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Topic: Episode 103: Adam Carolla Would Look Better In A Burqa  (Read 46051 times)


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Just relistened to this ep. "Slutty, but heroic" needs to be someone's tagline.


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Just relistened to this ep. "Slutty, but heroic" needs to be someone's tagline.
Dacey Mormont, September 09, 2013, 04:05:12 am

You're welcome.


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Even on Stormfront they think RooshV is a creep.

A really nasty sex tourist from America (of Middle Eastern descent) has arrived in Tartu, Estonia. He came from Latvia after staying there a month or two. His goal is to lure into sex as many Estonian women as possible, especially very young girls. His name is Daryush Valizedeh, nickname - Roosh, and he is a pick up artist who believes women should be treated "like garbage". This includes beautiful, young white women of Baltic and Nordic descent.

The problem here is not sex itself, or travel for sex as such, but the guy's attitude - he has no respect for women and believes it is ok to manipulate them, use them and then denigrate them. He thinks it's ok to use the most beautiful women in the world [white women, if you weren't aware - Ed.] and treat them like garbage.

This is so surreal.


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I am quite comfortable in assuming the overwhelming majority of MRAs are white. Just as Tumblrites desperately want the sympathy and moral high ground that comes with legitimate oppression, MRAs look down at their white male hands and think "why not me too?"
Isfahan, July 03, 2013, 06:09:43 pm

This is basically the most correct thing ever written. How does it feel being the philosopher that other philosophers wish they could be?

Sherman Tank

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Well this was an infuriating one to listen to.

I'm curious though, did Portaxx ever learn what toilets are?

Adam Bozarth

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MRA's are the group that has disturbed me and haunted me the most of any F Plus subject. They bring out my own form of Internet crazy. They make me want to write asinine solutions to the problem of them and their attitude.

Now more than ever, it feels like the MRA's are breeding potential predators, serial rapists, and mass shooters. The connection is tenuous, but they encourage isolating behavior and thought and that anger and loneliness turn into some of the ugliest things imaginable. All hate speech is harmful, but to start blaming your problems and unhappiness on not just a religion or a country or an ethnicity, but a gender? Half the population of earth? That's a lot of people to hate. That fucks with the already fucked up brains of men (white men, right?) ages 13-25. I mean, it's already happened this year! Whose to say it won't happen again? These men are a hate group and with that comes real world violence.

Another crazy thing that happens when I think about these idiots is how to solve the problem of self-imposed hate-virginity. I start fantasizing about dosing these morons with LSD at an MRA convention so they can sob into their wicker fedoras and ask themselves some deep questions locked deep in their heads. I think about making a TV show where we try to unfuck their stupid thoughts, give them a decent haircut, get them to eat a vegetable or two? See what life is like when you drink water instead of fucking soda all day?

These people bother me so much because I think all young men who feel a bit lonely know that impulse to blame other people for your feelings. No one is telling you otherwise, because you're by yourself all the time. Another absolutely insane idea is to steal Amaterdam's sex education system.

When I was blogging for a hot second this year, I did this story on Amaterdam's sex education system. It's called "Love Week," and it starts in kindergarten and goes throughout a student's education. As a kindergartener, you talk about love and friendships, what's it mean to love someone, that sort of thing. As you get older, Love Week evolves, so you learn about how to properly show affection, what's not acceptable in a loving relationship, how to start a dating relationship and be respectful of each other. Then again, America (I mean Texas) would fuck this curriculum up somehow. But even fucked up Texas Love Week would be better than the acquiescence we have to hate. We just live with it.

I'm glad we did this episode when we did, but I think if we did it now, it would feel like reading ISIS's social media.

Just love each other, folks, OK? I love you weirdos and I want you to love this world. I know how crazy that sounds.
Sherman Tank


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The hateful rhetoric of MRAs is absolutely breeding people that hate and scheme. I can guarantee you the MRA echo chamber is responsible for more than one rape or murder, and they should absolutely be shut down.

