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March 11, 2025, 11:29:10 pm

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Topic: Easy Archive  (Read 1178 times)


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Easy Archive
Apologies if this is in the wrong place, I was on a kick of downloading local copies of episodes of a few podcasts I like to relisten to when I don't have internet access and I was wondering if there was some sort of a zip file or torrent or archive that might be a bit easier than downloading all 400+ episodes individually?

Thanks if anyone does have something like that, even if it's not completely up to date it would save me some time!

I don't really interact much but the podcast has always been something I pull up and listen to when I feel really low and it usually helps cheer me up, so I'm wanting to make sure I have a copy for those times. Thank you all very much for your hard work for so many years.

corporate daiquiri

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Easy Archive #1
Maybe not the solution you're looking for, but I use podcast addict to listen to things.

You can add the podcast, click into it, and download unplayed episodes. You can set it so it won't delete played podcasts if you'd like to keep them around.


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Easy Archive #2
Yeah, no such zip file exists. However, echoing  daiquiri above, this is also a thing with Pocket Casts. You can download individual episodes in the UI, which is what I do when I'm getting ready to board a flight.
corporate daiquiri


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Easy Archive #3
There are also podcast programs on computers that let you download in bulk if that helps you any
corporate daiquiri CheckeredTail