Rabbids Invasion is a French Canadian show on Nickelodeon that's a series of short CG cartoons based on a video game franchise that is in itself a spinoff of a different video game franchise.
...and holy crap, it's really really good!
Each episode is three short vignettes about an indeterminate number of partially-sentient rabbits who live in a junkheap somewhere on Earth. Each rabbit is completely visually indistinct from the next; There may be female and male rabbits, there may be upper and lower class rabbits, there may be rabbits who are friends with each other, but it's impossible to tell because they all look and sound exactly alike. They're incapable of speech and so emote using only the word "bah", and they are careless, prone to violence, and unrelentingly stupid.
It's the violence and stupidity that drives the episodes. They'll come across something they don't understand (like an escalator or a stop sign) and will try to figure out what that thing is, hurting themselves repeatedly in the process. In the beginning of the second series, they notice the moon, and spend the series trying to get there using fire extinguishers, shaken up cans of soda, ceiling fans, and giant toasters.
Being necessarily light on dialogue and heavy on action, all the shorts have this sort of art-house animation festival vibe to them, and the physical comedy here is magnificient. This is honestly some of the best slapstick I've seen that doesn't have Chuck Jones' name on it.
It's on Hulu, probably some other methods too. If I wasn't trying to distract my daughter from her other cartoon choices I never would have discovered this, so I wanna encourage you to try this out as well. I laugh at just about every episode I've seen.