I read Elliot Rodger's manifesto. The entire thing. He was a spoiled little shit growing up and his parents did absolutely nothing to stop it until it was far too late. You can almost see the moment when he was radicalized by this hate group. He always felt like he was entitled to women, and it made him bitter when they didn't flock to him in droves. Instead of having that hard moment where he found out he was the problem, the MRAs stepped in and assured him that all those spoiled cunts (read, all women everywhere) were withholding happiness from him. So he devolved to a bizarre power fantasy where he would have all women in concentration camps, and then when he realized that he would never get that  power, that women would never find him as attractive as he found  himself to be, (seriously, all he wanted wanted in a girlfriend was a walking doll that showed everyone around him how good he was) did the last thing he could to grab what little power he could.

Luckily this broken country allows anyone to get a gun, no questions asked pretty much. Enough power to eke out revenge on an undeserving target. Women and men who had women.

I want to compile a list of all the blood on MRA group's hands. I want to have them associated with white supremacists and other such groups that exist just to make people suffer. They're fucking scum.

A Meat

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The main thing I don't get with MRAs is what they're aiming for really and why. I've read enough about them to understand the way they act and some of the supposed mechanics of it, but I don't get how they think what they're doing is going to solve any of their problems. I understand how people are snared into thinking that way. I'm pretty sure that if I wasn't aware of why I'm fucked up I could have become something resembling that, since I'm probably right in the recruitable demographic of young middle class single white males.

If they're lonely why are they searching for people to prey on? Don't they want someone to really understand them and like them? I'm so bothered by the MRA way of life that I have trouble formulating my thoughts on the subject. Do they think pussy will solve all their problems? What happens once they get the pussy? Do they just think they need more to solve their problems? I don't fucking get it.

Emperor Jack Chick

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MRA Dilbert

I couldn't think of a better place to put this.

Afraid of Audio Maxine Headroom A Meat chai tea latte


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Sometimes I listen to the old misogyny episodes just to remember a time before these turds started murdering people.

chai tea latte

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MRA Dilbert

I couldn't think of a better place to put this.

jack chick, December 14, 2015, 02:46:37 pm
lemon, please let me bulb this post? wow


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Sorry, can't hear you.


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The main thing I don't get with MRAs is what they're aiming for really and why. I've read enough about them to understand the way they act and some of the supposed mechanics of it, but I don't get how they think what they're doing is going to solve any of their problems. I understand how people are snared into thinking that way. I'm pretty sure that if I wasn't aware of why I'm fucked up I could have become something resembling that, since I'm probably right in the recruitable demographic of young middle class single white males.

If they're lonely why are they searching for people to prey on? Don't they want someone to really understand them and like them? I'm so bothered by the MRA way of life that I have trouble formulating my thoughts on the subject. Do they think pussy will solve all their problems? What happens once they get the pussy? Do they just think they need more to solve their problems? I don't fucking get it.
A Meat, December 14, 2015, 01:08:38 pm

They don't want someone to understand them and like them, they want someone to validate them.  They believe that relationships between men and women are inherently antagonistic, because women only want the reproductive fitness and social status that a man can give them.  Because that's all women really care about, they can't have a woman who's as independent or actualized as they are--a woman like that is just going to use them.  Therefore, the ideal woman is one that's subservient to them, so that they can use her.  It's okay for men to use women like that, because women are inherently different and less suited to being in control than men are, because women are just slaves to their impulses.

That's their mindset.  It's fucking dumb, but through confirmation bias and anecdotal evidence, they reinforce their own beliefs until it's just a given that, yeah, women are emotional animals that are only trying to out-compete all other women and just see men as tools to achieve that.

They don't want companionship and understanding because they don't think women are capable of giving that.  MRA stuff comes a lot of the time with brotherhood/fraternity/male friendship idealization, too.  Either they don't see the companionship as a part of other peoples' relationships, or they assume that it's something false that the women are putting on in order to keep the men under their control.

The problem in their mind isn't just that they're not getting laid, though I have seen MRAs saying that some weird egalitarian distribution of getting laid would be good for society.  It's that women are controlling who's getting laid, and that's not right, because when women have that control, they'll do things like refuse to have sex with their husbands and cheat on them on the side.  And that when women have jobs and independence, it means they're not as reliant on their husbands, so they can't coerce women into sex any more.  I guess if you boil it down, their problem is that you can't just do a one-time Sex Acquisition and get all the exclusive sex you want guaranteed forever.


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