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Topic: Jokes you didn't get?  (Read 30314 times)


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Jokes you didn't get? #15
Somebody said something like "You forgot bacon!" in the NaNoWriMo episode and I wound up rewinding to hear it again to no avail. Why bacon?
THE TRUE JUICE, December 04, 2013, 11:40:02 am

Because much like zombies and the other stuff they mention bacon is basically the most meme-y, played-out food ever. People consider it the pinnacle of all human culinary achievement, put it on everything (bacon ice cream, anyone? *shudder) and generally ascribe a level of importance to it that is far, far beyond what it deserves. Personally, I believe that bacon is a privilege, not a right--it's good with many things (especially in small amounts) but stuffing it into everything on the face of the planet is just wrong.

Boots Raingear

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Jokes you didn't get? #16
If you give the internet a bacon-flavoured steampunk zombie ninja robot, it will spend the next 20 years giving bacon-flavoured steampunk zombie ninja robots right back to you.
Sherman Tank


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Jokes you didn't get? #18
"bacon" on ThinkGeek
"bacon" on CafePress
"bacon" on Zazzle
"bacon" on Amazon

Lemon, December 04, 2013, 11:57:07 am

Right. Excuse me while I turn into the Culinarian Hulk and go destroy as many pork processing plants as I can.


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Jokes you didn't get? #19
Man I never knew spending less time online would save me from knowing THIS many annoying things. Also, bacon is tasty but pricey and hard to eat in large quantities without getting really sick of it.

chai tea latte

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Jokes you didn't get? #20
Somebody said something like "You forgot bacon!" in the NaNoWriMo episode and I wound up rewinding to hear it again to no avail. Why bacon?
THE TRUE JUICE, December 04, 2013, 11:40:02 am
Because nerds are awful people.


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Jokes you didn't get? #21
SOMEBODY said something? 

So I guess I've been exposed to enough dork culture that I can make my own internet in-jokes.  That's already pretty bad.

But I've also been around these nerds so much that I have actually started to sound like them?!

Jesus Christ, I quit.  I'm gonna knock off from work early and spend the rest of my day inside a sports bar/drunk chick.
Lemon slandersonn a gross spider Sherman Tank JamEngulfer


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Jokes you didn't get? #22
Because nerds are awful people.

kal-elk, December 04, 2013, 03:11:35 pm

Fun fact, CMMG Inc. first made Tactical Bacon as a limited run novelty/gag item for April Fool's day or something, and it turned out the demand was so overwhelming that it became a regular product.


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Jokes you didn't get? #23
SOMEBODY said something? 

So I guess I've been exposed to enough dork culture that I can make my own internet in-jokes.  That's already pretty bad.

But I've also been around these nerds so much that I have actually started to sound like them?!

Jesus Christ, I quit.  I'm gonna knock off from work early and spend the rest of my day inside a sports bar/drunk chick.
Bunnybread, December 05, 2013, 11:47:17 am
Gotta keep you humble somehow, pal.


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Jokes you didn't get? #24
Showing: 1 – 28 of 9,640 Bacon Gifts designs available on 641,000 productsQuote from


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Jokes you didn't get? #25
About 269,000 results (0.17 seconds)Quote from



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Jokes you didn't get? #26
Somebody said something like "You forgot bacon!" in the NaNoWriMo episode and I wound up rewinding to hear it again to no avail. Why bacon?
THE TRUE JUICE, December 04, 2013, 11:40:02 am
Because nerds are awful people.

chai tea latte, December 04, 2013, 03:11:35 pm


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Jokes you didn't get? #27
If I don’t get a joke I assume it’s from Tommy D Comedy.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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Jokes you didn't get? #28
Somebody said something like "You forgot bacon!" in the NaNoWriMo episode and I wound up rewinding to hear it again to no avail. Why bacon?
THE TRUE JUICE, December 04, 2013, 11:40:02 am
Because nerds are awful people.

chai tea latte, December 04, 2013, 03:11:35 pm

Tac Bac? "Tack Bake"? Did they think about this at all?


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Jokes you didn't get? #29
What's the deal with Lobster Hands?