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Topic: A San Francisco Podcast  (Read 30584 times)

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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A San Francisco Podcast #30

PS: Yes, the actually title of the dish is, in fact, "Doritos Sandwich for kids". I'm not joking.
montrith, June 18, 2013, 04:00:59 am

Do I want to know what the Doritos Sandwich for Adults looks like?
KingKalamari, June 18, 2013, 11:17:03 pm
It wears a tie and carries a briefcase.


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A San Francisco Podcast #31
Sorry, I missed you guys! I was busy Freeganing from the back dumpster behind the 4th street Whole Foods.

If you're still in town, let me know! We can get a round of strawberry rhubarb phosphates at the best soda fountain ever.


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A San Francisco Podcast #32
That's pretty raw, but not raw in the way these other recipes are.
Isfahan, June 18, 2013, 10:59:32 pm

Ah, so something more like this then?:

(skip to 6:40 for the best part: CGI)


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A San Francisco Podcast #33
I'm still mad at this episode. I will not let it go!

Keetah Spacecat

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A San Francisco Podcast #34

In a country where you can literally buy a lot of good food for less than 5 dollars, you're going to want to be some snooty person and pay 25 bucks for moss.

That makes me angry >(


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A San Francisco Podcast #35

In a country where you can literally buy a lot of good food for less than 5 dollars, you're going to want to be some snooty person and pay 25 bucks for moss.

That makes me angry >(
Keetah Spacecat, June 19, 2013, 11:52:44 pm

Being a curious person, I went to find out what exactly Irish Moss is-- it's actually the seaweed that carrageenan gum (a stabilizer/thickener found in things like commercial ice cream) is made out of.  I know this makes the joke less funny, but if you're a raw foodie who wants to blend make something that has a thicker consistency or that will set up as a custard in, for instance, a pie, Irish Moss is the raw thickener being used.

Raw food's still dumb, but that part's apparently slightly less dumb than it appeared at first glance.

Emperor Jack Chick

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A San Francisco Podcast #36

In a country where you can literally buy a lot of good food for less than 5 dollars, you're going to want to be some snooty person and pay 25 bucks for moss.

That makes me angry >(
Keetah Spacecat, June 19, 2013, 11:52:44 pm

Being a curious person, I went to find out what exactly Irish Moss is-- it's actually the seaweed that carrageenan gum (a stabilizer/thickener found in things like commercial ice cream) is made out of.  I know this makes the joke less funny, but if you're a raw foodie who wants to blend make something that has a thicker consistency or that will set up as a custard in, for instance, a pie, Irish Moss is the raw thickener being used.

Raw food's still dumb, but that part's apparently slightly less dumb than it appeared at first glance.
sherlockian, June 20, 2013, 12:57:57 am

The majority of irish moss in the world is produced to process food.


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A San Francisco Podcast #37


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A San Francisco Podcast #38
THE TRUE JUICE, January 01, 2014, 09:47:08 pm

You know, I've made a dump cake before.  They aren't bad.  The baffling thing for me is the fact that someone would pay for a cookbook full of recipes for something that is designed to be so dumb easy that you don't need a recipe.  Also, I'm from south of the Mason-Dixon, so we use a stick of butter instead of soda.

Sherman Tank

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A San Francisco Podcast #39
Jack Chick's laugh when Kumquat reads "all you do is dump" is amazing. It's so musical.

Puppy Time

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A San Francisco Podcast #40
Fond this while grocery shopping
Sherman Tank SHAMBA~1.SBB Corn Syrup