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June 15, 2024, 03:34:13 pm

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Topic: CTRL+V and post it  (Read 517851 times)

Great Joe

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CTRL+V and post it #1560
A May 9 archive of the subreddit shows that it had over 80,000 members, which is double its size since last year, but it’s not the largest gooning community on Reddit. That honor probably goes to r/Gooned which has nearly 1.4 million members and is still very much alive and posting frantically. r/Gooned is mostly for posting porn and arranging gooning meetups, while r/GoonCaves was dedicated to the art and craft of elaborate porn viewing battlestations.
Salubrious Rex VaMpIrESoFtWaRe

positive stress

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CTRL+V and post it #1561
That hairy hoodlum was guilty for walking through the moons of Jupiter.
Salubrious Rex Shell Game


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CTRL+V and post it #1562
Communities is a new feature in development, currently in beta testing. Our hope is to empower everyone on Tumblr to create new, dedicated spaces to connect with people over shared interests. It’s a bit like using tags but more contained, it’s a bit like having a shared blog but with more options, and it’s a bit like a group chat except it’s slower.
chai tea latte


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CTRL+V and post it #1563
Look if you gonna learn Japanese for professional career and stuff that is fine

But dear god if you learn a whole ass new language to play untranslated visual novels then leave touching grass you need to touch all the trees in Amazon forest


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CTRL+V and post it #1564
The ultimate shared human experience is being hangry. It crosses time and culture.
Dr. Buttplug

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #1565
I think sometimes it can be really hard to be a heterosexual couple early in the relationship living in a studio apartment in Manhattan in a building that’s almost entirely gay men.  Because the older, coupled, gay men always look really happy with their partners in their studio apartments.  The walls are thin and you never hear them fight, but you’re fighting.  And the younger uncoupled gay men are constantly chatting each other up in the elevator, inviting each other to parties, maybe having parties in their solo studio apartment.  So you’re comparing yourself to both these cohorts and coming up short, saying what’s wrong with heterosexuality?  Why can’t we do that?  And then you hang around a little bit and realize for the old guys, it’s that they’re just older and richer, which takes stress off, and they do fight but while on vacation.  The young guys from appearances are just having a great time.  Happy pride
VaMpIrESoFtWaRe PaulLovesToLaugh Dr. Buttplug

Dr. Buttplug

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CTRL+V and post it #1566
After the events of Ape Escape, the Pipo Monkeys that Spike caught in the previous adventure were sent to a "Virtual Space" invented by the Professor. However, the owner of Monkey Park reported the missing monkeys to the government. A sanitation check was determined to begin soon, and if the monkey pants were not clean by then, the Virtual Space would be taken down. It's up to Spike to collect and wash all of the Monkey Pants.
xX_sp00ks_Xx Salubrious Rex Antivehicular


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CTRL+V and post it #1567
there's no cat HIPPA so here's a pic of Mr fucko
Salubrious Rex Lumbermouth Dr. Buttplug