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Topic: Episode 107: Trash At Demonhead  (Read 27483 times)


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Episode 107: Trash At Demonhead #15
Great episode, reminded me of good old Imari from the Portal of Evil days.

I used to come up with ideas for games all the time when I was a kid. It was a fun little waste of time and I even had a few friends I would sometimes "collaborate" with on it. However there was one incident I can recall that really sort of made me realize where the line between "Kids fucking around" and "People being silly" lay.

When I was about 11 or 12 a friend of mine and I were discussing his idea for a video game. I can't recall anything about it, just that it was fun to talk about. But then he eventually started talking about actually presenting this idea to Nintendo and I remember that kind of threw me for a loop. See, even back then I kind of understood that you couldn't just take a binder full of notebook doodles and ideas to a game company and say "MAKE MY GAME", it was something you actually had to have training and, you know, programming ability to make something like that happen and I din't really know how to tell my friend that his notion of getting this thing actually made was not at all likely to happen.

Now as I said, we were just kids at the time so it's kind of understandable that one of us would believe getting someone to make our bullshit sessions into an actual product was somehow possible. Yet there are a lot of people, grown people mind you, out there who just sort of don't seem to have realized that. This episode was a pretty good example but not the only one: you see it in those nerds who are constantly working on (Read: Thinking about) their awesome novel based on their favourite animes. It's just sort of amazing the number of people that still sort of hold onto the childish belief that there's a big market out there for idea guys: People who just sort of come up with an idea and are then presented by hordes of other people who are willing to do the actual work to realize it.

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Episode 107: Trash At Demonhead #16
I would play the everloving shit out of SlaughterBus and waste many a joyful hour attempting to create the most radical of all buses. Dude.


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Episode 107: Trash At Demonhead #17
Carmageddon already exists. Play that.


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Episode 107: Trash At Demonhead #18
Carmageddon already exists. Play that.
Isfahan, August 02, 2013, 09:34:46 am

I don't know. I like running everything over with my death vehicle, but I think I also need the video game equivalent of Blingee.

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Episode 107: Trash At Demonhead #19
Now, let me tell you all about the English literature-themed fighting game that my husband and I have been talk... er, working on for years.
TheCrawlingChaos, August 01, 2013, 06:42:38 am
I'm assuming there's an attack called "Gravity's Rainbow"?
Lemon, August 01, 2013, 08:45:12 am

I don't think Pynchon is a character yet, actually. Good thought, though.
TheCrawlingChaos, August 01, 2013, 09:21:09 am

Here's your mistake: not immediately making Thomas Punch-on a character with the special ability Gravity's Painbow. It's an uppercut, the screen fills with rainbows, a screaming comes across the sky. etc. etc.
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Episode 107: Trash At Demonhead #20
If you've suddenly realised you have a SlaughterBus-shaped hole in your lives I would heartily recommend Vigilante 8 for the PS1/PC/N64 - you drive a car with guns on it and you shoot other cars which also have guns on them. It's very fun and has a nice Smokey and the Bandit kinda ambience to it. Plus one of the cars is a bus.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2013, 05:42:00 pm by Haydon »


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Episode 107: Trash At Demonhead #21
What happens to the player character in "Awedio" when you play the Twin Peaks theme?
nilvoid, August 01, 2013, 01:34:50 pm

He stops fighting to drink coffee, everything goes strobe-lighty, DJ smashes his head into a mirror, and the game ends. Later there is a sequel/prequel 'Awedio' with DJ in a minor role and a cameo by David Bowie that has no resemblance to a rhythm-fighting game.
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Episode 107: Trash At Demonhead #22
I used to be a moderator on an RPGMaker forum. These people are literally worse than the worst people on an RPGMaker forum. It took a few moments for me to have that properly sink in.
kal-elk, August 01, 2013, 12:26:25 pm

I spent the summer I was 15 laboriously working on an RM2K game that was never finished because 1) I was so obsessed with detail work that I never got past maybe 20 minutes of actual gameplay, 2) I lost the files to viruses twice, and 3) no 15-year-old actually finishes RM2K games.  Even then, I knew I was doing it for myself and maybe five people, all of whom were close friends.  I only ever played other RM2K games two or three times, and they were routinely terrible.  There's episode material in these guys if they still exist--people frantically pumping out cookie-cutter games that they're convinced are avant-garde, all of them expecting their games to be played but not interested in playing anyone else's games.

That's having never actually been on the forums.  I would love to hear your horror stories, and I mean that.  I dunno what kind of grand plots people have, since the ones I played were a generic RPG, an attempt at breaking the system hard enough it was a Pokemon clone, and a machinimamahnahmahnah of someone's FFVI fanfic.  Someone's terrible FFVI fanfic.

