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Topic: 291: Hi Reddit, I'm On Drugs Right Now  (Read 7334 times)

Dr. Buttplug

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291: Hi Reddit, I'm On Drugs Right Now #15
Have I been "out of the game" too long? How the fuck do you mix up LSD and Fentanyl?

Ramona Chingona

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291: Hi Reddit, I'm On Drugs Right Now #16
Have I been "out of the game" too long? How the fuck do you mix up LSD and Fentanyl?
Jackal Flapnasty, October 25, 2018, 04:17:33 pm

Legal fentanyl that's been diverted for the black market can be processed and applied to blotters just like acid or really anything else that is effective at extremely low doses.

It's a particularly risky way to do it because the party that made those blotters probably didn't have the kind of equipment or knowledge required to accurately dose them. While it doesn't do those people any good to kill their paying customers, fentanyl is dosed in micrograms, not milligrams. And they could be distilling it from tablets, sprays, lozenges, patches, etc. Even within those categories, the chemical structure of how one tab or patch vs another will differ.

And, yeah, it won't be clearly labeled as "fentanyl" in a user's stash. It's also fairly likely that the people using it would use more than one at a time.

(Not in the game, or a medical professional, or a cop, but I deal with controlled substance a lot for work)
Liatai Dr. Buttplug
« Last Edit: October 29, 2018, 09:50:41 pm by Ramona Chingona »


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291: Hi Reddit, I'm On Drugs Right Now #17
I take insulin... Oh wait that'll be the bodybuilder's forum I complain about.