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Topic: Most Likeable Subject?  (Read 76366 times)


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Most Likeable Subject?
So, the podcast has covered a lot of rather loathsome individuals (PUAs, Anti-Vacs, people who hate Mexicans to a degree even other racists are uncomfortable with) and a lot has been said about which of them is the absolute worst, but I feel like not enough attention is given to the subjects who are actually kind of endearing. So I'm thinking we need to remedy that: What individual covered by the podcast do you think is the most genuinely likeable?

I'm going to get one of the obvious ones out of the way and nominate Hans Von Hozel, a fellow whose grasp of the english language is unfortunately not as strong as his passion for writing. There's this sort of sincerity in his batshit crazy fanfiction that really makes him seem like a genuinely decent guy who just sort of exists in a world we can only dream of inhabiting.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 10:13:26 pm by KingKalamari »


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Most Likeable Subject? #1
Uh, I don't know... maybe ROB THE MOTHERFUCKING PARROT!!!


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Most Likeable Subject? #2
I'm gonna get another obvious one out of the way and nominate Joan Ocean, for similar reasons. Being in a world where bigfoots exist and dolphins have extraordinary powers sounds quite appealing, if I'm to be honest.

fruit power

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Most Likeable Subject? #3
And of course [orbison] in [clingfilm].

His devotion to his turtle is touching.


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Most Likeable Subject? #4
I'm gonna get another obvious one out of the way and nominate Joan Ocean, for similar reasons. Being in a world where bigfoots exist and dolphins have extraordinary powers sounds quite appealing, if I'm to be honest.
Chaz GELF, February 06, 2013, 10:17:36 pm

I was already thinking of Joan as I finished reading the OP. She's completely off in her own world, but at least it's a happy world.

Boots Raingear

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Most Likeable Subject? #5


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Most Likeable Subject? #6
She's completely off in her own world, but at least it's a happy world.Isfahan, February 06, 2013, 10:25:10 pm

There we go, those are the words I was looking for!


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Most Likeable Subject? #7
Well, I can think of at least one time when the F Plus actually mocked people I sort of agree with on a general level (John K and the rest of the animation purists, other than dumbass bigot Doug TenNaple obviously). It was still a really funny episode though.

I liked Rob the Parrot too, especially when he tells off the coke addict. You go, Rob!

Otherwise, hmm... does pity count? I felt a twinge of pity for the GAMERS HIP CLIP guy, just because he was so misguided. I would pity Joan Ocean, too, except she's probably making tons of money going on Bigfoot fart tours with dumbass tourists.

Oh, and if this counts, I am a huge fan of James Joyce. (As a writer! Of books!) I also own "Absurdistan", which was read in the Pinstriped Balls episode -- the lengthy excerpt with the Russian guy who's sleeping with the extremely hairy-bushed ethnic woman -- and it is a HILARIOUS book, intentionally so. Great satire. The back cover describes it as Catch-22 meets South Park, which kind of sums it up. Were I a rich woman, I would pay the Ridiculists to do a full audiobook version for my enjoyment.


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Most Likeable Subject? #8
In no particular order...
  • Rob the Parrot, obviously.
  • The Transformers Lady (not the one married to Optimus Prime, the screenwriter one.)
  • Hiroyuki Nishigaki (How to Goodbye Depression)
  • Hanz von Hozel / Shakespeare Hemingway / Story Provider


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Most Likeable Subject? #9
How's about the next president of the United States, Mr. Basil Marceaux?
I mean, 2016 aint but three years away, folks. 
Jump on that bandwagon, now while there's still time.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 11:22:33 pm by bunnybread »


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Most Likeable Subject? #10
I've got to admit, I've got a lot of affection for the cockrub warriors.  Yeah, they're crazy, but they've found something that they love and they are going to express their love of it however they can and damn what society thinks.  I respect that.


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Most Likeable Subject? #11
Basil Marceaux is my all time favorite. He's completely nuts, but clearly embraces his own particular brand of insanity and enjoys everything he does. No way in hell will he actually ever get elected, but gosh darn he will sincerely do his utmost to try. Also seconding the holy trinity of Hanz von Hozel / Shakespeare Hemingway / Story Provider.


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Most Likeable Subject? #12
For me, it would be the teenagers from episode 18. I mean, sure, they might be little shits now, and they might be crying about how their dad got pissed about their grades and took away the Xbox for the weekend, but it's comforting to know that (most of them) will move on to become well adjusted adults. It's also a fun little nostalgia trip to look be able to laugh at all the stupid shit you were worried about when you were a teenager, and then look at these kids and realize that you were completely normal and well-adjusted for your age.

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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Most Likeable Subject? #13
Sherman Tank


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Most Likeable Subject? #14
Who hasn't voted for Joan Ocean?  Her own friends are complicit in keeping her world a fun and exotic place, and if I were to go kind of taffy in the head, I'd want my friends to be doing that to me too.

That said, I was fond of Story Provider.  We don't know a thing about him, and he's just another "I write intentionally bad fanfic" and unfortunately, the Story Provider reading I liked best is hidden off the beaten F+ path.

Oh, and if this counts, I am a huge fan of James Joyce. (As a writer! Of books!) I also own "Absurdistan", which was read in the Pinstriped Balls episode -- the lengthy excerpt with the Russian guy who's sleeping with the extremely hairy-bushed ethnic woman -- and it is a HILARIOUS book, intentionally so. Great satire. The back cover describes it as Catch-22 meets South Park, which kind of sums it up. Were I a rich woman, I would pay the Ridiculists to do a full audiobook version for my enjoyment.Dacey Mormont, February 06, 2013, 10:37:57 pm

As for this, what you'd need to do is get in touch with the author of "Absurdistan" and ask for his written permission for a broadcast or an audio book or however-exactly-you-want-to-do-it.  Reading an entire novel is a bit gruelling and can take, on average, about eight hours, so I break it up into two hour chunks.