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Topic: F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017  (Read 78067 times)


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #180
Mmmmmmmstill on the couch.

I'll have more later, meantime I know a lot of people were taking photos and videos over the weekend. If you wanted to send some/all of those to me, I'd appreciate it.

Okay now back to sleep bye
Shell Game


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #181
Here's a thing I think I figured out about Stog's reading in retrospect:

The Pantom is probably a pun more than a misspelling. Pie pan.

Frank West

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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #182
Here's a thing I think I figured out about Stog's reading in retrospect:

The Pantom is probably a pun more than a misspelling. Pie pan.
Trav, August 21, 2017, 10:32:57 pm

That, or it was a bozarth typo

Sorry adam

Adam Bozarth

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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #183
Here's a thing I think I figured out about Stog's reading in retrospect:

The Pantom is probably a pun more than a misspelling. Pie pan.
Trav, August 21, 2017, 10:32:57 pm

That, or it was a bozarth typo

Sorry adam
Frank West, August 21, 2017, 11:50:53 pm

Probably was me. Or was it The Pantom?
Please And Thanks Shell Game Frank West Boots Raingear Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #184
Ok, I really would like to express sincere* gratitude for just a moment.

First I would like to thank all y'all F+ans for coming out. You wonderful crazy fucks are beautiful.  I wish I could have accidentally assaulted every last one of you just so I could sign your bodies and get some mini gropes in.  Again, I'm sorry about that, Ms. Game.  I've sent more than a few people to the hospital from dap-related incidents. 

Now, a hearty FUCK YEAH to all planners, readers, submitters, and general laborers who made this weekend beautiful. There is a whole lotta goddamn work that goes into this stuff.

All I do is show up and get drunk. Which leads me to thanking every fine person who bought me a drink. The Miques and the BeezelBoobs and the Legz of the world,  you guys are America's unsung heroes.  And I don't know if you picked up on my subtle hints, but I love America. 

It was wonderful to see old fuckers and meet new fuckers.  Keep on fuckin' in the free world.

And even though all the video may not work out, y'all are gonna love the recordings when it is done being fine-tuned by JimmyFranks. He and Boots are the Dynamic Duo of sound and deserve a round of applause. As always, BootsAoke was a wonderful cap-off to the weekend. 

Send warm thoughts and e-hugs to all my Babies Bootsy, Jimmy, Squiddy, Bozarthy, Nutshelly, Victory, Kummyquatty, FrankyWesty, Snoop Stoggy Stog, Bumpy, Louzee Q. Fernandez, Achilleazy and so many others that I could ruin the names of.

Then there's my little Lemon who deserves a fucking week off from work but is instead slogging through his day right now. Just like me.
If y'all haven't ordered a shirt or sticker (or if you're still Guesting this instead of buying a Ballp.it account) then the time is right now. Show some love! (baby don't hurt me) for all the love he's put in.

* Fun fact, I thought Sincerity was simply a name that I've seen on multiple strippers.  Turns out it's a real thing!
Please And Thanks Macho Masc Sangy Savage Frank West Boots Raingear Achilles' Heelies Fatty Bo Batty Mix Corn Syrup Liatai chai tea latte Shell Game Positronic Turtle Moose Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Ven Malakim beelzeboob

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #185
I had an amazing time and it was 100% worth it. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet everyone, as I turn into a weirdly shy goober while sober, and obnoxiously loud idiot while drunk. I hope next year I get a chance to meet you all again :3

Now to chill at the airport for a billion hours.

Emperor Jack Chick

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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #186
I am bummed I did not get to meet everyone who showed up! Thank you all so very fucking much.

Also you all should have come and bought merch, dammit. I am charming and delightful.

Shell Game

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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #187
Mmmmmmmstill on the couch.

I'll have more later, meantime I know a lot of people were taking photos and videos over the weekend. If you wanted to send some/all of those to me, I'd appreciate it.

Okay now back to sleep bye
Lemon, August 21, 2017, 10:02:59 pm

Just to cover my bases here, I sent you permission to access a folder where I put the pictures and videos I took (the ones that seemed salvageable.)