Great episode, reminded me of good old Imari from the Portal of Evil days.KingKalamari, August 01, 2013, 05:44:31 pm

Speaking of, does anyone else remember Sack of Flour?

Probably one of the most innocuous PoE exhibits I ever visited.  Sack of Flour.  Back when ROMhacking was still black magic, some guy decided to build this thing from the ground up.  A game about a sack of flour.

A History of SoF This is a short paragraph about the game Sack of Flour. I (TRM) wrote this article based on information Bob had told me. Anyway around late 2000/early 2001 someone had made a rom hack of Legend of Zelda which had gained alot of recognition on Slashdot. Bob tried the game and he thought it was a very poor NES rom hack; he said that he could make a better game than that. Bob went to the NES Dev site and he decided that he actually would make a "good" NES game. The reason Bob was prompted to choose a Sack of Flour as the main character was because of a picture of a Sack of Flour that Bob had seen. The picture showed the SoF in all sorts of emotional states, which is sued to show that in the disney sort of animation. Bob asked the academic advisor if he could get credit for making a NES game. The advisor said yes and the rest is history! I'll keep you informed on this awesome project.

Everyone involved in the game--which is complete, downloadable, playable and can apparently be completed in roughly five minutes--got college credit and moved on with their lives.  This means that everyone on the Fantendo Wiki has been outdone by a fucking sack of flour.

Sack of Flour.
Sherman Tank

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Episode 107: Trash At Demonhead #23
[I spent the summer I was 15 laboriously working on an RM2K game that was never finished because 1) I was so obsessed with detail work that I never got past maybe 20 minutes of actual gameplay, 2) I lost the files to viruses twice, and 3) no 15-year-old actually finishes RM2K games.  Even then, I knew I was doing it for myself and maybe five people, all of whom were close friends.  I only ever played other RM2K games two or three times, and they were routinely terrible.  There's episode material in these guys if they still exist--people frantically pumping out cookie-cutter games that they're convinced are avant-garde, all of them expecting their games to be played but not interested in playing anyone else's games.

That's having never actually been on the forums.  I would love to hear your horror stories, and I mean that.  I dunno what kind of grand plots people have, since the ones I played were a generic RPG, an attempt at breaking the system hard enough it was a Pokemon clone, and a machinimamahnahmahnah of someone's FFVI fanfic.  Someone's terrible FFVI fanfic.
Delcat, August 09, 2013, 05:51:40 am

Eventually most of the bad games blended into each other: literal hundreds of FFVII ripoffs, poorly-plotted games where the default characters beat up the default monsters, shitty sprite rips and IP theft handwaved away as 'it's just for fun', all made by thirteen-year-olds who wanted everyone to hugbox them for their newest stroke of mastery. Maybe I can tell about some of the times I did critiques in the art subforum and got yelled at by special little snowflakes? Honestly, I can't actually remember that much that sticks out right now. If I do, I'll let you know.

Of course, there were some really good games too! I have a few favourite games from that period (though it was easily five years ago and I'm not confident I'll remember everything). First, I really loved Master of the Wind (which I recommend heavily even though the download page seems to be practically designed to make you avoid it; the puzzles are wonderful, the writing is actually fairly solid and the game is just fun). 

My other absolute favourite has since been lost to the sands of time / download-site closures, but it was called "Shades", made by a woman who went by "ccoa". The general gist of the game was that it took place in a world where colour had drained from the world and as a consequence of your character's actions began to be returned. But it did this wonderful thing where the game began in grayscale and stayed that way for hours, meaning that the first time you actually saw colour (iirc a red flower) it was just this incredibly vivid thing and I had an actual gut reaction to its presence, which is an experience I've only rarely experienced w/r/t game elements. There was also some really cool stuff with using found fragments of colour as spell recipes with a really open engine that had a different spell for every possible combination. Also iirc the more colours you found the more colour would return to the environment, which I thought was very well done.


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Episode 107: Trash At Demonhead #24
My other absolute favourite has since been lost to the sands of time / download-site closures, but it was called "Shades", made by a woman who went by "ccoa". The general gist of the game was that it took place in a world where colour had drained from the world and as a consequence of your character's actions began to be returned. But it did this wonderful thing where the game began in grayscale and stayed that way for hours, meaning that the first time you actually saw colour (iirc a red flower) it was just this incredibly vivid thing and I had an actual gut reaction to its presence, which is an experience I've only rarely experienced w/r/t game elements. There was also some really cool stuff with using found fragments of colour as spell recipes with a really open engine that had a different spell for every possible combination. Also iirc the more colours you found the more colour would return to the environment, which I thought was very well done.
kal-elk, August 09, 2013, 02:51:35 pm
I would play this game with even more delight than Slaughterbus.

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Episode 107: Trash At Demonhead #25
Turns out Slaughterbus actually exists, more or less:
