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Topic: 294: Steve Bannon Ruined Your Sex Robot Conference  (Read 33095 times)

Sherman Tank

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can we name all future robot orifices after US secretaries of state?
A Meat, January 03, 2019, 07:35:20 am
My sex robot has a strategically-placed Powell.
SATAN MILKSHAKE, January 03, 2019, 07:43:11 am
put your P in the Shultz
A Meat, January 03, 2019, 07:59:41 am

I’ll Root your Elihu.
Cheapskate, January 03, 2019, 05:05:54 pm

I'll Hamilton your Fish.

Frank West

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I think you guys are all being really unfair on the subject of AI/human relationships. Let's ask another expert in the field what his opinion is.
GirlKisser420 A Meat SHAMBA~1.SBB Lemon Sherman Tank Vinny Possum NutshellGulag Lawnchair M.D. Dr. Buttplug chai tea latte MasterOfHope Yavuz

Knitting Machine

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"We need to do a scientific study on females" has kept a smile on my face all day. Just the image of men in lab coats staring intensely at a woman holding a roomba brings me such joy
chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug


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In this episode I learned that Steve Bannon is a Force Majeure.
Lemon Corn Syrup chai tea latte

Dr. Buttplug

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Finally got around to watching Ex Machina and before that this popped up in my YouTube suggestions.
So I guess I have to relisten to this one since it is occupying my headspace again.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop GirlKisser420 Vinny Possum Corn Syrup chai tea latte

Frank West

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chai tea latte SHAMBA~1.SBB A Meat Macho Masc Sangy Savage Sherman Tank RoeCocoa Wrought Lemon Yavuz


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Here's a URL I'm posting here about phpCE, not really connected to the ACE conference or the F+ episode. It's really quite unlike anything in this thread, I don't even know why I'm posting this URL here, very weird.


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Here's a URL I'm posting here about phpCE, not really connected to the ACE conference or the F+ episode. It's really quite unlike anything in this thread, I don't even know why I'm posting this URL here, very weird.
Spooks, August 26, 2019, 12:49:03 pm

Yuck, what a mess.


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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The 2020 Conference is online, my friends! VERY online.


It's a virtual conference happening in December, and there's still an open call for papers.

Submit now, and you could win.....

chai tea latte Secret Gaygent 69 Wrought SHAMBA~1.SBB RoeCocoa Macho Masc Sangy Savage Tipsy Almond Boots Raingear Yavuz

Tipsy Almond

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They look like plucked, headless chickens DEAR GOD
Puppy Time

Puppy Time

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They look like plucked, headless chickens DEAR GOD
Tipsy Almond, September 06, 2020, 10:05:55 pm

"Jumping into bed with a robot would very likely kill you"

I... what?

I do appreciate the goofy spreadeagle pose they're stored in.

Dr. Buttplug

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We found one male sex bot so its not sexist see. See? SEE!?
Puppy Time chai tea latte


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They look like plucked, headless chickens DEAR GOD
Tipsy Almond, September 06, 2020, 10:05:55 pm

To quote the 1981 animated schlock epic Heavy Metal: "Earth women who experience sexual ecstasy with mechanical assistance always tend to feel guilty!"

For critics concerned about how sexbots objectify women, this might seem like a victory

I'm gonna be honest, I don't feel like that's the objection most critics actually have with this. It's really more a case of womanifying objects...

The biggest issue to me, at least on a philosophical level, is the fact that the end goal of this whole affair is to create beings capable of complex thought for the sole purpose of fucking them? I realize current AI technology is nowhere near the point of replicating human thought processes, but as presented the aim of these sexbots is creating as humanlike a fuckslave as possible, which is a really morally dubious endeavor, regardless of the gender of the fuckslave.
chai tea latte

Puppy Time

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I personally feel like, if someone wants an AI fuckslave, they should probably have one and keep them away from humans.

Like, unless we get a weird scifi situation of Suddenly Computar Become Humanlike, it's most likely just a reasonable facsimile of human interaction and not a being capable of suffering.  I'm AOK with someone being a major creep as long as the only victim is themself.