I just got around to listening to this one, and Jesus Christ, CUNTHUNT may be one of the weirdest readings I've ever heard on the show. The entire mental image of a detached vulva (I guess just the external tissues? yes, I also wondered about this) fitting into someone's mouth whole, then being swished and chewed (?), and this being an erotic experience for anyone involved... I feel like it's been a while since I've been on that level of "have you ever seen the body parts you're describing?" Or maybe, given the description of the rubbery texture, the author tried deep-throating a Fleshlight for practice?
Anyway, I was also just struck by the grimness of the readings. Even before you get into the humiliation and sexual-assault themes that are clearly features of the fetish... like, FEET WORLD is about an evil planet-subjugating reality show production team? And the "in love with a pair of disembodied legs" story involves the legs being hunted by poachers who are led by the former best friend of the telepath who talks for the disembodied leg girlfriend, so we get a gunfight? Is this one of those kinks that's convinced there has to be a serious dark plot in all their porn?