I can't get over the guys who are literally just eating beef tallow. A lot of the terrible meals described are things I can kiiiind of understand, like the dudes trying to come up with "healthier" steak preparations, and even the raw beef dudes I can understand from the perspective of "someone told this idiot that you need to eat your meat raw to preserve the vitamins," but... beef tallow? Just eating straight-up fat, without even the pretense of actual food being involved? How the hell did this even happen?
Antivehicular, July 17, 2020, 03:32:16 am
A long while back, in Something Awful's diet subforum, there was a thread about eating bacon and lard and how extremely healthy it was. Like, literally just getting buckets of lard and eating it. This became dismayingly popular, and involved a mod who would probate/ban people for pointing out, "Uh, that is not how nutrition works at all."
It kept going until one of the people on the diet had to be put on statins.
So, the answer is, weird nerds both give and take terrible advice and don't research things. Especially when there's a dedicated space that allows them to enable each other and silence dissent.
And by "weird nerds," I mean humans in general, really.