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Topic: 334: Doing The Robot  (Read 31319 times)

Frank West

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334: Doing The Robot #30
I do wanna say there's a selection bais we've got here, both because the people who get thr most involved with a community are the ones we're actually seeing and because the general design of internet spaces is to try and convince people to come join a community. I bet a lot of people just jerk off in silence or whatever.
Dr. Buttplug chai tea latte Puppy Time Yavuz Boots Raingear ViviVixen


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334: Doing The Robot #31
I think it's the case with weird fetish shit specifically that these are the sort of interests they wouldn't be able to talk to other people about in their day to day life both because of how niche a topic it is and because this kind of sex stuff is generally not the sort of thing you discuss in polite company. The internet gives them a platform to connect with other, like-minded people who share their fetish and establishes an environment where talking about it isn't a faux pas, giving them an outlet for all the fetish talk they've bottled up.

Then, past a certain point, I feel like it becomes less about the fetish itself for these people and more about the community and connections they've built with other people around this fetish.
KingKalamari, September 10, 2020, 03:22:03 pm

What if they built Megaton in Fallout 3 around a giant butt?
Lemon Secret Gaygent 69 Salubrious Rex Seth "Slimy" Rollins A Meat

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334: Doing The Robot #32


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334: Doing The Robot #33
Hmm, I dunno about this "people form communities around common interests" thing...

I mean, what's next,  a forum just for people who listen to a podcast?
KingKalamari Penultimatum Salubrious Rex Hoffgod Dr. Buttplug three cats in a self-driving car


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334: Doing The Robot #34
I really want to know if there's conflict between the guys who are really into fembot damage/destruction/explosion and the guys who aren't, like how (IIRC) inflation/balloon fetishists have an eternal war about popping. The dude writing the advice column being obviously repulsed by the destruction-jackoff writer makes me think there might be, and goddammit, I hunger for stupid slapfights between Internet creeps.
adrenochrome dome Penultimatum Puppy Time Corn Syrup ViviVixen Zemyla

Puppy Time

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334: Doing The Robot #35
I do wanna say there's a selection bais we've got here, both because the people who get thr most involved with a community are the ones we're actually seeing and because the general design of internet spaces is to try and convince people to come join a community. I bet a lot of people just jerk off in silence or whatever.
Frank West, September 10, 2020, 03:32:02 pm

Oh, word, I was assuming we were just talking about that specific subsection of "people with a weird fetish who also want to talk about that fetish." (At least, after my initial, "Here's what the scientists think is going on with that fetish mess.")

I tend to assume that we're surrounded at any particular moment by people with weird fetishes, who are relatively well adjusted and not interested in sharing that outside of a relationship. 

The human brain is extremely weird, and the more we learn about it, the more we're realizing that everyone is secretly kinda messed up and weird, and that's okay.  Shit, as long as you're not inflicting it on people who don't want to see it, I'm AOK with weirdos with creepy fetishes assembling to be creepy weirdos together.  Just be ethical about your creepy sex shit and we're cool. 

Well, "cool" in the sense of "I may want to avoid you at parties but I won't object to you doing your thing." 

Besides, the more weird fetish communities there are on the web the more I get to see/hear amusingly weird shit, and that's my jam.

ETA: Also as Antivehicular noted, slapfights about amusingly weird shit, which is even more fun because nothing is so entertaining as a fight in which you have no dogs.
Lemon chai tea latte Salubrious Rex Frank West Corn Syrup adrenochrome dome

Secret Gaygent 69

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334: Doing The Robot #36
I really want to know if there's conflict between the guys who are really into fembot damage/destruction/explosion and the guys who aren't, like how (IIRC) inflation/balloon fetishists have an eternal war about popping. The dude writing the advice column being obviously repulsed by the destruction-jackoff writer makes me think there might be, and goddammit, I hunger for stupid slapfights between Internet creeps.
Antivehicular, September 10, 2020, 06:12:49 pm

