Was anyone else deeply uncomfortable with the young daughters being described as "button cute?" It has an intensely Humbert Humbert vibe.
Antivehicular, July 29, 2021, 12:31:31 am
This actually draws attention to another peculiarity that seems really common amongst the green ink, raving conspiracy weirdos: They always seem to have a handful of really specific stock phrases that they repeat throughout their screeds.
The Lesbian Studies weirdo had the whole recurring bit about hearing people crying and referring to their daughters as "(x)-cute", Gene Ray had stuff like "educated stupid" and "simultaneous four day" and the like and Francis E Dek had his "Gangster computer god". It's just a weird case that these people seem to hit on particular phrases to describe whatever it is they're trying to describe and constantly repeat them verbatim.
I feel like there has to be something common with how these people's brains are wired that causes them all to independently develop the same handful of eccentricities alongside their conspiracies.