And to everyone else, I probably already said it at some point, but it was awesome. It was great. My elbows and my outlook on life may never be the same! (or they'll both heal after a few days. we'll see.)

Victor Laszlo

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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #188
Each year I struggle between catching up with old friends and making new ones.  There is never enough time for either one, but if the weekend went on any longer I'm quite sure I'd be dead.

I met a very nice mix of forum names and real life names.  Everyone I met was fun and nice and awesome and I hope they felt at least partly the same way about me.  As I've said many times before, our fans are good people.

To the ones who tried so valiantly to buy me a drink, I am sincerely grateful for the generosity and I hope you didn't take my refusal as anything other than a strange quirk of mine.  Next year I will buy you a drink and we'll call it even.

Lemon, thank you for your hard work and your hospitality.  Boots, thank you for your hard work and your bear hugs.  Kumquat, thank you for making whirlyball a reality.  Bunnybread, nobody squeezes my nipples quite like you do, so, um, thanks. 


Moose Achilles' Heelies Corn Syrup Bunnybread Shell Game chai tea latte Liatai Sherman Tank junior associate faguar


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #189
The highlight of my visit to F Plus Live was the time I got to spend with Guest, who is incredibly charming and funny.

but seriously it was fun
Cheapskate, August 21, 2017, 10:49:38 am

i've been working 12-hour days for almost two weeks straight and just logged on here for the first time in months; i got VERY confused for a second lmao. anyway i am jealous of/happy for everyone who got to go!!!!! one day when i have more time and money i'll catch the next event for sure.


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #190
As soon as I get home (in a week or so) I'll sit down and arrange my photos, but here's a little preview itmt:

Please And Thanks chai tea latte Shell Game Lemon
« Last Edit: August 23, 2017, 11:05:18 pm by Ambious »

Adam Bozarth

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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #191
Now that I have a spare, rested moment...

I wanted to say thanks again to everyone who came out and made the weekend so great. It's only that much fun because you all came out and made it fun.

I know I talked to a lot of people here and there, but got very few names. That was fine, though, because everyone was really nice.

I'm very grateful to everyone who listens and supports this show. Even if you didn't attend, you still make the show what it is. It's very touching to have your support.

Once I get some time to myself, I'll work on that Whirlyball highlight reel.
Please And Thanks Liatai xX_sp00ks_Xx


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #192
Now that I've gotten a chance to sit down and not either be working or sleeping...

I had a fantastic time during Live. Congrats to all the readers, who kill it every year. Congrats to everyone who made it out, who help make this show bigger and better each year. Congrats to the people who support the podcast, who this show is for.

I look forward to this weekend every year. I don't get out much, and it's pretty much the only time I really get to go out and hang with a bunch of weirdos from the internet that have the same odd hobby that I do. I've been having an incredibly rough couple of months, and this show and the people in the community here have been making what is pretty much the worst time of my life right now enjoyable. I wanna give shoutouts to Lemon, with which I had a great heart-to-heart at karaoke; Victor, who bought me drinks as much as he could (the Minnesotan in me still bought myself a few drinks); and for sure STOG, for letting me crash at his place over the weekend.

Highlights of the weekend (that I remember):
Ironicus and I seeing Kumquat's suit the first time
Achilles plastering 6 temporary tattoos all over his body
Jay starting a DDP chant
The devil's conga-line
Bunnybread's high-five of doom
Tagging along with Jack Chick, Jay, Achilles, and STOG to Surley for some beer, food, and bullshitting
Jay and I being stupid wrestling fans all throughout karaoke
Achilles' Heelies Liatai Shell Game Corn Syrup


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #193
I was talking to someone about this cover on Sunday night, but I've totally forgotten who it was, so I'll just post it for everyone.

junior associate faguar

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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #194
I was talking to someone about this cover on Sunday night, but I've totally forgotten who it was, so I'll just post it for everyone.

Mique, August 24, 2017, 11:36:44 pm

Oh god, does anyone have video of that? Fuuuuck, I have the vaguest memories of what happened.