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Topic: 246: Compose With Joystick Controllers  (Read 18260 times)

Puppy Time

  • Rainbow Brownshirt
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246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #30
Is now the time for me to mention that Lemon pronounced Ljubljana wrong?
A Meat, March 17, 2017, 04:44:57 pm

To be honest I figured it was wrong but I don't actually know what the right pronunciation even is to begin.
She Found Blood in the Sherman Tank, March 17, 2017, 10:07:05 pm

Wikipedia to the rescue!

Corn Syrup

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  • hit it and quidditch
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246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #31

Wikipedia to the rescue!
Puppy Time, March 18, 2017, 01:17:46 am

Well, sure, if you believe Wikipedia's left-leaning lies. Conservapedia should have it with the correct pronunciation of "uhl-djooble-djanna".

accepting change

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    • 15
246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #32
i liked the circling the drain one

Knitting Machine

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246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #33
I can't tell which I love better: the fact that the one guy wrote out the most generic "artsy" video game but was too lazy to actually make it, or the fact that he has a nostalgia hard-on for the Game Gear.


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246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #34
Number of clips mentioned in this doc: 37
Number of clips mentioned in this doc that mention pay rates for contributing authors: 10

73% of these people are dead from exposure, but to be fair, that was far less than I was expecting when I decided that this post was a good idea.

I decided to be generous and count clips that mentioned contest prizes (but not those that mentioned "sometimes, but not always" honorariums (yes, really.)) I also noticed that very few submission pages discussed which type of rights the clip was buying, or even desired submission formats (this info is kinda important!)

Two clips also take photograph submissions, in jpeg or gif.

Dreginald simply has to be seen to be believed.
Yavuz Puppy Time
« Last Edit: March 20, 2017, 03:56:47 pm by Dawnswalker »


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
  • Paid
  • I have a problem and then I have another problem
    • 2,574
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246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #35
Number of clips mentioned in this doc: 37
Number of clips mentioned in this doc that mention pay rates for contributing authors: 10

73% of these people are dead from exposure, but to be fair, that was far less than I was expecting when I decided that this post was a good idea.

I decided to be generous and count clips that mentioned contest prizes (but not those that mentioned "sometimes, but not always" honorariums (yes, really.)) I also noticed that very few submission pages discussed which type of rights the clip was buying, or even desired submission formats (this info is kinda important!)

Two clips also take photograph submissions, in jpeg or gif.

Dreginald simply has to be seen to be believed.
Dawnswalker, March 19, 2017, 08:56:03 pm

Honestly, at first I thought you were talking about Magazin⁠es4Sale.com
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Sherman Tank

Puppy Time

  • Rainbow Brownshirt
  • Paid
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246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #36
Dawnswalker fucked up the URL (it's missing a colon) so here: http://dreginald.com/

Achilles' Heelies

  • Ridiculist
  • Intelligent Doggie Tracking System
  • 508
  • 69
246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #37
Dawnswalker fucked up the URL (it's missing a colon) so here: http://dreginald.com/
Puppy Time, March 20, 2017, 02:32:02 pm
I would create a doc on all of the "publications" mentioned in this episode, but I'm not sure anyone handle that level of pain.


  • Paid
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    • 22
246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #38
Dawnswalker fucked up the URL (it's missing a colon) so here: http://dreginald.com/
Puppy Time, March 20, 2017, 02:32:02 pm

I fixed it now!


  • Paid
    • 114
    • 8
246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #39
Dawnswalker fucked up the URL (it's missing a colon) so here: http://dreginald.com/
Puppy Time, March 20, 2017, 02:32:02 pm

I fixed it now!
Dawnswalker, March 20, 2017, 04:31:04 pm
This is a site one of you guys made right? Please tell me it's not legit. My brain can't handle that this isn't a joke website.


  • Guest
246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #40
A part of me is tempted to mass submit a bunch of randomly generated text under various pseudonyms with false bios and publications, and see how much actually makes it onto the site.

Puppy Time

  • Rainbow Brownshirt
  • Paid
  • 949
  • 33
246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #41
I mean a lot of it is already in the Markov generator range to begin with...

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
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246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #42
Was the Harvest Moon knock-off supposed to be a creepypasta?

You know, sometimes I think people are too hard on those trying to raise the status of video games as art, but then I'm painfully reminded of shit like this.

Puppy Time

  • Rainbow Brownshirt
  • Paid
  • 949
  • 33
246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #43
Nah, if it were creepypasta, the screen would ooze blood or something, and the player would have some sort of nightmare sequence.  This was more the "what if escapist fiction... were actually really depressing?! Whoa..." genre of bad writing.

ETA: Also I feel like the presence of examples of terrible work in a medium shouldn't lead to someone writing the entire medium off; the entire collection of MST3K movies don't disqualify film, after all.  Let us all simply celebrate the existence of ridiculous things that we can laugh at in addition to the well-made things that inspire our higher passions!
Corn Syrup Achilles' Heelies
« Last Edit: April 25, 2017, 11:51:32 pm by Puppy Time »

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
  • Paid
  • Captain, what should I do?
  • 4,919
  • 666
246: Compose With Joystick Controllers #44
ETA: Also I feel like the presence of examples of terrible work in a medium shouldn't lead to someone writing the entire medium off; the entire collection of MST3K movies don't disqualify film, after all.  Let us all simply celebrate the existence of ridiculous things that we can laugh at in addition to the well-made things that inspire our higher passions!
Puppy Time, April 25, 2017, 11:43:44 pm

Oh, I agree. It's just I often run across people who feel very strongly about video games one way or another, and as I consider arguing with people who vehemently oppose the idea of video games as art, I remember THESE sorts of things. (Also I'm being mildly hyperbolic.)