I didn't really see much in the way of that sadly. There were more weird letters to advice android about destroying her though. Generally people were amicable about the different subfetish groups on the website. There was a thread where bombforabooty got in a fight with a mod because bombforabooty got upset when his request to do an exploding fembot rp got made fun of by the mod. It's worth noting bombforabooty was the only person who had the exploding butt-bot fetish.
Salubrious Rex Antivehicular Puppy Time Penultimatum GirlKisser420 Corn Syrup


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334: Doing The Robot #37
There was a thread where bombforabooty got in a fight with a mod because bombforabooty got upset when his request to do an exploding fembot rp got made fun of by the mod. It's worth noting bombforabooty was the only person who had the exploding butt-bot fetish.
Secret Gaygent 69, September 10, 2020, 08:10:01 pm

Yeah, uh, I'm gonna need a whole doc about that guy, please


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334: Doing The Robot #38

The human brain is extremely weird, and the more we learn about it, the more we're realizing that everyone is secretly kinda messed up and weird, and that's okay.  Shit, as long as you're not inflicting it on people who don't want to see it, I'm AOK with weirdos with creepy fetishes assembling to be creepy weirdos together.  Just be ethical about your creepy sex shit and we're cool. 
Puppy Time, September 10, 2020, 07:48:12 pm

It's actually funny because I was thinking about the distinction between "weird but harmless" and "actively bad"  fetish-related F Plus subjects. I don't think any of the fetishes that people featured on the podcast have are inherrently "good" or "bad", but depend on how people express them. I think there's generally 3 major red flags to look out for:

1. Health and Safety Issues - These types generally don't come up a lot in the podcast, but it basically amounts to the way someone indulges their fetish posing an actual, physical danger to themselves or others. A prime example would be the exhaust smoke lovers and car fuckers, who are either going to die of carbon monoxide poisoning or burn their dicks off fucking the car hot.

2. Disregard for Consent - This is probably the one that comes up the most frequently on the podcast and is pretty self explanatory: People practicing their fetish in a way that doesn't take the consent of others into account. This is the sin of all those "dear internet, how do I trick strangers into participating in my fetish?" types are guilty of, and also covers things like the fucking watch fetishists who stole other people's watches to jerk off on.

3. Personal Well-Being - This one's a little bit more vague in its scope, but is basically a catch-all for people who let their fetish completely take over and ruin their lives. The biggest example of this is probably the plushophiles: While the act of fucking teddy bears isn't inherently harmful on its own, the sampling of that community we got suggested their fetish was a symptom of deeper mental development issues that they should probably get some help for. This also covers people whose fetishes become such a major part of their person that it causes issues between them and their friends, family or significant others.
Puppy Time Penultimatum Salubrious Rex Secret Gaygent 69 Tipsy Almond Deep 13 Dr. Buttplug adrenochrome dome Down10

Salubrious Rex

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334: Doing The Robot #39
Puppy Time Lemon KingKalamari Secret Gaygent 69 chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug A Meat SHAMBA~1.SBB Down10

Puppy Time

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334: Doing The Robot #40
My favorite part of that image is the stupid little noodly arms
chai tea latte SHAMBA~1.SBB


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334: Doing The Robot #41

Secret Gaygent 69

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334: Doing The Robot #42
There was a thread where bombforabooty got in a fight with a mod because bombforabooty got upset when his request to do an exploding fembot rp got made fun of by the mod. It's worth noting bombforabooty was the only person who had the exploding butt-bot fetish.
Secret Gaygent 69, September 10, 2020, 08:10:01 pm

Yeah, uh, I'm gonna need a whole doc about that guy, please
Antivehicular, September 10, 2020, 08:35:15 pm

I sadly don't think there is a doc's worth of content of him. He only has a few posts on fembot central, and doesnt seem to post much on other websites. I did find a bunch of art he has commissioned though. Although that stuff wouldn't make for a good doc.

Here's an example of the sort of art he's commissioned. Technically sfw but gonna nsfw anyways.
NSFW content. Click to show.
Puppy Time chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug
« Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 10:36:56 pm by Secret Gaygent 69 »

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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334: Doing The Robot #43
Wait, if all of these robot ladies are gundams...

Man, future Sweden is full of perverts


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334: Doing The Robot #44
What anime is Nova, the character the advice columnist is rping as, from?