito window, opened youtube and searched for Clown Hypnosis to see if I could find anything funny. one of the suggested videos after watching the first video was tucker carlson saying "They" were lying. we're so fucked if you cant even become overtly hypnotised by a clown girl without also getting sublimated into fascism
xX_sp00ks_Xx Salubrious Rex vaMpiresoftWare A Meat Antivehicular Dr. Buttplug chai tea latte PaulLovesToLaugh corporate daiquiri


  • Mike Tyson’s Ghost
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It’s Wikimedia Foundation, not Wikiyoudia Foundation.
Lemon Antivehicular Salubrious Rex xX_sp00ks_Xx chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug


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It’s Wikimedia Foundation, not Wikiyoudia Foundation.
vaMpiresoftWare, November 14, 2024, 08:20:51 pm

I think it's time we both started citing new sources.
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex Dr. Buttplug


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if proust posted on r/twosentencehorror, he'd still be somehow making those stories 50 pages long, wtf

A Meat

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Do you need a special building permit from the city to build a pyramid or can you just build one without informing anybody as long as it's your property?

A Meat

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Boustrophedon writing will be 2025's big fad


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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Do you need a special building permit from the city to build a pyramid or can you just build one without informing anybody as long as it's your property?
A Meat, November 16, 2024, 11:44:58 pm

I understand this post but it's truly one of those things that may never get an answer. You have the immovable object of "pyramids are the most stable architectural structures" vs the unstoppable force of "city hall will fuck you over if you try to have fun no matter what".

I think we should all try and find out together.
Salubrious Rex A Meat chai tea latte

A Meat

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MMA should be short for mystical martial arts and the octagon should have I Ching trigrams on it
Salubrious Rex chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug xX_sp00ks_Xx