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Topic: 388: Confessions of a Bubble Slut  (Read 4523 times)


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388: Confessions of a Bubble Slut

(thought it was worth sharing one of my failed attempts at generating an episode cover for this one)
thelizzerd KendrickLobstar

sea hag

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388: Confessions of a Bubble Slut #1
Great Healthcliff joke!
Sauce A Meat Dr. Buttplug Great Joe adrenochrome dome

Great Joe

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388: Confessions of a Bubble Slut #2
Great Healthcliff joke!
sea hag, June 18, 2023, 04:18:22 pm
Yeah, it's very good!
sea hag


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388: Confessions of a Bubble Slut #3

(thought it was worth sharing one of my failed attempts at generating an episode cover for this one)
Lemon, June 17, 2023, 04:03:22 pm

{fanning myself} m'am hello--- would you be interested in every combination of sex and bubble blowing that is NOT having sex while blowing the bubble?


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388: Confessions of a Bubble Slut #4
I understood the Heathcliff reference immediately and greatly enjoyed the joke.
Great Joe


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388: Confessions of a Bubble Slut #5
It was a good episode and a good Heathcliff joke
sea hag

Doctor Interrogative

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388: Confessions of a Bubble Slut #6
"I sure would like to hear more about that Club Penguin thing they joked about" he said knowingly as he felt the shamelessness course through his body.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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388: Confessions of a Bubble Slut #7
I just want to say that I really enjoyed the cud aside that went nowhere, very reminiscent of the opening skits from the early F Plus era.


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388: Confessions of a Bubble Slut #8
I just want to say that I bought some bubble gum (not chewing gum!) shortly after this episode’s release and have been blowing bubbles with it since. Coincidence? Make of this what you will……
Lemon Sauce