I love bad_rpers_suck, and bad RP. Thank you for the doc, triple-G!
This is why I only roleplay one-on-one--not because my writing is any better, but because it creates a Cold War death pact on releasing that terrible writing to anyone else. If one of us decides to drop a "Here's a godawful Mary Sue scebe from when X was fourteen" bomb on the Internet, the other one can whip around and volley back, and so on and so forth until nuclear winter sets in. No deleting everything, no covering tracks, just out-and-out War Games. I like those odds.
(For the sake of clarity, my campaign is not a porn campaign, it's about cults and stuff. Sex happens, but it's not the main gist, and it also does not involve C-3PO.)
ETA: (Not to say that porn campaigns are bad.)
ETAA: (Unless they involve C-3PO.)