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Topic: Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN  (Read 33314 times)


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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN
with Boots Raingear, Jack Chick, Frank West, and Lemon.

Edited by Lemon

Content for this episode was provided by Montrith.

Coulrophobia (the fear of clowns) is a word that's only about three decades old. Presumably before that, people who were terrified of clowns were just called Person Who Has Seen A Clown Before. But a much less discovered topic is the one of coulrophilia, translated from the latin it means Perverts That Get Boners When They Think About Clowns Doing It, or more simply Tuesday on Fetlife. This week, The F Plus accidentally applies to work in the Circus.

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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN #1
no no no no no i have a lot of friends who clown, this is going to be awful

e: what the fuck

e2: a "munch" is a meetup of people into BDSM notable in that they just sort of get lunch or whatever and none of them do any kinky stuff, but nevertheless they're all kinky people.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 09:32:35 pm by kal-elk »

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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN #2
no no no no no i have a lot of friends who clown, this is going to be awful
kal-elk, October 09, 2013, 08:33:41 pm
Did they go to Clown College? When I was six or seven I found out that Clown College existed and I was totally enthralled by the idea of going to school specifically to wear fun makeup and make people laugh.

chai tea latte

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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN #3
no no no no no i have a lot of friends who clown, this is going to be awful
kal-elk, October 09, 2013, 08:33:41 pm
Did they go to Clown College? When I was six or seven I found out that Clown College existed and I was totally enthralled by the idea of going to school specifically to wear fun makeup and make people laugh.
Cuddlegoose, October 09, 2013, 09:38:26 pm
Most didn't, one or two had formal clown training. They're largely people who do circus arts (juggling, fire spinning, etc) and clown as an addition to that.


A man goes to see the doctor, complaining that he feels only sadness and alienation in a threatening world. The doctor says to him:
"Well, this is simple! The great clown Pagliacci is in town this week. Go see him, and I think that may help!"
"But doctor", complains the man, "it is not so simple. You see...I am sexually attracted to Pagliacci."
There is a silence which threatens to engulf all time itself, and then the doctor loudly says:
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Runic CormansInferno Baldr Really_Quite_Nice

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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN #4
Goddamnit this episode is like one of those Scooby Doo crossover specials where all of our favorite subjects just pop in wearing clown make-up, just to say hi.


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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN #5
Ten years ago, a friend searched for clown porn on my computer. I have always known this existed, but somehow it never occurred to me that I would have to relive that experience thanks to the F Plus. I suppose it always seemed like Juggalos filled the clown-quota in these parts. Perhaps, even, that clowns had become pasé in this modern internet of ours.

Thanks a lot, F Plus, for bringing all that back to me and proving otherwise. Goddammit.


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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN #6
Well, looks like I have a new favorite fetish episode. I'm sure there's something out there that could top the rainbow pubes and the cream pie enema and the everything else in the episode, but it'd be hell of time finding it.


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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN #7
Well, looks like I have a new favorite fetish episode. I'm sure there's something out there that could top the rainbow pubes and the cream pie enema and the everything else in the episode, but it'd be hell of time finding it.
Moriarty, October 10, 2013, 12:31:28 am

Is that a dare? I've got something under works...

chai tea latte

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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN #8
Well, looks like I have a new favorite fetish episode. I'm sure there's something out there that could top the rainbow pubes and the cream pie enema and the everything else in the episode, but it'd be hell of time finding it.
Moriarty, October 10, 2013, 12:31:28 am

Is that a dare? I've got something under works...
montrith, October 10, 2013, 01:42:58 am
Somehow, Montrith, I'm not actually surprised.


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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN #9
Ten years ago, a friend searched for clown porn on my computer.advancedclass, October 09, 2013, 11:22:45 pm

The wording here makes it sound like they were trying to find the secret clown porn folder down on your R: drive.


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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN #10
True Forced Clowning
Alpha Starsquatch 🍆 znarf


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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN #11
Ten years ago, a friend searched for clown porn on my computer.advancedclass, October 09, 2013, 11:22:45 pm

The wording here makes it sound like they were trying to find the secret clown porn folder down on your R: drive.
Isfahan, October 10, 2013, 04:25:08 am

SHIT. The dark truth discovered due to poorly worded forum posts. Curse you, Detective Isfahan.


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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN #12
Well, looks like I have a new favorite fetish episode. I'm sure there's something out there that could top the rainbow pubes and the cream pie enema and the everything else in the episode, but it'd be hell of time finding it.
Moriarty, October 10, 2013, 12:31:28 am

Is that a dare? I've got something under works...
montrith, October 10, 2013, 01:42:58 am

You know, some day Montrith is going to run out of ways to top her previous horrors, and I suspect that once that day comes, she'll be too addicted to our grimaces of terror, our wails and pleas for mercy, and she'll want, no, NEED, more.

That day, Montrith is going to start CREATING terrors. She'll labour behind the scenes to spawn new and horrifying fetishes and Tumblr movements, just to make us cry out in fear.

Maybe she's already begun.


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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN #13
You know, I think this episode deserves credit for being a fetish-centric episode that was just outright hilarious, rather than disgusting.


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Episode 113: BOINK THE CLOWN #14
I agree. This stuff is just too inherently silly to be gross.