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Topic: Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet  (Read 53236 times)


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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet #1


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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet #2
I love when Internet crazy people call out other Internet crazy people for having stupid theories. "Well, obviously the Earth is concave and has a glass dome over it, but obviously there aren't other planets that cause cataclysms in our solar system. That's just stupid."
Eider Duck Gyro Hoopy

Sherman Tank

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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet #3
How are there so many of these goddamned websites? Extra Credit recorded an episode on this same topic using a completely different one of these sites!

Corn Syrup

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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet #4
My first thought when STOG read SMH as Suck My Hog:

Also, I feel like The Intern should be trying to sell me on tomato sauce and fresh "Fritos".
STOG xX_sp00ks_Xx


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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet #5

The bodybuilding.com tangent in the middle of it is such wonderful internet.
Eider Duck Goose Goose Honk At Me Now Liatai

Sherman Tank

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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet #6
Oh hey, I can cross World Ice Theory off my references to Nazi-supported theories bingo card!


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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet #7
God, I was in tears on this one. I was really worried this would be too confusing to be funny, but you guys made it brilliant.


The bodybuilding.com tangent in the middle of it is such wonderful internet.
EYE OF ZA, October 08, 2016, 01:54:58 pm

And it's proof that some things are funnier when it looks like one crazy guy talking to himself. I call it the Garfield Minus Garfield Effect.
Corn Syrup RoeCocoa Ragnarok Boobies NotHelpingMatters Liatai


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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet #8
How are there so many of these goddamned websites? Extra Credit recorded an episode on this same topic using a completely different one of these sites!
Heliotard Sherman Tank, October 08, 2016, 01:25:09 pm

I bet ours looks worse


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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet #9
You guys need to have [The Intern] on more often. Adam wasn't joking when he said she's the funniest.
Eider Duck Ragnarok Boobies crilimal Liatai

Sherman Tank

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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet #10
How are there so many of these goddamned websites? Extra Credit recorded an episode on this same topic using a completely different one of these sites!
Heliotard Sherman Tank, October 08, 2016, 01:25:09 pm

I bet ours looks worse
Ambious Was a Mistake, October 08, 2016, 02:17:47 pm

Who let you out of the editing suite? Get back in there now!


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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet #11
You guys need to have [The Intern] on more often. Adam wasn't joking when he said she's the funniest.
Bodark, but spookier, October 08, 2016, 02:29:12 pm

I dunno. [The Intern] sounded like she was left handed, and had a specific "radio" styled voice. I'm highly suspicious.

Eider Duck

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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet #12
Oh my god the pushups segment. The guy claiming to create physical matter had me in tears. "Your pushups claim is shit and false, but my ability to create stuff out of thin air is totally real!"

The Intern is also great, and I hope this isn't the only time they appear on the podcast
« Last Edit: October 08, 2016, 06:01:28 pm by Eider Duck »

cube abuser

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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet #13
steven christ's youtube videos are a treasure

Fatty Bo Batty

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Episode 229: The Space In Our Planet #14
I don't want to talk to no Lientists, ya'll muthafuckers sighin', and getting me pissed.
Lemon NotHelpingMatters