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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 215788 times)


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Movies We've Seen Recently #405
On New year's day I got a wonderful idea, to watch every Godzilla movie. I'm finally at the end and only have the two new reboots to watch (minus one from the 70s I can't find). There's some really good movies in the series, but also some really, really bad ones. What's surprised me the most is that these movies all have one continuity and will reference each other plenty. All the prior movies occurred and only rarely do they ignore the events of the movie immediately before it.
I think my favorite of the non b/w ones is Giant Monsters All Out Attack (2001), Godzilla is just angry in that one and turning around to kill people he missed.  Plus it has multiple monsters which is always fun.
I'm glad the Shout Factory channel has the early Godzilla movies, that sure made it easier.

lazzer grardaion?

I Liked That Joke

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Movies We've Seen Recently #406
Hello, I just saw Arrival and oh it seems everyone said all the stuff I would have said but better several months ago alright goooodbyyyyyyeee!

Frank West

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Movies We've Seen Recently #407
Moonlight is really good. I'm not sure what to say beyond that, the movie does what it does so well that I don't feel like there's much left to say beyond "it is very good" and "it is amazing that there is a realistic story about this in theaters".
chai tea latte


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Movies We've Seen Recently #408
Get Out of your homes and get yourselves to the theater! Best enjoyed with a crowd!


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Movies We've Seen Recently #409
Went to see Lion with my girlfriend and between the two of us, we cried five times. Very good movie.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #410
I saw A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night for the second time last week, and now that I've taken Persian, I could actually understand what they were saying. It's a damn good movie, even if you don't know Persian.
chai tea latte

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #411
I saw A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night for the second time last week, and now that I've taken Persian, I could actually understand what they were saying. It's a damn good movie, even if you don't know Persian.
Yavuz Sultan Selim, March 02, 2017, 07:44:30 pm
sure is!

lazzer grardaion?

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Movies We've Seen Recently #412

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop I Liked That Joke Fatty Bo Batty
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 05:43:35 pm by LancashireMcGee »


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Movies We've Seen Recently #413
I just got out of a screening of Kedi, a Turkish documentary about the street cats of Istanbul. It is such a terrific movie in so many ways. It's humorous, it's beautiful, it's thoughtful, it's cat-full. If you get a chance to see it, take that chance. Today was very stressful for me, but this movie made everything worth it.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #414
I saw Logan just now and liked it a lot. I don't want to talk about it too much because it just came out and blah blah blah.

They might have overused the word 'fuck' a bit much, but it's fine since I know when my life falls to shit I tend to swear a lot, so it's pretty justified.
It wasn't perfect and it wasn't exactly what I wanted, but it was good nonetheless and worth seeing if you like Wolverine.

What I really want to talk about is some of those previews.

Power Rangers: Every Teenage Superhero Origin Story Movie Ever But Dressed Up in Nostalgia.

Ghost in the Shell: Fuck You.
Seriously, every new thing I see about GitS just pisses me off even more. I'm not even talking about having a white actress play Major. I've got no problems with that and neither does the original author.
What I've got a problem with is that Scarlett Johansson is just gonna do the same thing she does in every movie and dryly recite lines with a blank expression on her face while occasionally doing some flips and shit.
I heard that this Major isn't going to be Motoko Kusanagi, so maybe that's their excuse for having her be a shallow excuse for eye candy instead of the strong and awesome character that she is.

And you know everything else you liked about the original Ghost in the Shell? Yeah, like the philosophical questions it raises about stuff and the complex story arc of the Laughing Man and the government scandals and all that shit?

I hope this movie is the biggest flop of all time and it stops Hollywood from attempting any more live action anime remakes for a very long time, but I know that it'll probably make money from foreign markets because god dammit of course it will no matter how much it sucks.

Who the fuck saw Snow White and the Huntsman and said, "yeah, that guy should be in charge of Ghost in the Shell"?
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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Movies We've Seen Recently #415
Lego Batman is the best theatrical-release Batman movie in a long time.The only complaint I could find was that I wish Batman's own dumb villains had more screen time, because they're willing to go crazy deep on Batman canon.  For instance, Condiment King.

But yeah, it's funny and good, and it covers a bunch of different styles of Batman from the grim growly Nolan stuff to the goofy campy Adam West stuff,

Frank West

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Movies We've Seen Recently #416
Prometheus was already stretching people's desire to see Aliens remade again again AGAIN. Now we've got "Aliens: but this time it's exactly like Prometheus" AND "Life: Aliens but it's exactly like Aliens" coming out within two months of each other. Who wants this? The trailers make it pretty clear they're both following the story beats EXACTLY, just like the various Alien spinoffs and ripoffs before them, and I just don't understand why anyone is bothering. At least put a goddamn spin on it! You're supposed to do that when you reboot/spiritual sequel!

Fatty Bo Batty

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Movies We've Seen Recently #417
First: I second the recommendation of Redline above.

Second: Ikiru is so fucking good. Kurosawa's best, in my opinion.

Vinny Possum

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Movies We've Seen Recently #418
Green Room is kick ass. Watch Green Room. Send it to alt right assholes.
chai tea latte Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Patterns BARK RANGER

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Movies We've Seen Recently #419
Man, Logan...wasn't that great. I mean the best of the X-men movies but that's really not saying much.

I really wanted to like it too but man it's a whole lot of "characters go to a place or do a thing because the script said so" combined with a whole lot of "look how serious and tragic we are you should feel sad right now".

also the twist of the real enemy being...CORN SYRUP!