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Topic: As a snake I approve of this board.  (Read 102746 times)


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As a snake I approve of this board. #45


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As a snake I approve of this board. #46
Goddammit, Goodfellow!  I was all ready to go with the same fuckin candy picture.  Fine.  I shall adapt and give a slight variation on the genus.


« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 09:55:25 am by bunnybread »


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As a snake I approve of this board. #47
One last one.  I am not being paid to make rebuses (rebii?)




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As a snake I approve of this board. #48

Note: The first time I used a can was due to the element of tin being SN, and the second time was just because of the word 'can'. I realise that could be confusing. Don't h8.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 10:03:38 am by Goodfellow »


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As a snake I approve of this board. #49
Goodfellow, I think you are making Rebus Goldberg Devices.  Dial down the 'Obtuse' and crank up the 'Simplify' a little bit.


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As a snake I approve of this board. #50
Okay, I'll give it a shot. Wish me luck.


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As a snake I approve of this board. #51
(it is a grass snake get it)


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As a snake I approve of this board. #52
Nope, sorry.  I guess you suck at everything.

You get a big Thumbs Up for trying though!


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As a snake I approve of this board. #53

scatmaster rama RoeCocoa


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As a snake I approve of this board. #54
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gio

class HelloWorldApp(Gtk.Application):
    def __init__(self):
        Gtk.Application.__init__(self, application_id="apps.test.helloworld",
        self.connect("activate", self.on_activate)
    def on_activate(self, data=None):
        window = Gtk.Window(type=Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL)
        window.set_title("Gtk3 Python Example")
        label = Gtk.Label("Hello World!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = HelloWorldApp()


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As a snake I approve of this board. #55
We already did that one. Twice.


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As a snake I approve of this board. #56
Ok, special ALL ROCKERS edition.



chai tea latte

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As a snake I approve of this board. #57
Oughtn't that third image come first?


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As a snake I approve of this board. #58
We get to this guy yet?


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As a snake I approve of this board. #59
Page 3.
We get to this guy yet?
Down10, March 27, 2013, 02:17:19 am