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Topic: 234: Question.com And The Morons  (Read 13474 times)


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234: Question.com And The Morons
Achilles' Heelies Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Captain Nobeard Sherman Tank
« Last Edit: April 20, 2020, 12:44:54 pm by Lemon »


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234: Question.com And The Morons #1
There's some really dumb people on that site huh.

Vinny Possum

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234: Question.com And The Morons #2
I love guys like the "people parasites like insect people" guy that are just operating on a completely alien wavelength then the rest of the world.
Corn Syrup


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234: Question.com And The Morons #3
I hope you guys are planning on revisiting this site cause I've got a half of a doc I'm not going to let go to waste.
Boots Raingear Eider Duck Lemon Avian Achilles' Heelies Sherman Tank Really_Quite_Nice STOG Yavuz Gyro Liatai znarf Macho Masc Sangy Savage I Liked That Joke Shell Game


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234: Question.com And The Morons #4
man i fucking dig question mark and the mysterions

also i happen to spell masturbation like this: masta-baaaatio-n

A Meat

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234: Question.com And The Morons #5
You know, in the hypothetical situation where I would find myself staring at a jar of piss with a picture of me in it, I'd probably wonder if someone tried to cast a spell on me too.


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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234: Question.com And The Morons #6
It's really the most reasonable explanation.

Sherman Tank

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234: Question.com And The Morons #7
It's really the most reasonable explanation.
GirlKisser420, November 30, 2016, 02:03:37 am

Or you're an an acquaintance of Andres Serrano.


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234: Question.com And The Morons #8
To Kumquat's point about how antique it seems, the Whois records say that the domain was originally registered in March 1996. It really does seem like the sort of domain that would get snapped up pretty quickly.


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234: Question.com And The Morons #9
forget all that, look up the most misunderstood otherkin, the gel-kin

Sherman Tank

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234: Question.com And The Morons #10
This ep desperately needs the "dragons" and "how in the hell did you get that fetish" tags.


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234: Question.com And The Morons #11
How do these guys do the master beat and casually throw in that they noticed their sperm count was low? Stick a probe up there "hmm a bit low this morning, time for more cornflakes!".?