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Topic: 290: Smashed Words  (Read 10246 times)


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290: Smashed Words
SHAMBA~1.SBB GirlKisser420 Sherman Tank Nikaer Drekin Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Shell Game


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290: Smashed Words #1
It was surreal to hear you start with a bit again.  Had me wondering which year it was.
GirlKisser420 Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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290: Smashed Words #2
Lemon SHAMBA~1.SBB GirlKisser420 chai tea latte


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290: Smashed Words #3
Early production footage from the gritty ALF reboot:

Lemon Sherman Tank

Sherman Tank

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290: Smashed Words #4
I wonder why the story about the steampunk Victorian cat spoke to Nutshell so much?

EDIT: "beware of crime", "christians", "conservatives", "customer service purgatory", "fantasy", "finding jesus through fanfiction", "good titles wasted", "incurable porn disease", "literature", "misogyny", "nerds", "no plot no problem", "oppression fetish", "paranoia", "please give me money for my stupid idea", "puas", "sex", "spoilt victorian children", "sudden dyslexia", "x meets y and it bites"
Wrought Lemon
« Last Edit: October 12, 2018, 12:26:20 am by 60 Minutes Sherman Tank Control »

Boots Raingear

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290: Smashed Words #5
Heads up, this isn't showing up like normal in iOS Podcasts (and maybe other podcasting apps). It looks like there might be a problem with the date?
Darkly, October 12, 2018, 12:02:57 pm

Thanks for pointing that out. The feed is fixed, it should show in your podcatchers shortly.
Sherman Tank

Sherman Tank

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290: Smashed Words #6
If I ever get around to writing a detective novel I'm stealing the title That's No Way to Murder a Lady.


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290: Smashed Words #7
So, ALF-reboot jokes aside, this was kind of a weirdly topical episode for me: I've been working on a pitch document for a graphic novel series (mostly just for shits and giggles) so an entire episode of people trying to sell people on their writing feels very familiar. With that in mind, what really stands out to me in this and most of the other "LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE NOVEL I'M WRITING" episodes are how absolutely horrible most of these people are at writing loglines for their stories.

For anyone who's not familiar with the concept: The logline, often called the "elevator pitch" is essentially the heart and soul of the pitching process: It is the summary of what your book/movie/tv show/Darkwing Duck erotic fanfiction is all about, what makes it stand out from other stories and why anyone would want to read/watch it, all condensed into under 70 words. The length of the logline is super important because if most people aren't invested in a concept within a minute or so of reading they're going to get bored and wander off.

It all comes back to the philosophy "Nobody wants to read your story" and it's really readily demonstrated in these sort of vanity publishing endeavors. While these people may have spent a lot of time writing their magnum opus I, as the casual consumer, don't give a shit: There are more stories out there than any individual could possibly read in a lifetime so I'm not going to waste time on yours unless you give me a good reason and if the summary of your story doesn't get to that good reason quickly I'm going to assume there isn't one and leave.

So yeah, kind of a ramble on my part (ironically ignoring my own advice about getting to the point) but just something I got thinking about while I listened to the episode. For anyone creatively-inclined who wants to learn more about pitching their stories I found this post pretty interesting/insightful
Corn Syrup Nikaer Drekin


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290: Smashed Words #8
A steampunk cat for Nutshell

Ragnarok Boobies Achilles' Heelies Corn Syrup KingKalamari Sherman Tank GirlKisser420 Boots Raingear Nikaer Drekin chai tea latte Sauce The Smoking Dad A Meat SHAMBA~1.SBB Macho Masc Sangy Savage Wyst

Ragnarok Boobies

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290: Smashed Words #9
A steampunk cat for Nutshell

eldritchhat, October 13, 2018, 12:08:18 pm
Dr. Seuss’s Cat in the Copper Cog Hat wasn’t a very popular sequel.


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290: Smashed Words #10
In the Alf reboot they made it so Alf wants to eat pussy. Bold new direction, can’t wait to watch

A Meat

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290: Smashed Words #11
In the Alf reboot they made it so Alf wants to eat pussy. Bold new direction, can’t wait to watch
GirlKisser420, October 14, 2018, 06:00:05 am
Alf is a real alpha
Ragnarok Boobies

Ragnarok Boobies

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290: Smashed Words #12
In the Alf reboot they made it so Alf wants to eat pussy. Bold new direction, can’t wait to watch
GirlKisser420, October 14, 2018, 06:00:05 am
Alf is a real alpha
A Meat, October 14, 2018, 06:48:09 am
Alf and Alfalfa go bar-hopping

chai tea latte

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290: Smashed Words #13
In the Alf reboot they made it so Alf wants to eat pussy. Bold new direction, can’t wait to watch
GirlKisser420, October 14, 2018, 06:00:05 am

(solemnly resets the 'it has been this many days since someone said Alf eats pussy' sign, which has never counted higher than 2)
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Spenny Lemon A Meat KingKalamari SHAMBA~1.SBB GirlKisser420 Sherman Tank Boots Raingear Knitting Machine Ragnarok Boobies Wyst Nemo2342

Knitting Machine

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290: Smashed Words #14
I won't lie I am slightly disappointed that no one has brought up the 90s Alf made for TV movie