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Topic: 337: Living In A Vacuum  (Read 35251 times)

Frank West

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337: Living In A Vacuum #15
What is the song that Frank hums? He mumbles "(something) rider." I know there's another episode where in the intro, Lemon hums a long bassline and then someone follows it with "(something) rider." Does anyone know what song this is? It's been bothering me.
ClaraTinSoldier, October 03, 2020, 06:49:05 pm

Can't remember offhand, but if you tell me when in the episode I do this, I'll give you an answer.

Ugly In The Morning

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337: Living In A Vacuum #16
There was a lot more “MOTHERRRR” than I was expecting in this one.
SHAMBA~1.SBB Antivehicular

Dr. Buttplug

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337: Living In A Vacuum #17
I like Shark brand vacuums because they routinely rank highest on Consumer reports and have a retro futuristic vibe in case design. I am saddened to see so much hate towards the brand on the forums. It seems they're hard to crack open and repair. Seems like there's a mix of "they don't make em like they used to" and yearning for a "simpler time." The latter being a shitty impulse the former being only mostly true.

Love this ep though.
chai tea latte

Puppy Time

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337: Living In A Vacuum #18
I like Shark brand vacuums because they routinely rank highest on Consumer reports and have a retro futuristic vibe in case design. I am saddened to see so much hate towards the brand on the forums. It seems they're hard to crack open and repair. Seems like there's a mix of "they don't make em like they used to" and yearning for a "simpler time." The latter being a shitty impulse the former being only mostly true.

Love this ep though.
Dr. Buttplug, October 05, 2020, 11:04:22 am

I suspect that most collector groups like this are at least partially fueled by a heavy nostalgia and the happy feelings associated with childhood contact with whatever thing they're collecting.  It's definitely something I can relate to as I get older and more and more stuff from my childhood disappears (and more people die).

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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337: Living In A Vacuum #19
was expecting more vacuum hose blowjob horror stories tbh but this was a surprisingly sweet episode after horny world building and SMT bigfoot. just dudes and their vacuums
Puppy Time Dr. Buttplug

A Meat

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337: Living In A Vacuum #20
Finally got around to this, but I'd absolutely watch Vacuum Battlebots, where people mod and create their own vacuum cleaners and pit them against each other
Dr. Buttplug Puppy Time Secret Gaygent 69 chai tea latte Yavuz


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337: Living In A Vacuum #21
Tag suggestion for this and episode 334: Latent appliance fetishism!


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337: Living In A Vacuum #22
I wonder if these people consider Roombas/robot vacuums as a blasphemous existential threat to their hobby, or they're so firmly rooted in the past that they just don't care about vacuuming today so long as they can enjoy their vacuums from yesteryear.

accepting change

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337: Living In A Vacuum #23
really loved this one, pretty harmless?

if i had the heart for it i'd sign up as Kirby Main
Puppy Time


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337: Living In A Vacuum #24
NSFW content. Click to show.
Had a little draw along as I listened to this episode. I was really expecting it to be more fetish heavy than it actually was.
SHAMBA~1.SBB chai tea latte Boots Raingear Seth "Slimy" Rollins GirlKisser420 Dr. Buttplug Salubrious Rex ViviVixen Lemon Yavuz xX_sp00ks_Xx Jabrekkenoni NuclearTeapot
« Last Edit: October 08, 2020, 03:17:04 pm by Sauce »

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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337: Living In A Vacuum #25
NSFW content. Click to show.
Had a little draw along as I listened to this episode.
Sauce, October 08, 2020, 03:12:17 pm

Sauce you have become the most cursed artist in this forum. Congratulations!


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337: Living In A Vacuum #26
NSFW content. Click to show.
Had a little draw along as I listened to this episode.
Sauce, October 08, 2020, 03:12:17 pm

Sauce you have become the most cursed artist in this forum. Congratulations!
Bobguinary Novel, October 08, 2020, 03:14:22 pm

Not sure if that's something I should feel proud of, but I kind of do?
Macho Masc Sangy Savage Penultimatum Yavuz


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337: Living In A Vacuum #27
There was a lot more “MOTHERRRR” than I was expecting in this one.
Ugly In The Morning, October 05, 2020, 06:20:38 am
I had the exact same thought. On one hand, most of them seem pretty self-aware about it, and "I collect this household item because it reminds me of family and childhood" is harmless and not even that weird; on the other, Attempted Aunt-Murder Anthony is enough creep for an entire episode.

Agreed that Supportive Vacuum Dad was a bright spot, though. Good work, that guy's dad!
Seth "Slimy" Rollins

Shell Game

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337: Living In A Vacuum #28
Longing for a bygone era... Oh no.

Where the mechanical quality of a vacuum was much better! Oh. ...huh.

What a truly astounding community of weird, weird people.
Puppy Time Great Joe A Meat Penultimatum Salubrious Rex chai tea latte

Shell Game

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337: Living In A Vacuum #29
This is most specifically for Frank West. Then others.
Secret Gaygent 69 Macho Masc Sangy Savage Frank West Antivehicular Achilles' Heelies chai tea latte Great Joe Salubrious Rex Dr. Buttplug Puppy Time